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BetterDuino Firmware V4

What is the MarcDuino system?


"The MarcDuino system controls the animatronics of an R2 (dome panels, light and sound). It currently controls 10 dome panels, an "MP3 Trigger" sound board, dome "Teeces" lights and holoprojectors light and movements, and I2C gizmos you can add-in yourself. It has lots of pre-programmed effects making all these act together.

The system is centered around the MarcDuino boards which sit in the R2. There are two kinds, the Master and the Slave board, which are very similar to each other." - CuriousMarc

What is BetterDuino Firmware V4?

The BetterDuinoFirmwareV4 software is a firmware replacement for the original MarcDuino V1.5Rev3 boards.

Details about the boards can be found here:

The original firmware can be found here:

There also is a spinoff of Marcs firmware also known as MarcDuinoMain V3 and MarcDuinoClient V3:

Important Disclaimer

BetterDuinoFirmwareV4 has nothing to do with the original firmware made by Marc nor with the spinoff made by Neil! So if you have any questions about BetterDuino Firmware V4 don't ask any of them!

If you find any issues, please use the github "Issues" mechanism above. When you are an experienced software developer please feel free to submit pull requests. This is a living repository and I appreciate any community input!

If there are still questions not anserwed here, feel free to visit Michael Baddeleys fantastic Printed Droid community here: . You will be treated in a fair and polite way and we will find a solution or answer to your questions!

Update: Now there also is a BetterDuino support thread on

Nevertheless: Read and understand, how the boards work, why there is a master and a slave board, how the boards are connected ->

As soon as you are familiar with MarcDuino, come back here and proceed!

Why a Replacement Firmware for MarcDuino boards?

The last update to the original firmware was in 2018. Neil's last update was a minor change in mid-2022. His V3 software has about 80% of the original source in common, adding some features for the latest MarcDuino boards (servo controllers and EXT/AUX pin controllers). He also added the nice feature of saving settings to EEPROM at runtime. But the code also has some glitches and bugs and is based on outdated Arduino libraries. I started 2023 after the whole Arduino framework and community has made really great progress in the last 5 years.

The BetterDuino Firmware V4 code has completely been rewritten from scratch. I took Neils idea of the EEPROM storage a step further, so nearly any setting is stored there. Including per-servo position settings. I also added the new panel animation of Tim Hebel who is also using a modified MarcDuino V3 firmware (

New Features (excerpt)

  • Support for MP3 Trigger, DF Mini Player and R2-D2 / Astromech Vocalizer (
  • Identical firmware for Master, Slave and Body
  • Automatic configuration of Master and Slave at first startup
  • per servo runtime settings for min/max and open/close positions
  • switch to modern OOP software design and use of most recent common Arduino libraries
  • fixed a lot of bugs at least of the V3 spinoff
  • ...

Lets get started

Revision History

Date Rev Description
2024-07-19 V1.2.0 New Architecture, additional BT-1 Sequences
2024-04-05 V1.0.12 Additional BT-1 Sequence
2024-04-04 V1.0.11 Sound Hotfix
2024-04-03 V1.0.10 Random Sound fixes, BT-1 Sequence
2024-03-20 V1.0.9 EEPROM protection, Brownout Setting
2024-03-20 V1.0.8 Added Dome Lift integration
2024-03-17 V1.0.7 removed R2Touch Keepalives, fixed DFMini command sequences
2024-03-09 V1.0.6 NeoPixelHolo configuration
2024-03-08 V1.0.5 NeoPixelHolo-Integration, Bugfix Servo 12/13
2024-01-30 V1.0.4 First Chopper Integration
2024-01-17 V1.0.3 Added free panel positioning to panel sequences 0% = closed / 100% = open
2024-01-15 V1.0.2 BugFix-Release
2024-01-13 V1.0.1 Classic Master I2C and new I2C slave mode
2023-12-30 V1.0.0 First stable public version
2023-12-11 V0.9.1 RC Bugfixes from closed beta test group
2023-10-23 V0.9.0 RC1 First version for closed beta test group

Known MISSING functionality compared to the original source (will be released in the future)

  • RC-IN support


  • MP3-Trigger: stopping only pauses, workaround pending (playing an empty soundfile).

