Torque Bulk Deployer is a lightweight, python-based .exe CLI tool for deploying Torque Blueprints in bulk for several owners at once.
No installation needed - just download the .exe file and run it from Windows Command Line/PowerShell.
If you want it to be available by default in any Command Line session, place it in C:\Windows\System32 and C:\Windows\SysWOW64
Execute torque_bulk_deployer.exe --help or without any arguments to get this help message:
Usage: torque_bulk_deployer [OPTIONS] Command [COMMAND OPTIONS]
--help show this message / show Command help
--config_file=<file_path> use a config file from a different directory
--auth_token=<token> use a pre-existing auth_token (if using this option, no need to provider username, password and account_name)
--username=<user_email> username of user account to use (e-mail address)
--password=<password> password of user account to use
--account Torque account name (if user has access to more than 1 account)
note: config_params auth_token, username, password, account are optional if JSON file containing these values is used
get_blueprints Show all Blueprints info
start_environment Start a Torque environment
start_environmnets Start multiple Torque environments
in order to execute any command, you havae to provide Torque authentication info, this can be done in any of the following ways:
API Authorization Token: provide a pre-provisioned Torque API Authorization token using --auth_token=THISISNOTAREALTOKEN, obtained by sending POST to with body of `{"email":<user_email>, "password":<user_password>}
Note that you can obtain a long-term token by POST to with a header that includes a currently active short-term token: headers: { "Authorization": "Bearer <token_data>" }
Username & Password: provide your username and password information using --username=<user_email> and --password=<user_password>
when using Username & Password, you also need to specify the Torque account name using --account=<account_name>
Config File: save the information for either option 1 or 2 in a .json file and provide the path to it using --config_file=<path_to_json>
example of such a JSON config file:
{ "auth_token": "this_is_not_a_real_auth_token", "username": "[email protected]", "password": "JohnDsPasswordIsNot123", "account": "demo" }
torque_bulk_deployer.exe <authentication info> get_blueprints --space_name=<space_name> --published_only=true|false
torque_bulk_deployer.exe <authentication info> start_environment --space_name=<space_name> --blueprint=<blueprint_name> --source_repo=<blueprint_source_repo> --owner=<owner_email> --inputs=<environmeent_input_values> --duration=<duration_in_minutes>
torque_bulk_deployer.exe <authentication info> start_environments --params_file=<my_csv_file_path> --stagger_duration=<stagger_time_in_seconds>
when providing a params file for a bulk deployment request, it needs to be a .csv file with the following header structure:
Space | Blueprint | Repository | Duration (Minutes) | Owners | Inputs |
bp_space_name | bp_name | bp_repo_name | env_duration_minutes | owner_emails_;_separated | env_inputs |
Note: The first line of the CSV file is considered a headers line and is ignored.
--stagger_duration=<N> if specified, there will be an N second delay between launching each environment
For questions, bug reports or feature requests, please refer to the [Issue Tracker]. Also, make sure you check out our Issue Template.
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