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Andreas Schmid edited this page Oct 23, 2016 · 50 revisions

Below you can find code examples for all supported features. Browsing the integration tests you can find even more examples. Please have a look at the corresponding packages for Java and Groovy integration tests.

Array syntax

Since: v1.0.0

This was the first use case for Java and its native array syntax support:

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;


public class DataProviderArraySyntaxTest {

    public static Object[][] dataProviderAdd() {
        // @formatter:off
        return new Object[][] {
                { 0, 0, 0 },
                { 1, 1, 2 },
                /* ... */
        // @formatter:on

    public void testAdd(int a, int b, int expected) {
        // When:
        int result = a + b;

        // Then:
        assertEquals(expected, result);

Please note that if you only have a single parameter test method, since v1.10.3 you can also use Object[] instead.

String syntax

Since: v1.7.0 and further customizable since v1.8.0

If you don't want to maintain two methods for the dataprovider and the test method, you can use the String syntax. Here, instead of using @UseDataProvider to point to a method providing test data, you directly pass test data using @DataProvider annotation and its #value() method to provide an array of regex-separated Strings (via #splitBy(); default ","). After splitting, each String value can be trimmed back by spaces (= " "), tabs (= "\t) and line-separator (= "\n" or "\r") (via #trimValues(); default true). The resulting String is then parsed to its corresponding type in the test method signature. All

  • primitive types (e.g. char, boolean, int),
  • primitive wrapper types (e.g. Long, Double),
  • case-sensitive Enum names,
  • Strings, and
  • types having single-argument String constructor are supported. The String "null" will be passed as null object or "null" String according to #convertNulls() (default true).
    // @formatter:off
    @DataProvider(value = {
        "               |  0",
        "a              |  1",
        "abc            |  3",
        "veryLongString | 14",
    }, splitBy = "\\|", trimValues = true)
    // @formatter:on
    public void testStringLength2(String str, int expectedLength) {
        // Expect:

    @DataProvider({ "null", "" })
    public void testIsEmptyString2(String str) {
        // When:
        boolean isEmpty = (str == null) ? true : str.isEmpty();

        // Then:

For more information about the @DataProvider options, see

You can also use the String syntax in a separate @DataProvider method:

    public static String[] dataProviderFileExistence() {
        // @formatter:off
        return new String[] {
                "src,             true",
                "src/main,        true",
                "src/main/java/,  true",
                "src/test/java/,  true",
                "test,            false",
        // @formatter:on

    public void testFileExistence(File file, boolean expected) {
        // Expect:
        assertEquals(expected, file.exists());

This feature is inspired by JUnitParams and @janschaefer.

Iterable syntax

Since: v1.6.0 For other languages on the JVM which have native List support, you can use junit-dataprovider's List syntax.

Note: The below example is Groovy. This only makes sense if you are not able to use the very powerful Spock framework, e.g. see (#12).

Since: v1.10.3 You can also use List<Object> if you only have a single parameter test method.

Since: v1.12.0 You can use any subclass of Iterable instead of only List for the inner and outer type. Be aware, though, that the order of the inner Iterable is important, so Set might not be a good choice. Also Object is no longer necessary as element type. You can use anything as type checking is done once converting to the desired parameter types.

import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat

import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.runner.RunWith


class DataProviderTest {

    static List<List<Object>> dataProviderBooleanLogicAnd() {
        // @formatter:off
        return [
            [ false,  false,  false ],
            [ true,   false,  false ],
            [ false,  true,   false ],
            [ true,   true,   true ],
        // @formatter:on

    void 'test boolean logic for "and"'(op1, op2, expected) {
        // Expect:
        assert (op1 && op2) == expected

Custom dataprovider method resolvers

Since: v1.12.0 The ability to provide custom resolvers to find proper dataprovider methods is added. The current logic was moved to DefaultDataProviderMethodResolver which is the used default implementation. This means the code is fully backwards compatible. See also sections Change @DataProvider location and Convention over configuration for its features. In addition junit-dataprovider is enabled to return multiple dataprovider methods.