Supported Boards

Board Support Remark
MarcDuino V1.5 Rev3 YES
MarcDuino V1.5 Rev2 YES Servo 11 = Master AUX2
Servo 12 = Slave ML
Servo 13 = Slave AUX2
Magic Panel = Slave "To Slave"
Printed Droid AIO2.0 YES Servo 11 = Master A2
Servo 12 = Slave ML
Servo 13 = Slave A2
Magic Panel = Slave2
Printed Droid BenDuino boards ( not yet, but planned, tests pending
MarcDuino V1 NO
MarcDuino V2 NO

Compatibility Matrix

Master/Salve 1.8 3.x 4.x

Uploading firmware using *.hex files

Assigning Roles

The same version of BetterDuino firmware will be used for MarcDuinos Master, Slave and Body Master. For the newly flashed MarcDuinos to know their role, we have to assign them to each one.

To do so, you will have to establish a Serial Monitor connection to your new flashed MarcDuino. You could you the Serial Monitor inbuild into ArduinoIDE or add the Serial Monitor Extension to Visual Studio Code.

You will have to set the baud-rate to 9600 to be able to establish a communication.

When connecting via the Serial Terminal, you should be welcomed with a message similar to

Welcome Message

To assign the needed role to your MarcDuino, you need to enter one of the following commands, depending on the role that you want this MarcDuino to have:

  • #MD00 for MarcDuino Dome Master
  • #MD01 for MarcDuino Dome Slave
  • #MD02 for MarcDuino Body Master

MarcDuino will reboot immediately after setup and start up in new mode.

Hint: Default config after factory reset is MarcDuino Dome Master. A board connected to the slave port of the MarcDuino Master will automatically be configured as Dome Slave. A Body Master has either to be configured manually or by an additional startup command "#MD02", sent only to the Body Controller.

Development Environment

Building and uploading firmware using Visual Studio Code

  • Clone the GitHub repository using Visual Studio Code (Source Control / Clone Repository)
  • VSCode Clone 1
  • VSCode Clone 2
  • Open local folder
  • Edit the file "platformio.ini" to match the serial port of your programmer: upload_port = /dev/cu.usbmodem141201 (example)
  • build the code (PlatformIO / ATmega328P / General / Build)
  • VSCode Build
  • upload the code (PlatformIO / ATmega328P / General / Upload)
  • VSCode Upload

Compiler defines in include/config.h

Normally you do not need to change the defines, but, for experienced users, some instructions:

Define Function Remark Default
R2D2 build standard R2D2 MarcDuino compatible firmware Only choose one, R2D2 or Chopper on
CHOPPER BETA build new Chopper compatible firmware Only choose one, R2D2 or Chopper off
DEBUG_MSG activate additional debug messages on the USB/Serial-Port program size will exceed, so you can only use that in combination with the DEDICATED_FIRMWARE flag off
INCLUDE_CLASSIC_I2C_SUPPORT activate support for the classic MarcDuino I2C commands program size will exceed, so you can only use that in combination with the DEDICATED_FIRMWARE flag off
INCLUDE_I2C_SLAVE activate support for the ne I2C Slave support on
DEDICATED_FIRMWARE when dedicated hex-files for Dome Master, Dome Slave and Body Master are needed, activate this setting with one of the following settings needed, when programm size in combined mode will be exceeded off
DEDICATED_MASTER generates hex file with Dome Master code only Must be set in combination with DEDICATED_FIRMWARE off
DEDICATED_SLAVE generates hex file with Dome Salve code only Must be set in combination with DEDICATED_FIRMWARE off
DEDICATED_BODY generates hex file with Body Master code only Must be set in combination with DEDICATED_FIRMWARE off

...more to follow...

Do not touch any other of the defines.

