- [CHANGED] allow scenarios defined with 0 probability
- [CHANGED] avoid division by 0 in network utilization
- [CHANGED] avoid values of BigM = 0.0
- [CHANGED] change modeling of negative reactances
- [CHANGED] introduce maximum shifting time for DSM
- [CHANGED] combine load level weight and duration
- [CHANGED] combine period weight and probability
- [CHANGED] fix some typos in cost summary
- [CHANGED] introduce annual discount rate to move money along the time
- [FIXED] control of non-negative values of some input data
- [CHANGED] avoid fixing voltage angle for the reference node with single node option
- [CHANGED] split the objective function and investment constraints in two scripts
- [CHANGED] introduce initial and final period for each generator/line. The periods must be non-negative integers
- [CHANGED] define the scenario probability of each period.
- [CHANGED] introduce changes to allow multiperiod cases.
- [CHANGED] introduce some infeasibility detection.
- [CHANGED] additional control on definition of ESS units.
- [CHANGED] exchange the order of scenario and period to do dynamic expansion planning.
- [CHANGED] introduce options for deactivating the up/down ramp constraints and the minimum up/down time constraints.
- [CHANGED] introduce a single-node option for running a case study as a single node (no network constraints).
- [CHANGED] new option value 2 for IndBinGenInvest, IndBinGenRetirement, IndBinNetInvest for ignoring the investment/retirement decisions.
- [CHANGED] re-group the generation operation constraints by topics in separate functions.
- [CHANGED] change some names of output results to organize them by topics.
- [CHANGED] saving new results about incremental generator 'oT_Result_IncrementalGenerator_'+CaseName+'.csv'.
- [CHANGED] saving new results about incremental emission of generators with surplus 'oT_Result_GenerationIncrementalEmission_'+CaseName+'.csv'.
- [CHANGED] saving new results about generation ramp surplus in 'oT_Result_GenerationRampUpSurplus_'+CaseName+'.csv' and 'oT_Result_GenerationRampDwSurplus_'+CaseName+'.csv'.
- [CHANGED] saving new results about generation surplus in 'oT_Result_GenerationSurplus_'+CaseName+'.csv'.
- [CHANGED] saving new results about incremental variable cost of generators with surplus in 'oT_Result_GenerationIncrementalVariableCost_'+CaseName+'.csv'.
- [CHANGED] change of domain of some p.u. parameters to UnitInterval and others to Reals
- [CHANGED] change output of units not contributing to operating reserves
- [CHANGED] change on the assessment of the termination condition
- [FIXED] detect ESS that only pump/charge
- [FIXED] exclude contribution to operating reserves of units with NoOperatingReserves=yes
- [FIXED] fix computation of dual variables of operating reserves
- [FIXED] fix computation of log console option
- [CHANGED] Permanent presence of the solver log file
- [CHANGED] LP-file writing depends of the pIndLogConsole
- [FIXED] Append function updated to cumulate all stages before plotting the LSRMC
- [CHANGED] Condition updated in ProblemSolving to use Gurobi or Mosek
- [FIXED] Legend in nodes in the network map
- [CHANGED] Use of the CBC as a recommended solver instead of GLPK
- [CHANGED] Adding pIndLogConsole in openTEPES_ProblemSolving.py
- [CHANGED] improved network map representation in html
- [CHANGED] console log as option in input data
- [CHANGED] improved representation of operating reserves
- [FIXED] inertia constraints
- [FIXED] typos in output results
- [CHANGED] introduce html plots based on Altair
- [FIXED] plots associated to ESS technologies
- [FIXED] assessment of the locational short-run marginal costs
- [FIXED] assessment of the locational short-run marginal costs
- [CHANGED] introduction of a retirement cost to allow retirement decisions
- [CHANGED] elimination of line switching states
- [FIXED] Generalization of the maximum commitment and mutually exclusive constraints
- [FIXED] Removing option when the solver is called in ProblemSolving
- [FIXED] adding mutually exclusive formulation for ESS, add output results of reserve margin
- [CHANGED] introduction of mutually exclusive generator in generation file
- [CHANGED] Using TimeStep of 4 instead of 2 in Cases 9n and sSEP to speed-up the packaging tests
- [FIXED] fix magnitude of the emission output
- [FIXED] fix initialization of synchronous condenser and shunt candidate
- [FIXED] fix in some equations the activation of the operating reserves
- [FIXED] fix typo in network investment constraint to include candidate lines
- [FIXED] change location of lea and lca computation
- [CHANGED] definition of switching stages with dict and data files to allow less granularity in switching decisions
- [FIXED] typos in line switching equations and redefinition of lea and lca sets
- [FIXED] typo in equation formulating the total output of a unit
- [CHANGED] introduce binary commitment option for each unit
- [CHANGED] introduce adequacy reserve margin for each area
- [CHANGED] introduce availability for each unit
- [FIXED] typo in investment constraint in model formulation
- [CHANGED] updated for pyomo 6.0
- [CHANGED] if not defined length computed as geographical distance
- [CHANGED] line length added in network input file
- [FIXED] error in output results due to stage weight
- [CHANGED] new inertia constraint for each area
- [FIXED] change column BinarySwitching by Switching in network data meaning that line is able to switch or not
- [FIXED] fix output results of storage utilization
- [CHANGED] new ESS inventory utilization result file
- [FIXED] protection against stage with no load levels
- [FIXED] introduction of stage weight in the operation variable cost
- [CHANGED] generalize the definition of stages to allow using representative stages (weeks, days, etc.)
- [CHANGED] initialize shutdown variable
- [FIXED] fix error in conditions to formulate the relationship between UC, startup and shutdown
- [CHANGED] very small parameters -> 0 depending on the area
- [CHANGED] avoid use of list if not needed
- [CHANGED] new input files VariableMaxConsumption and VariableMinConsumption and MininmumCharge column in Generation file
- [CHANGED] change names of MaximumStorage (MinimumStorage) files to VariableMaxStorage (VariableMinStorage)
- [CHANGED] avoid superfluous equations
- [CHANGED] separate model data and optimization model
- [FIXED] fix commitment, startup and shutdown decisions of hydro units
- [FIXED] output results of storage units
- [FIXED] detection of storage units
- [FIXED] fix line switch off constraint
- [FIXED] determine the commitment and output of generating units at the beginning of each stage
- [CHANGED] remove a warning in InputData
- [CHANGED] added three new output files for line commitment, switch on and off
- [CHANGED] added three four output files for ESS energy outflows
- [FIXED] fix writing flexibility files for ESS
- [CHANGED] introduction of Power-to-X in ESS. Modifies the Generation file and introduces a new EnergyOutflows file
- [CHANGED] introduction of switching decision for transmission lines. Modifies the Option file and introduces a new column BinarySwitching in Network file
- [CHANGED] using README.rst instead of README.md
- [CHANGED] split openTEPES_ModelFormulation.py in multiple functions related to investment and operating constraints
- [CHANGED] split openTEPES_OutputResults.py in multiple functions related to investment and operating variables
- [FIXED] changed location of the shell openTEPES to sub folder openTEPES with all modules
- [FIXED] updated _init_.py
- [CHANGED] included metadata in pyproject.toml and also requirements (only pyomo, matplotlib, numpy, pandas, and psutil.)
- [CHANGED] created a README.md file