Thanks for your interest in contributing to Bunny Deploy!
In this document you can find some instructions to get started.
See getting started for more info about each command.
nvm install
nvm use
# Will automatically install the configured pnpm version when you run a pnpm command
corepack enable
pnpm install
# most important commands:
pnpm test
pnpm build
pnpm lint
pnpm format
nvm is used in this project to install and use the right node version.
If you don't have nvm, see:
First we need to install the right node version:
nvm install
Then we need to make use of the installed version by running:
nvm use
# Or to set default node version (node version listed in .nvmrc file):
pnpm is used to manage the used packages in this project. You can run below corepack command, which will automatically install the configured pnpm version when you run a pnpm command.
corepack enable pnpm
To install the required dependencies, run:
pnpm install
Add documentation when adding a new feature or introducing something new that could be complex to follow for other devs.
Tests should be added for new features or fixed bugs.
Commit messages are written according to the Angular Commit Message Conventions.
The git history needs to be clean, that means having no commits with messages like fix formatting or linting. When you need to fix a linting error for example that occurred in an earlier commit, use a fixup commit (in combination with a rebase) inside your branch.
For example:
- You commit something with a linting error, hash:
- You commit something else: hash:
- You see that you made a mistake in the first commit, fix it with:
git commit --fixup 1234
. - A new fixup commit has been created, but it needs to be combined with commit '1234'. Run:
git rebase -i --autosquash HEAD~3
and close the editor. - When commit '1234' already exists on the remote origin, run:
git push --force-with-lease
Contact me when you need help with the above described instruction, I am happy to help out 😄
In this project dependency versions are pinned on a specific version.
Pinned versions can be added by using the --save-exact (-E) flag.
pnpm add --save-exact SOME_DEPENDENCY
pnpm install
pnpm add --save-exact --save-dev SOME_DEPENDENCY
pnpm install
- Should be maintained on a regular basis
- Prefer dependencies with 100+ stars or some other indication, which makes it likely that it will be maintained for the upcoming months/years.
- Has zero vulnerabilities in the latest version
- Has a license (MIT) which allows it to be used in this project