Connecting Servos R2D2 (common way)


Servo Function Remark
Servo 1 Panel 1 Lower Panel
Servo 2 Panel 2 Lower Panel
Servo 3 Panel 3 Lower Panel
Servo 4 Panel 4 Lower Panel
Servo 5 Panel 5 Lower Panel
Servo 6 Panel 6 Lower Panel
Servo 7 Panel 7 Upper Panel
Servo 8 Panel 8 Upper Panel
Servo 9 Panel 9 Upper Panel
Servo 10 Panel 10 Upper Panel
Servo 11 Panel 11 Circular Top Panel
AUX unused


Servo Function Remark
Servo 1 Front Holo, V-Servo
Servo 2 Front Holo, H-Servo
Servo 3 Rear Holo, V-Servo
Servo 4 Rear Holo, H-Servo
Servo 5 Top Holo, V-Servo
Servo 6 Top Holo, H-Servo
Servo 7 Front Holo Light
Servo 8 Rear Holo Light
Servo 9 Top Holo Light
Servo 10=12 Tiny1 Tiny Lower Panel 1, Michael Baddeley Complex Dome MK4 only, controlled as Servo 12 via Master
Servo 11=13 Tiny2 Tiny Lower Panel 1, Michael Baddeley Complex Dome MK4 only, controlled as Servo 13 via Master
AUX unused


Servo Function Remark
Servo 1 DPL - DataPanel Door
Servo 2 UtlArmU - Upper Utility Arm
Servo 3 UtlArmL - Lower Utility Arm
Servo 4 LBdyDr - Left BreadPan Door
Servo 5 LArm - Left Arm Raise/Lower
Servo 6 LArmTool - Left Arm Tool
Servo 7 ToolRBdyDr - Right BreadPan Door
Servo 8 RArm - Right Arm Raise/Lower
Servo 9 RArmTool - Right Arm Tool
Servo 10 unused Future Charge Bay Door servo
Servo 11 unused
AUX unused

Connecting Servos Chopper (WIP)


Servo Function Remark
Servo 1 Left Dome Door
Servo 2 Left Dome Arm
Servo 3 Left Dome Gripper
Servo 4 Left Dome Arm Turn Tim Hebel Mod
Servo 5 Right Dome Door
Servo 6 Right Dome Arm
Servo 7 Right Dome Gripper
Servo 8 Right Dome Arm Turn Tim Hebel Mod
Servo 9 Periscope Lift
Servo 10 Periscope Turn
Servo 11 unused
AUX Activate Camera


Servo Function Remark
Servo 1
Servo 2
Servo 3
Servo 4
Servo 5
Servo 6
Servo 7
Servo 8
Servo 9 Periscope LED?
Servo 10=12 Turn Antenna Controlled as Servo 12 via Master
Servo 11=13 Tilt Antenna Controlled as Servo 13 via Master
AUX unused


Servo Function Remark
Servo 1 Dome Tilt
Servo 2 Utility Arm
Servo 3 Utility Arm Gripper
Servo 4 Saw Door
Servo 5 Saw Arm
Servo 6 Saw Motor
Servo 7 Interface Door
Servo 8 Interface Arm
Servo 9 Interface Action
Servo 10
Servo 11

Connecting Servos BT1


Servo Function Remark
Servo 1 Launcher 1 Left Launcher Panel
Servo 2 Launcher 2 Right Launcher Panel
Servo 3 Rockets 1 Left Rockets Firing
Servo 4 Rockets 2 Right Rockets Firing
Servo 5 unused
Servo 6 unused
Servo 7 unused
Servo 8 unused
Servo 9 unused
Servo 10 unused
Servo 11 unused
AUX unused


Servo Function Remark
Servo 1 Front Holo, V-Servo
Servo 2 Front Holo, H-Servo
Servo 3 unused
Servo 4 unused
Servo 5 unused
Servo 6 unused
Servo 7 Front Holo Light
Servo 8 unused
Servo 9 unused
Servo 10=12 unused Controlled as Servo 12 via Master
Servo 11=13 unused Controlled as Servo 13 via Master
AUX unused


Servo Function Remark
Servo 1 DPL - DataPanel Door
Servo 2 UtlArmU - Upper Utility Arm
Servo 3 UtlArmL - Lower Utility Arm
Servo 4 LBdyDr - Left BreadPan Door
Servo 5 LArm - Left Arm Raise/Lower
Servo 6 LArmTool - Left Arm Tool
Servo 7 ToolRBdyDr - Right BreadPan Door
Servo 8 RArm - Right Arm Raise/Lower
Servo 9 RArmTool - Right Arm Tool
Servo 10 Charge Bay Door
Servo 11 unused
AUX unused

MarcDuino Command Set (V4 only)

Unsupported original MarcDuino features

· no Panel/Servo RC_IN support

· some configuration commands are not supported / necessary due to cleaned command processing / storage



All commands are sent to the master board. The slave board is always connected to the master board. Slave boards are not running in stand-alone mode. So the master board decides what to do with the commands. It might process or even omit the command.