     * {@link DataProviderMethodResolver} which returns all dataproviders which start with the name of the {@code testMethod}.
    private static class DataProviderStartWithTestMethodNameResolver extends DefaultDataProviderMethodResolver {
        protected List<FrameworkMethod> findDataProviderMethods(List<TestClass> locations, String testMethodName, String useDataProviderValue) {
            List<FrameworkMethod> result = new ArrayList<FrameworkMethod>();
            for (TestClass location : locations) {
                List<FrameworkMethod> dataProviderMethods = location.getAnnotatedMethods(DataProvider.class);
                for (FrameworkMethod dataProviderMethod : dataProviderMethods) {
                    if (dataProviderMethod.getName().startsWith(testMethodName)) {
            return result;

    private static AtomicInteger counter;

    public static void setupClass() {
        counter = new AtomicInteger(0);

    public static void tearDownClass() {

    public static Object[][] testNumberOne() {
        // @formatter:off
        return new Object[][] {
            { (byte) 1 },
        // @formatter:on

    public static Object[][] testNumberTwo() {
        // @formatter:off
        return new Object[][] {
            { 2 },
            { Integer.valueOf(3) }
        // @formatter:on

    public static Set<Number> testNumberThree() {
        Set<Number> result = new LinkedHashSet<Number>();
        return result;

    @UseDataProvider(resolver = DataProviderStartWithTestMethodNameResolver.class)
    public void testNumber(Number number) {
        // When:
        int count = counter.incrementAndGet();

        // Then:

For a full code example, see Please also note that this is not the best test case as it depends on the order of the found dataprovider methods. But it works as a good enough demonstration, producing the following test result:

<testcase name="testNumber[0: 1]" classname="" time="0.145"/>
<testcase name="testNumber[0: 2]" classname="" time="0.0"/>
<testcase name="testNumber[1: 3]" classname="" time="0.0"/>
<testcase name="testNumber[0: 4]" classname="" time="0.001"/>
<testcase name="testNumber[1: 5]" classname="" time="0.0"/>
<testcase name="testNumber[2: 6.0]" classname="" time="0.0"/>

Please note that currently the numbering is reset for every dataprovider method, i.e. it starts three times from zero with three dataproviders. If this causes problems for you, please do not hesitate to open an issue here.

Change @DataProvider location

Since: v1.5.0

This feature is especially helpful if you will reuse a @DataProvider for multiple tests of different classes.

public class DataProviderFromOtherLocationTest {

    @UseDataProvider(value = "dataProviderIsStringLengthGreaterTwo",
                     location = StringDataProvider.class)
    public void testIsStringLengthGreaterThanTwo(String str, boolean expected) {
        // When:
        boolean isGreaterThanTwo = (str == null) ? false : str.length() > 2;

        // Then:

public class StringDataProvider {

    public static Object[][] dataProviderIsStringLengthGreaterTwo() {
        // @formatter:off
        return new Object[][] {
                { "",       false },
                { "1",      false },
                { "12",     false },
                { "123",    true },
                { "Test",   true },
        // @formatter:on

Varargs support

Since: v1.10.0

    public static Object[][] dataProviderVarargs3() {
        // @formatter:off
        return $$(
                $('b', 0),
                $('c', 1, 2, 3)
        // @formatter:on

    public void testVarargs3(char c, int... is) {
        for (int i : is) {

    // @formatter:off
            "x, y, z",
    // @formatter:on
    public void testVarargs2(String... strings) {
        for (String s : strings) {

@BeforeClass support

Since: v1.9.2 Until: v1.10.3

!!!Breaking change!!! if you use the results of a @BeforeClass method within a dataprovider method in v1.10.4 removing the @BeforeClass support again, as there were various complains, see #49 and #64.

