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235 lines (196 loc) · 6.23 KB

File metadata and controls

235 lines (196 loc) · 6.23 KB

Script header

// ==SE_module==
// name: Your module name
// description: Your module description
// version: 1.0
// author: You
// ==/SE_module==

Global scope

  • logInfo (messages: ObjectArray)
logInfo("hello", 14, false)
  • type (className: String) gives an interface for static method calls, static fields and instantiation
var logObject = type("android.util.Log").newInstance()
logInfo(logObject) // prints "android.util.Log@000000"
type("java.lang.System").out.println("Hello!") // prints "Hello!"
  • findClass (className: String) returns a java.lang.Class for a given class name
logInfo(findClass("java.lang.System")) // prints "class java.lang.System"
  • longToast/shortToast(message: String) show a toast on the screen

Execution sides

module.onManagerLoad = () => {
  // run code when manager context is started

module.onSnapActivity = () => {
  // run code when the main snapchat activity is created


Pass event through any execution side

module.onManagerLoad = () => {
  // declare event in manager side
  ipc.on("hello", args => {
    logInfo("Got event from snapchat app! arguments: ", args)

module.onSnapActivity = () => {
  // send event to the manager from the snapchat app
  ipc.emit("hello", 1337)

Pass events between other installed scripts

  • script1.js
module.onManagerLoad = () => {
  ipc.onBroadcast("mychannel", "eventA", (args) => {
    logInfo("eventA called from script1.js => " + args)
  • script2.js
module.onManagerLoad = () => {
  ipc.onBroadcast("mychannel", "eventA", (args) => {
    logInfo("eventA called from script2.js => " + args)
    ipc.broadcast("mychannel", "eventC", "hello")
  • script3.js
module.onSnapActivity = () => {
  ipc.onBroadcast("mychannel", "eventC", (args) => {
    logInfo("eventC called from script3.js => " + args)
  // channel, eventName, data
  ipc.broadcast("mychannel", "eventA", "hi")

result (android logcat)

eventA called from script1.js => hi
eventA called from script2.js => hi
eventC called from script3.js => hello



  • enum HookStage is a string value of "before" or "after"

  • class HookCallback :

    • properties
      • getter/setter result: Object
      • getter thisObject: Object
      • getter method: JavaMember
      • getter args: ObjectArray
    • functions
      • cancel()
      • arg(index: Integer)
      • setArg(index: Integer, value: Object)
      • invokeOriginal()
      • invokeOriginal(args: ObjectArray)
  • function HookUnhook unhooks hooked members

public interface

  • Find members

    • findMethod (class: JavaClass, methodName: String) => Member
    • findMethod (className: String, methodName: String) => Member
    • findMethodWithParameters (class: JavaClass, methodName: String, types: StringArray) => Member
    • findMethodWithParameters (className: String, methodName: String, types: StringArray) => Member
    • findConstructor (class: JavaClass, types: StringArray) => Member
    • findConstructor (className: String, types: StringArray) => Member
  • Hook members

    • hook (member: JavaMember, stage: HookStage, callback: HookCallback) => HookUnhook
    • hookAllMethods (class: JavaClass, methodName: String, stage: HookStage, callback: HookCallback) => HookUnhook
    • hookAllMethods (className: String, methodName: String, stage: HookStage, callback: HookCallback) => HookUnhook
    • hookAllConstructors (class: JavaClass, stage: HookStage, callback: HookCallback) => HookUnhook
    • hookAllConstructors (className: String, stage: HookStage, callback: HookCallback) => HookUnhook


module.onSnapActivity = () => {
  hooker.hookAllConstructors("com.snapchat.client.messaging.Message", "before", callback => {
    logInfo("Message constructor " + callback.thisObject)

  val hookerUnhook = hooker.hook(
    hooker.findMethod("com.snapchat.client.network_api.NetworkApi$CppProxy", "submit"), 
    (callback) => {
      logInfo("NetworkApi submit " + callback.arg(0))

  // unhook when needed using this call

Interface builder

Allows to build dynamic interface in the manager Create a menu:

im.create("settings", builder => {
  builder.text("Hello world!")


  • setAttribute(key: String, value: Object) -> Node : set a custom attribute of the node
  • padding(value: Integer) -> Node : set the padding of the node
  • color(value: Integer) -> Node : set the color of the node
  • fontSize(value: Integer) -> Node : set the font size of the node
  • label(value: String) -> Node : set the label of the node

enum Arrangement

start end top bottom center spaceBetween spaceAround spaceEvenly

enum Alignment

start end top bottom centerVertically centerHorizontally


  • arrangement(value: Arrangement) -> RowColumnNode : set the arrangement of the node
  • alignment(value: Alignment) -> RowColumnNode : set the alignment of the node
  • spacedBy(value: Integer) -> RowColumnNode : set the spacing of the child nodes

Builder functions:

  • row(builderCallback) -> RowColumnNode: create a row
  • column(builderCallback) -> RowColumnNode: create a column
  • text(content: String) -> Node : create a text view
  • switch(state: Boolean?, callback: (Boolean) -> Void) -> Node : create a switch node
  • button(label: String, callback: () -> Void) : create a button
  • slider(min: Int, max: Int, step: Int, value: Int, callback: (Integer) -> Void): create a integer slider
  • onLaunched(callback) : Trigger callback when the menu appear on the screen


im.create("settings", builder => {
  builder.text("My Title").padding(10).color(0xff000000).fontSize(20)
  builder.row(builder => {
    var textView = builder.text("myValue : unknown")
    builder.slider(0, 100, 50, 1, value => {
      // set the textview value
      textView.label("myValue : " + value)
  builder.row(builder => {
    var mySwitchText = builder.text("mySwitch: unknown")
    builder.switch(false, value => {
      mySwitchText.label("mySwitch: " + switchValue)
  builder.onLaunched(() => {
    longToast("menu shown!")