MD Routing


Every command must start with one of these special characters (defined in the header file). The start character is recognized in the main loop:

Command processing

Start Cmd Function Master process Master Interface Slave process Slave Interface Remark
: Pie panel commands PROCESSED


PROCESSED Servos Slave is only responsible for panel 12/13
* Holo Projector (HP) commands NOT PROCESSED

Serial_Slave PROCESSED Servos
@ Display commands NOT PROCESSED

Serial_Slave PROCESSED Serial_Teeces
$ Sound commands PROCESSED

! (Master) Alt1 alternate sound commands, passed to Serial_MP3 after stripping start command character PROCESSED

! (Slave) Alt1 alternate display commands, passed to Serial_Teeces after stripping start command character - - PROCESSED Serial_Teeces In normal use the Master MarcDuino catches these, so we don't see them
% Alt2 alternate Holo Projector board commands, passed to Serial_Slave without stripping start command character NOT PROCESSED

Serial_Slave PROCESSED Serial_Magic
# Setup Commands PROCESSED


PROCESSED EEPROM #MDxx command (MarcDuino mode) will not be forwarded to slave
& I2C-Commands PROCESSED



Panel Commands

They must follow the syntax ":CCxx\r" where CC=command , xx= two digit decimal number, \r is carriage return.

Command Function Master Slave Remark
:SExx launches sequences, see below YES YES
:OPxx open panel number xx=01-13. If xx=00, opens all panels (12/13 Slave only) YES YES
:OP14 open top panels YES NO tbd
:OP15 open bottom panels YES NO tbd
:CLxx close panel number xx=01-13, removes from RC if it was, stops servo. If xx=00, all panels, slow close. YES YES
:LKxx lock panel number xx=01-13, lock current position to avoid problems with DomeLift. If xx=00, locks all panels (12/13 Slave only) YES YES
:ULxx unlock panel number xx=01-13, unlocks panel, normal mode. If xx=00, unlocks all panels (12/13 Slave only) YES YES
:LIxx activate dome lift number xx=01-13. Toggle functionality, if lift is up when command is sent, it will be lowered and vice versa. If xx=00, all lifts YES YES
:RCxx places panel xx=01-13 under RC input control. If xx=00, all panels placed on RC. YES NO
:STxx buzz kill/soft hold: removes panel from RC control AND shuts servo off to eliminate buzz. xx=00 all panels off RC servos off. YES YES
:HDxx RC hold: removes from RC, but does not turn servo off, keeps at last position. xx=00 all panels hold. YES NO
:MVxxdddd move panel xx=01-13 to position yyyy. If xx=00, opens all panels (12/13 Slave only), dddd=0000-0180 deg, dddd > 0544 Microseconds YES YES

