Each node must have at most two children. Usually referred to as "left" and "right".
All trees must a have a "root" node.
The order of nodes values must be:
left child < parent < right child
. -
Nodes might need re-ordering after each insert/delete operation to keep the
left ⇐ parent < right
The first step is to implement the Binary Tree Node, which can hold 0, 1 or 2 children.
Does this look familiar to you? It’s almost like the linked list node, but instead of having next
and previous
, it has left
and right
. That guarantees that we have at most two children.
We also added the meta
object to hold some metadata about the node, like duplicity, color (for red-black trees), or any other data needed for future algorithms.
We implemented the node, now let’s layout other methods that we can implement for a BST:
add(value) { /* ... */ }
find(value) { /* ... */ }
remove(value) { /* ... */ }
getMax() { /* ... */ }
getMin() { /* ... */ }
With the methods add
and remove
we have to guarantee that our tree always has one root element from where we can navigate left or right based on the value that we are looking for. Let’s implement those add
method first:
If the tree is empty (root element is null), we add the newly created node as root, and that’s it!
If the root is not null. Start from it and compare the node’s value against the new element. If the node has higher than a new item, we move to the right child, otherwise to the left. We check each node recursively until we find an empty spot where we can put the new element and keep the rule
right < parent < left
. -
If we insert the same value multiple times, we don’t want duplicates. So, we can keep track of multiples using a duplicity counter.
For instance, let’s say that we want to insert the values 19, 21, 10, 2, 8 in a BST:
In the last box of the image above, when we are inserting node 18, we start by the root (19). Since 18 is less than 19, then we move left. Node 18 is greater than 10, so we move right. There’s an empty spot, and we place it there. Let’s code it up:
We are using a helper function
to iterate through the tree finding a node with current value “found” and its parent (implementation on the next section). -
We are taking care of duplicates. Instead of inserting duplicates we are keeping a multiplicity tally. We have to decrease it when removing nodes.
We can implement the find method using the helper findNodeAndParent
as follows:
is a recursive function that goes to the left child or right depending on the value. However, if the value already exists, it will return it in found
Deleting a node from a BST have three cases.
parent with one child
parent with two children/root.
Deleting a leaf is the easiest; we look for their parent and set the child to null.
Node 18, will be hanging around until the garbage collector is run. However, there’s no node referencing to it so it won’t be reachable from the tree anymore.
Removing a parent is not as easy since you need to find new parents for its children.
In the example, we removed node 10
from the tree, so its child (node 2) needs a new parent. We made node 19 the new parent for node 2.
Removing a parent of two children is the trickiest of all cases because we need to find new parents for two children. (This sentence sounds tragic out of context 😂)
In the example, we delete the root node 19. This deletion leaves two orphans (node 10 and node 21). There are no more parents because node 19 was the root element. One way to solve this problem is to combine the left subtree (Node 10 and descendants) into the right subtree (node 21). The final result is node 21 is the new root.
What would happen if node 21 had a left child (e.g., node 20)? Well, we would move node 10 and its descendants' bellow node 20.
All the described scenarios removing nodes with zero, one and two children can be sum up on this code:
Try to find if the value exists on the tree.
If the value doesn’t exist we are done!
Create new subtree without the value to delete
Check the multiplicity (duplicates) and decrement the count if we have multiple nodes with the same value
If the
was the root, then we move the removed node’s children as the new root. -
If it was not the root, then we go to the deleted node’s parent and put their children there.
We compute removedNodeChildren
, which is the resulting subtree after combining the children of the deleted node.
The method to combine subtrees is the following:
Take a look at the code above and the example. You will see how to remove node 30
and combine both children subtree and keeping the BST rules. Also, this method uses a helper to get the left-most node. We can implement it like this:
That’s all we need to remove elements from a BST. Check out the complete BST implementation here.
As we insert and remove nodes from a BST we could end up like the tree on the left:
The tree on the left is unbalanced. It looks like a Linked List and has the same runtime! Searching for an element would be O(n), yikes! However, on a balanced tree, the search time is O(log n), which is pretty good! That’s why we always want to keep the tree balanced. In further chapters, we are going to explore how to keep a tree balanced after each insert/delete.