diff --git a/bin/functions/Toolbox/App_Launcher/Core_Utilities/start_st.bat b/bin/functions/Toolbox/App_Launcher/Core_Utilities/start_st.bat index 7b70ae0..84e5928 100644 --- a/bin/functions/Toolbox/App_Launcher/Core_Utilities/start_st.bat +++ b/bin/functions/Toolbox/App_Launcher/Core_Utilities/start_st.bat @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ echo %blue_bg%[%time%]%reset% %blue_fg_strong%[INFO]%reset% Log file found, scan :loop REM Use PowerShell to search for the error message -powershell -Command "try { $content = Get-Content '%logs_st_console_path%' -Raw; if ($content -match 'Error: Cannot find module') { exit 1 } elseif ($content -match 'SillyTavern is listening on:') { exit 0 } else { exit 2 } } catch { exit 2 }" +powershell -Command "try { $content = Get-Content '%logs_st_console_path%' -Raw; if ($content -match 'Error: Cannot find module') { exit 1 } elseif ($content -match 'SillyTavern is listening on') { exit 0 } else { exit 2 } } catch { exit 2 }" set "ps_errorlevel=%errorlevel%" if %ps_errorlevel% equ 0 (