Sequence Command Details

See sequence_command, panel sequence matrices defined in panel_sequences.h

Command Function Remark
Full (Move, Sound, Display…)
:SE00 Close all panels (full speed), servo off - use as init only. Use CL00 for all soft close.
:SE01 Scream, with all panels open
:SE02 Wave, one panel at a time
:SE03 Fast (Smirk) back and forth wave
:SE04 Wave 2 (open progressively all panels, then close one by one)
:SE05 Beep Cantina (with marching ants panel action)
:SE06 Faint/Short Circuit
:SE07 Cantina dance (orchestral, rythmic panel dance)
:SE08 Leia
:SE09 Disco
:SE10 Quite Mode reset (panel close, stop holos, stop sounds)
:SE11 Full Awake Mode reset (panel close, random sound, holo movement, no holo lights)
:SE12 Top Panels to RC
:SE13 Mid Awake Mode reset (panel close, random sound, stop holos)
:SE14 Awake+ Mode reset ((panel close, random sound, holo movement, lights on)
:SE15 Screams no panels
:SE16 Panel Wiggle
Body Sequences (Tim Hebel)
:SE30 Utility ARM open and close sequence
:SE31 All Body Panels open and close sequence
:SE32 All Body Doors open and wiggle close sequence
:SE33 Body - Use Gripper
:SE34 Body - Use Interface Tool
:SE35 Body - Ping Pong Body Doors
:SE36 Body - BT-1 Two gripper Sequence Thanks to David Steinke
Move Panels only
:SE51 Scream, with all panels open
:SE52 Wave, one panel at a time
:SE53 Fast (Smirk) back and forth wave
:SE54 Wave 2 (open progressively all panels, then close one by one)
:SE55 Marching ants
:SE56 Faint/Short Circuit
:SE57 Rhythmic panel dance
:SE58 Panel Wave Bye Bye

Holo Projector Commands

These commands are only processed by the MarcDuino Slave module

Command Function Remark
*RDxx Random Holo movement (xx=01 to 03). xx=00 and >3 all random.
*ONxx Turns Holo Light on (xx=01 to 03). xx=00 or >3 all lights on
*OFxx Turns Holo Lights off (xx=01 to 03). xx=00 turns all lights off
*ONxxaaabbbcccddd Turns RGB Holo Light on (xx=01 to 03). xx=00 or >3 all lights on.
aaa - decimal R value (0-255)
bbb - decimal G value (0-255)
ccc - decimal B value(0-255)
ddd - brightness (0-255)
*COxxaaabbbcccddd Sets color for RGB Holo Light (xx=01 to 03). xx=00 or >3 all lights on.
aaa - decimal R value (0-255)
bbb - decimal G value (0-255)
ccc - decimal B value(0-255)
ddd - brightness (0-255)
*RCxx Holo vertical movement under RC control, horizontal centered (xx=01-03). 00 or >3 all RC
*TExx Holo movement test (xx=01-03). Goes through a loop of holo movements to assist in adjusting holo servos mechanical setup. 00 or >3 all HPs to test
*STxx stop/reset Holos random movement, turns lights off, and RC off. 00=all off
*HDxx hold: stop holo, do not change light level. 00=all stopped
*MOxx magic panel on. xx=01 to 98, on from 1 to 98 seconds.

· xx = 99 is on permanently

· xx = 00 is off
*MFxx magic panel flicker xx=1 to 99 flicker for 1 to 99 seconds. 00= off.



Will turn on-board HP1, 2, 3, and all (HP0xx) for xx seconds.

· xx = 99 is on permanently

· xx = 00 is off
*Hzxxaaabbbcccddd See “*H0”-”*H3”
aaa - decimal R value (0-255)
bbb - decimal G value (0-255)
ccc - decimal B value(0-255)
ddd - brightness (0-255)



Will flicker on-board HP1, 2, 3, and all (F0xx) for xx seconds.

· xx = 99 is on permanently

· xx = 00 is off
 *Fzxxaaabbbcccddd  See “*F0”-”*F3”
aaa - decimal R value (0-255)
bbb - decimal G value (0-255)
ccc - decimal B value(0-255)
ddd - brightness (0-255)
*CHxx Center Holo Nr xx

Sound Commands

These commands are only processed by the MarcDuino Master module

Command Function Remark
$xyy Play sound command by bank/sound numbers

· x=bank number

· yy=sound number. If none, next sound is played in.
$xy Play sound command by bank/sound numbers, short version

· x=bank number

· y=sound number. If none, next sound is played in.
$R random from 4 first banks
$O sound off
$L Leia message (bank 7 sound 1)
$C Cantina music (bank 9 sound 5)
$c Beep cantina (bank 9 sound 1)
$S Scream (bank 6 sound 1)
$F Faint/Short Circuit (bank 6 sound 3)
$D Disco (bank 9 sound 6)
$s stop sounds
$+ volume up
$- volume down
$m volume mid
$f volume max
$p volume min
$W Star Wars music (bank 9 sound 2)
$w Beep Star Wars music (bank 9 sound 7)
$M Imperial March (bank 9 sound 3)
$i Beep Imperial March (bank 9 sound 8)
$B Startup Sound

Special Features

Command Function Remark
:EOxx Pull pin high/low on AUX1. Can be used to trigger a smoke machine as an example.

xx is the time in seconds.

