Note that to show images, it is required to load the loaders from egui_extras:
egui_extras = { version = "0.28", features = ["default", "all_loaders", "serde"] }
# serde should not be here -- it fixes a bug in the .0 release
and add egui_extras into
"eframe template",
Box::new(|cc| {
// This gives us image support:
egui_extras::install_image_loaders(&cc.egui_ctx); <<< add here
Now that the image loaders are present, let's insert an image from memory.
First we create a Vec of length 40*40 and fill it with decimal 100 (a grayscale value between 0 and 255):
/* ======================================================================================= */
// WORKS !!!
// Add a slider to set the grayscale
ui.add(egui::Slider::new(&mut self.slider_val, 0..=255));
/* ======================================================================================= */
let v: Vec<u8> = vec![self.slider_val; 40 * 40];
let ci = ColorImage::from_gray([40,40], &v);
Then we use the vector data to "load" the texture data, give it a TextureId and size it, then display the image:
let tex: TextureHandle = ctx.load_texture("tex name", ci, Default::default());
let tex_id: TextureId = TextureId::from(&tex);
let st: SizedTexture = SizedTexture {
id: tex_id,
size: Vec2::new(40., 40.),
let b: ImageSource = ImageSource::Texture(st);
Alternatives ColorImages could be:
let ci = egui::ColorImage::example(); // Created in egui in HSVA format (128x64 pixels))
let ci = ColorImage::new([40,40], Color32::RED);