This role installs OpenShift Pipelines (backed by Tekton) into an OpenShift Cluster. It consists of the following tasks files:
Tasks: pre_workload.yml - Sets up an environment for the workload deployment.
Debug task will print out:
pre_workload Tasks completed successfully.
Tasks: workload.yml - Used to deploy OpenShift Pipelines
This role creates a namespace (project) and deploys the operator. It will then create the Pipelines Install object that deploys the controllers etc.
Debug task will print out:
workload Tasks completed successfully.
Tasks: post_workload.yml - Used to configure the workload after deployment
This role doesn’t do anything here
Debug task will print out:
post_workload Tasks completed successfully.
Tasks: remove_workload.yml - Used to delete the workload
This role removes OpenShift Pipelines
Debug task will print out:
remove_workload Tasks completed successfully.
This file ./defaults/main.yml contains all the variables you need to define to control the deployment of your workload.
The variable ocp_username is mandatory to assign the workload to the correct OpenShift user.
A variable silent=True can be passed to suppress debug messages.
Create a file workload_vars.yaml
with your variables:
cloud_provider: none env_type: ocp-workloads target_host: bastion.dev4.openshift.opentlc.com ocp_workloads: - ocp4_workload_pipelines #become_override: false # If the ocp-workload supports it, you should specify the OCP user: ocp_username: system:admin # Usually the ocp-workloads want a GUID also: guid: changeme
From the Agnosticd/ansible directory run the playbook:
ansible-playbook main.yml -e @workload_vars.yml -e ACTION="create"