All static @BeforeClass setup methods are executed before any @DataProvider such that all static fields can be prepared in these test setup methods and smoothly accessed within @DataProvider methods:

    private static String emptyString = null;
    private static String notEmptyString = null;

    public static void setup() {
        emptyString = "";
        notEmptyString = "notEmpty";

    public static Object[][] dataProviderNotNullStringsSetInBeforeClass() {
        // @formatter:off
        return new Object[][] {
                { emptyString },
                { notEmptyString },
        // @formatter:on

    public void testNotNullStringsSetInBeforeClass(String str) {
        // Given:

        // Expected:
        assertThat(str != null).isTrue();

Note: @ClassRule are not executed before the static @DataProvider method currently because I see no possibility doing this. The problem is that JUnit rules are undividable "befores" and "afters" which internally surround a Statement executing all created tests (besides some other things). To create all tests, though, the dataprovider methods must be executed already ... :-(

Customize test method name

Since: v1.9.0

If you want to customize the test method names because they are too long or should fit a special need for later parsing, you can do this easily by customizing @DataProviders format(). The following placeholders are provided by default (also see

Placeholder Example Description
%c DataProviderRunnerTest Simple name of test method class (= Class#getSimpleName())
%cc .junit.dataprovider .DataProviderRunnerTest Canonical name of test method class (= Class#getCanonicalName())
%m testIsEmptyString Simple name of test method (= Method#getName())
%cm com.tngtech.test .java.junit.dataprovider .DataProviderJavaAcceptanceTest .testIsEmptyString(java.lang.String) Complete signature of test method (= Method#toString())
%i 13 Index of the dataprovider test of current test method (starting at 0}). Useful to generate unique method descriptions.
%p[x] test, , 4 Subscripting all parameters by positive or negative index (e.g. 1) and range (0..-2). All indices may either be positive (starting at 0 and increment) to number parameters from the beginning or negative (starting from -1 and decrement) to number parameters from the end.

But be aware of using this feature, as it may break the following other features:

  • Running all tests for one dataprovider (in various IDEs) and jumping to a test method by double-clicking it (in Eclipse) does only work if the custom @DataProvider#format() starts with the test method name (= %m) followed by a character which is not a valid java identifier, e.g. " ", "[", "(", ":", or "-".
  • If test method names are not unique within its class, it can cause indeterministic behavior!
    // ...

    @DataProvider(format = "%m: %p[0] * %p[1] == %p[2]")
    public static Object[][] dataProviderMultiply() {
        // @formatter:off
        return new Object[][] {
                {  0,  0,  0 },
                {  0,  1,  0 },
                {  1,  1,  1 },
                {  1, -1, -1 },
                { -1, -1,  1 },
                {  1,  2,  2 },
                {  6,  7, 42 },
        // @formatter:on

    public void testMultiply(int a, int b, int expected) {
        // Expect:
        assertThat(a * b).isEqualTo(expected);

    // ...

The results would look like:

<testcase name="testMultiply: 0 * 0 == 0"   classname="" time="0.058"/>
<testcase name="testMultiply: -1 * 0 == 0"  classname="" time="0.0"/>
<testcase name="testMultiply: 0 * 1 == 0"   classname="" time="0.0"/>
<testcase name="testMultiply: 1 * 1 == 1"   classname="" time="0.0"/>
<testcase name="testMultiply: 1 * -1 == -1" classname="" time="0.001"/>
<testcase name="testMultiply: -1 * -1 == 1" classname="" time="0.0"/>
<testcase name="testMultiply: 1 * 2 == 2"   classname="" time="0.0"/>
<testcase name="testMultiply: -1 * 2 == -2" classname="" time="0.0"/>
<testcase name="testMultiply: -1 * -2 == 2" classname="" time="0.0"/>
<testcase name="testMultiply: -1 * -2 == 2" classname="" time="0.0"/>
<testcase name="testMultiply: 6 * 7 == 42"  classname="" time="0.001"/>