· 00 - off

· 01-98 is the time in seconds (don't use values >10 for smoke machines!)

· 99 on permanently (again don't use for smoke machines)
will be executed on MASTER only

Pull pin high/low on AUX1. Can be used to trigger a smoke machine as an example.

xx is the time in seconds.

· 00 - off

· 01-98 is the time in seconds (don't use values >10 for smoke machines!)

· 99 on permanently (again don't use for smoke machines)
will be executed on SLAVE only

Setup Commands

Command Function Remark
Servo Controls
#SOxxdddd Set Servo xx Degrees/Microseconds for Panel Open, dddd=0000-0180 deg, dddd > 0544 Microseconds
#SCxxdddd Set Servo xx Degrees/Microseconds for Panel Closed dddd=0000-0180 deg, dddd > 0544 Microseconds
#SPxxddd Set Servo xx Speed, ddd=0-255
#SWxx Swap Panel xx Open<->Close value Don’t use as the classic “reverse servo” command. Don’t call it at every boot, just use it in adjustment process.
Startup Sound Controls
#SSxxx Set startup sound

· #SS000 : Disable Startup Sound, and remove startup sound delay for fast boot of R2

· #SSxxx : Set Startup Sound in file xxx
#SQxx Disable Random Sound

· #SQ00 : Random Sound on

· #SQ01 : No Random Sound + Volume off

· #SQ02 : No Random Sound
#SXxx Set Max Random Pause in seconds - Maximum timespan between two random sounds
#SYxx Set Min Random Pause in seconds - Minimum timespan between two random sounds
Panel Sequencer Controls
#STxxx Setup Delay time between Master and Slave Panel Sequence. Use this if the Slave panels are starting too soon. Values up to 255 are supported. Values are in ms. maybe depricated
System Configuration and Management
#MDxx Set MarcDuino Mode

· #MD00 : MarcDuino Dome Master

· #MD01 : MarcDuino Dome Slave

· #MD02 : MarcDuino Body Master

MarcDuino will reboot immediately after setup and start up in new mode.
#MPxx Set MP3-Player Type

· #MP00 : SparkFun MP3 Trigger

· #MP01 : DFPlayer

· #MP02 : Vocalizer
#MSxyy Set maximum sounds per soundbank. x=1-9 (Soundbank), y=0-25 (max. Sounds)
Holo Projector Configuration
#HLxy Set HoloLight x to High Active (y=1) or Low Active (y=0). x=0 → All Holo Lights Reset board afterwards to take effect
#HNxy Set HoloLight x to NeoPixel (y=1) or Standard-LED (y=0). x=0 → All Holo Lights Reset board afterwards to take effect
#HXxxyy Configure number of LEDs (yy) for HoloLight xx. Will only be used, if HoloLight xx is set to NeoPixel, Reset board afterwards to take effect
#HOxxdddd Set Holo HServo Degrees/Microseconds Max, dddd=0000-0180 deg, dddd > 0544 Microseconds
#HCxxdddd Set Holo HServo Degrees/Microseconds Min, dddd=0000-0180 deg, dddd > 0544 Microseconds
#HPxxddd Set Holo HServo Speed, ddd=0-255
#VOxxdddd Set Holo VServo Degrees/Microseconds Max, dddd=0000-0180 deg, dddd > 0544 Microseconds
#VCxxdddd Set Holo VServo Degrees/Microseconds Min, dddd=0000-0180 deg, dddd > 0544 Microseconds
#VPxxddd Set Holo VServo Speed, ddd=0-255
#DUxx Dump EEPORM to serial

· #DUxx : value at address xx

· #DUMP : dump complete EEPROM content

Restart MarcDuino

Factory Reset
#ADxx Adjustment Mode: When setting up individual Servo settings, servo will positioned immediately

· #AD00 : Adjustment Mode Off

· #AD01 : Adjustment Mode On

I2C Commands (Classic, Master-Mode)


If you send a command following the format:

*&I2Caddress, data, data, data...

an I2C write command will be generated on all the I2C ports in the MarcDuino chain (master and all slaves). The write command will be addressed to the device at I2Caddress and will write all the data bytes provided in order.

