- 2ab9ec6e: Add exchange rate API.
- b0a1ea99: Added HostsList API.
- Updated dependencies [ef647e54]
- @siafoundation/[email protected]
- b53dc63a: Modifed Event type to match developing explored implementation.
- 2207daf7: Fixed address routes to return arrays and use ExplorerEvent type.
- 84c409e9: Added 'host' to SearchResultType.
- 292e6e23: Rename block metrics APIs.
- 7a93acf1: Add hostMetrics API.
- 288841e4: Removed possibly null option for confirmation fields on ExplorerFileContract.
- cf5c2842: Added the HostByPubkey API.
- ecec83f1: Updated ExplorerFileContract type for refactored inclusion of output ID.
- Updated dependencies [36b55f89]
- @siafoundation/[email protected]
- 2bb6a0d3: In ExplorerFileContract, changed confirmationIndex and confirmationTxnID to possibly null.
- f3686029: Changed all fields except id to optional on the ExplorerTransaction type.
- 24ce33b9: Added contractionRevisions API.
- 866fc68d: Added transactionID property to the ExplorerFileContract type.
- 9ba91ad7: Re-export base SiacoinOutput type.
- 411e378d: Added null case to proof* fields in the ExplorerFileContract type.
- 7767e65a: Added confirmation transaction and proof transaction information to the ExplorerFileContract type.
- 24b984b2: Added host announcements to the ExplorerTransaction type.
- ff5dc113: Added the TransactionChainIndices API.
- 79470441: Added the ExplorerSiacoinInput and ExplorerSiafundInput types.
- a0aff962: Add timestamp field to ExplorerBlock type.
- f3100c8e: Change Source type from number to string to match responses.
- 5e478dc3: Added id field to ExplorerTransaction type.
- 6bb9322f: Updated routes to match explored API changes.
- 3c66edbb: Fixed webpack-related empty export warning.
- 04b45f7d: Added the explored-types, js, and react libraries.
- Updated dependencies [04b45f7d]
- @siafoundation/[email protected]
- Updated dependencies [a64f40cc]
- @siafoundation/[email protected]