For more information about the default placeholders, see If you want to further customize the test method name, you can implement and add your own placeholder as following:

public class StripParameterLengthPlaceholder extends ParameterPlaceholder {
    private final int maxLength;

    public StripParameterLengthPlaceholder(int maxLength) {
        this.maxLength = maxLength;

    protected String formatAll(Object[] parameters) {
        StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
            String formattedParameter = format(parameters[i]);
            if (formattedParameter.length() > maxLength) {
                stringBuilder.append(formattedParameter.substring(0, maxLength - 5));
                stringBuilder.append(formattedParameter.substring(formattedParameter.length() - 5));
            } else {
            if (i < parameters.length - 1) {
                stringBuilder.append(", ");
        return stringBuilder.toString();
    public static void setup() {
        Placeholders.all().add(0, new StripParameterLengthPlaceholder(10));
    public static void teardown() {

    // @formatter:off
        "veryVeryLongMethodNameWhichMustBeStripped,                                      null, false",
        "veryVeryLongMethodNameWhichMustBeStripped,                                          , false",
        "veryVeryLongMethodNameWhichMustBeStripped, veryVeryLongMethodNameWhichMustBeStripped,  true",
        "veryverylongmethodnamewhichmustbestripped, veryVeryLongMethodNameWhichMustBeStripped,  true",
        "veryVeryLongMethodNameWhichMustBeStripped, veryverylongmethodnamewhichmustbestripped,  true"
    // @formatter:on
    public void testEqualsIgnoreCase(String methodName1, String methodName2, boolean expected) {
        // Expected:

For the full example, see

Note: If you want to globally add Placeholders.all().add(0, new StripParameterLengthPlaceholder(10));, you can better do it within a static initializer in a test base class.

Access FrameworkMethod in @DataProvider

Since: v1.8.0

    public @interface ExternalFile {
        public enum Format {

        Format format();
        String value();

    public static Object[][] loadFromExternalFile(FrameworkMethod testMethod) {
        String testDataFile = testMethod.getAnnotation(ExternalFile.class).value();
        // Load the data from the external file here ...
        return new Object[][] { { testDataFile } };

    @ExternalFile(format = ExternalFile.Format.CSV, value = "testdata.csv")
    public void testThatUsesUniversalDataProvider(String testData) {
        // Expect:

Thanks to @barancev for the pull request (#28).

Utility methods

Since: v1.9.0

To be able to use the full power of these utility methods, add* as [Eclipse][] type favorite (via Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Content Assist -> Favorites and New Type....

    import static*;

    public static Object[][] dataProviderAdd() {
        // @formatter:off
        return $$(
                $( -1, -1, -2 ),
                $( -1,  0, -1 ),
                $(  0, -1, -1 ),
                $(  0,  0,  0 ),
                $(  0,  1,  1 ),
                $(  1,  0,  1 ),
                $(  1,  1,  2 )
        // @formatter:on

    public static Object[][] dataProviderStringIsNullOrEmpty() {
        return testForEach(null, "");

    public static Object[][] dataProviderRoundingMode() {
        return testForEach(java.math.RoundingMode.class);

Inspired by @michaeladler.

Convention over configuration

Dataprovider method name

Since: v1.10.4

If @UseDataProvider does not provide an explicitly given value() the dataprovider method name is tried to be determined automatically by the following conventions in order:

  • @DataProvider annotated method which name equals the test method name
  • @DataProvider annotated method whereby prefix is replaced one out of the following table:
Prefix Replacement
test dataProvider
test data
  • @DataProvider annotated method whereby additional prefix dataProvider or data is given. Also the first letter of the original test method name is uppercased, e.g. shouldReturnTwoForOnePlusOne could correspond to dataProviderShouldReturnTwoForOnePlusOne.

OSGi compatible MANIFEST.MF

Since: v1.10.1