Data can be decimal numbers, hex bytes, characters or strings, depending on the prefix appended to the data, as follows.

Decimals need no prefix. Valid range is -128 to 255. For example, to send command 2 (decimal) to an I2C device at address 25:


To send an hex byte, add x as a prefix. To send the hex byte 0xFF to device 25:


To send a single character, use the ' prefix


To send a string, use the " prefix. Don't put another " at the end or it will be transmitted as part of the string...

&25,"Hello World (note: there is no second " at the end of the string)

And of course you can mix everything:

&25,2,xFF,'c,"Hello World

I2C Commands (New, Slave-Mode)

MarcDuino boards with NewDuino firmware are enabled to receive any serial command also as I2C slave via the I2C interface. So other componetes beside the main control system (ShadowMD etc.) are able to execute commands or start sequences (e.g. dome lift). The protocol is pretty simple, just send an I2C message to one of the following slave addresses with data payload identical to one of the commands described above (don't forget dto finalise the command with 0x0a = '\r' = Carriage Return.

I2C-Address (dec/hex) Type
50/0x32 MarcDuino Dome Master
51/0x33 MarcDuino Dome Slave
52/0x34 MarcDuino Body Master

I2C addresses can be changed in include/config.h if needed.

Best practice panel adjustment

  • Connect a serial interface to the "XBEE/SERIAL IN" port of your board
  • Open a serial terminal program and connect via 9600 Baud, 8N1. Activate character echo in your terminal program.
  • Use the new "Move Panel" (:MVxxdddd) command to get a feeling, which is the area, the servo moves within.
  • If you find a valid position for "open", store it with the command "Store Open" (#SOxxdddd)
  • If you find a valid position for "closed", store it with the command "Store Closed" (#SCxxdddd)


  • If you think, ":MV010900" moves panel/servo #1 to a valid open position, store the setting with "#SO010900"
  • If you think, ":MV011750" moves panel/servo #1 to a valid closed position, store the setting with "#SC011750"
  • :MVxxdddd does not store any position, it just moves the servo to the PWM/degree value


  • If the default positions are fine but swapped (:OP01 closes the panel and :CL01 opens it), just use "#SW01" to swap the values for open and closed position. The values are automatically stored. Important: That command is not identical to the "Reverse Servo" command. Just use the swap command while calibrating your servos, not at every startup. Otherwise it will always toggle the settings on every startup.
  • Repeat all the steps until each servo is calibrated

Connection Dome Lift to MarcDuino boards

Please use BetterDuino firmware V1.0.8 or higher. New I2C slave mode must be activated (standard in BetterDuino, classic I2C Master mode also available in dedicated firmware, see config.h).

  • Connect Master InterCom-TX to Dome Lift RX0
  • Connect I2C bus from MarcDuino board to Dome Lift Board
  • Use modified dome lift firmware (
  • New MarcDuino comand is :LIxx. To be compatible with the R2Touch-App the command mapping is as follows:
Cmd Action
:LI07 Bad Motivator
:LI08 Dome Zapper
:LI09 Lightsaber
:LI10 Life Form
:LI11 Periscope

EEPROM Memory Map

All the settings of the “Setup Commands” are stored in EEPROM. The corresponding Memory Map is described here. Default settings when EEPROM is empty are written in bold letter.

