Django-Template-Docx provide all the necessities to easily include docx merging capabilities to any Django project.
Main functionnalities:
- Easy data definition for developpers
- Autogenerated documentations for end users
- complete set of views and templates for end users to upload templates and download them merged
pip install django-docx-template
Then update your settings:
to finish, wire urls:
# config/
from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path, include
urlpatterns = [
path("docx/", include("django_docx_template.urls")),
First you'll need to create a source of data:
# my_app/
from django_docx_template.data_sources import DataSource
# let's imagine you have a Model Person
from .models import Person
class PersonSource(data_sources.DataSource):
# properties
label = "Data source for Person"
model = Person
url_args = {"pk": "int"}
# fields that will be used for merging
first_name = data_sources.Field(examples=["Pierre", "Paul"])
last_name = data_sources.Field(examples=["Smith", "Dupont"])
size = data_sources.Field(examples=["180", "190"])
favorite_color = data_sources.Field(source="color__label", examples=["red", "blue"])
then you need to add the data source to your settings:
# config/
Now your end users can access :
- docx/sources/ to explore data sources and related documentation
- docx/templates/ to browse and upload new templates
- docx/templates/detail/ to test downloading document
For example, to download a document with slug="identity" and wired to the data source previously built, the url would be /docx/template/detail/identity/123 (where 123 is a person_id).
- add documentations
- Make a ModelDataSource that really autogenerated doc from field type and help argument
- Then make a mixin that turn a Model into DataSource (would be awesome)
- Add managed command to help generate DataSource
- Customize admin views
- Add options to make DocxTemplates invisible or undeletable to wire them in other part of the app without risking enduser changing it
- Add protection mechanisms to provided views to restrict them to a particular set of users or restrict template list
- Add check mechanisms to valid docx document on upload (example a tag in the document that is not in the datasource should raise a warning because it will never be populated)
Please, use Black as code formatter and make sure the test coverage stick to 100%.
To run test, please see ; if you know a better way to do it I am all ears :D
For packaging, use Poetry:
poetry build
poetry publish --username xxx --password xxxx
Because it is fun !