Address Type Content Default Description
0x00 byte SW-/Config-Version Version 4.0.x = 40, Version 4.1.x = 41, …
0x01 byte MarcDuinoType 0 = DomeMaster 0 = DomeMaster

1 = DomeSlave

2 = BodyMaster
0x02 byte DEPRICATED
0x03 byte Chatty/Silent Mode 0 = Chatty 0 = Chatty

1 = Silent
0x04 byte MP3-Player-Type 0 = SparkFun MP3-Trigger 0 = SparkFun MP3-Trigger

1 = DF-Mini Player

2 = Vocalizer
0x05 byte Disable Random Sound 0 = Random Sound 0 = Random Sound

1 = No Random Sound + Volume off

2 = No Random Sound
0x06 byte Slave Delay 0 = 0ms delay Sequence Delay for Slave Sequence Start in ms, 0-255
0x07 byte DEPRICATED (Slave Delay 2. Byte)
0x08 byte Number of Servos 13 = 13 Servos (Master + Slave)
0x09 byte Startup Sound Nr 255 = Sound #255 Startup Sound Number, 0 = Disable Startup Sound and remove startup sound delay for fast boot of R2
0x0a byte MinRandomPause in seconds 6 = 6s Pause Minimal Pause between two Random sounds played
0x0b byte MaxRandomPause in seconds 12 = 12s Pause Maximal Pause between two Random sounds played
0x0c byte DEPRICATED
0x0d byte Adjustment Mode 0 = off Adjustment Mode active (0 = off, 1 = on)
0x11 - 0x19 bytes Max Sound Bank 1-9 Standard SD-Card-Layout:

Bank 1: 0x11 = 19
Bank 2: 0x12 = 18
Bank 3: 0x13 = 7
Bank 4: 0x14 = 4
Bank 5: 0x15 = 3
Bank 6: 0x16 = 3
Bank 7: 0x17 = 3
Bank 8: 0x18 = 6
Bank 9: 0x19 = 8
Bank 1-9, Number of Sounds 1-25
0x20-0x2f freed
0x30 freed
0x31-0x3d bytes Servo1-Servo13 Servo Speed 255 = max Speed 0 = Minimum

255 = Maximum
0x40-0x41 freed
0x42-0x5a words Servo1-Servo13 Servo Open Position Degrees / PWM 1000 = 1000 Microseconds Pulse Width Degrees/Microseconds for Panel Open 0-360=deg, values greater 544 are microseconds
0x60-0x61 freed
0x62-0x7a words Servo1-Servo13 Servo Close Position Degrees / PWM 2000 = 2000 Microseconds Pulse Width Degrees/Microseconds for Panel Closed 0-360=deg, values greater 544 are microseconds
0x80-0xaf freed
0xb0-0xb3 freed
0xb4-0xbe words Servo1 Holo1-Servo-H Min Position Degree / PWM
Servo2 Holo1-Servo-V Min Position Degree / PWM

Servo3 Holo2-Servo-H Min Position Degree / PWM
Servo4 Holo2-Servo-V Min Position Degree / PWM

Servo5 Holo3-Servo-H Min Position Degree / PWM
Servo6 Holo3-Servo-V Min Position Degree / PWM
1000 = 1000 Microseconds Pulse Width Degrees/Microseconds for Holo Min Position 0-360=deg, values greater 544 are microseconds
0xc0-0xc3 freed
0xc4-0xce words Servo1 Holo1-Servo-H Max Position Degree / PWM
Servo2 Holo1-Servo-V Max Position Degree / PWM

Servo3 Holo2-Servo-H Max Position Degree / PWM
Servo4 Holo2-Servo-V Max Position Degree / PWM

Servo5 Holo3-Servo-H Max Position Degree / PWM
Servo6 Holo3-Servo-V Max Position Degree / PWM
2000 = 2000 Microseconds Pulse Width Degrees/Microseconds for Holo Max Position, 0-360=deg, values greater 544 are microseconds
0xd1-0xd3 bytes Holo 1-3 Light High- or Low-Active 1 = High-Active Holo Light High- or Low-Active, 0 = LowActive / 1 = HighActive
0xe0-0xe1 freed
0xe2-0xe7 Servo1 Holo1-Servo-H Speed (0-255)

Servo2 Holo1-Servo-V Speed (0-255)

Servo3 Holo2-Servo-H Speed (0-255)

Servo4 Holo2-Servo-V Speed (0-255)

Servo5 Holo3-Servo-H Speed (0-255)

Servo6 Holo4-Servo-V Speed (0-255)
255 = max Speed 0 = Minimum

255 = Maximum

Used Libraries