diff --git a/plugins/RadCoPilot_Slicer/RadCoPilot.py b/plugins/RadCoPilot_Slicer/RadCoPilot.py
index 8649777..144530f 100644
--- a/plugins/RadCoPilot_Slicer/RadCoPilot.py
+++ b/plugins/RadCoPilot_Slicer/RadCoPilot.py
@@ -70,12 +70,23 @@ def __init__(self, parent):
groupLayout.addRow(_("Server address:"), serverUrl)
parent.registerProperty("RadCoPilot/serverUrl", serverUrl, "text", str(qt.SIGNAL("textChanged(QString)")))
+ scanUrl = qt.QLineEdit()
+ groupLayout.addRow(_("Scan address:"), scanUrl)
+ parent.registerProperty("RadCoPilot/scanUrl", scanUrl, "text", str(qt.SIGNAL("textChanged(QString)")))
serverUrlHistory = qt.QLineEdit()
groupLayout.addRow(_("Server address history:"), serverUrlHistory)
"RadCoPilot/serverUrlHistory", serverUrlHistory, "text", str(qt.SIGNAL("textChanged(QString)"))
+ scanUrlHistory = qt.QLineEdit()
+ groupLayout.addRow(_("Scan address history:"), scanUrlHistory)
+ parent.registerProperty(
+ "RadCoPilot/scanUrlHistory", scanUrlHistory, "text", str(qt.SIGNAL("textChanged(QString)"))
+ )
fileExtension = qt.QLineEdit()
fileExtension.toolTip = _("Default extension for uploading volumes")
@@ -110,6 +121,7 @@ def __init__(self, parent=None):
self._updatingGUIFromParameterNode = False
self.info = {}
+ self.current_model = None
self.current_sample = None
self.samples = {}
self.state = {
@@ -147,15 +159,19 @@ def setup(self):
# in batch mode, without a graphical user interface.
self.tmpdir = slicer.util.tempDirectory("slicer-radcopilot")
self.logic = RadCoPilotLogic()
+ self.ui.scanComboBox.setEditable(True)
+ self.ui.serverComboBox.setEditable(True)
# Set icons and tune widget properties
self.ui.serverComboBox.lineEdit().setPlaceholderText("enter server address or leave empty to use default")
+ self.ui.scanComboBox.lineEdit().setPlaceholderText("enter scan address")
# start with button disabled
+ self.ui.fetchImageButton.setEnabled(False)
# Connections
@@ -164,6 +180,11 @@ def setup(self):
self.ui.sendPrompt.connect("clicked(bool)", self.onClickSendPrompt)
self.ui.cleanOutputButton.connect("clicked(bool)", self.onClickCleanOutputButton)
self.ui.uploadImageButton.connect("clicked(bool)", self.onUploadImage)
+ self.ui.fetchImageButton.connect("clicked(bool)", self.onFetchImage)
+ self.updateServerUrlGUIFromSettings()
+ self.updateScanUrlGUIFromSettings()
def icon(self, name="RadCoPilot.png"):
'''Get the icon for the RadCoPilot module.'''
@@ -178,6 +199,10 @@ def updateServerSettings(self):
+ def updateScanSettings(self):
+ '''Update the scan settings based on the current UI state.'''
+ self.saveScanUrl()
def serverUrl(self):
'''Get the current server URL from the UI.'''
serverUrl = self.ui.serverComboBox.currentText.strip()
@@ -185,6 +210,38 @@ def serverUrl(self):
serverUrl = "http://localhost:8000"
# return serverUrl.rstrip("/")
return serverUrl
+ def scanUrl(self):
+ '''Get the current scan URL from the UI.'''
+ scanUrl = self.ui.scanComboBox.currentText.strip()
+ if not scanUrl:
+ print("Scan address is empty ... ")
+ return None
+ return scanUrl
+ def updateServerUrlGUIFromSettings(self):
+ '''Save current server URL to the top of history.'''
+ settings = qt.QSettings()
+ serverUrlHistory = settings.value("RadCoPilot/serverUrlHistory")
+ wasBlocked = self.ui.serverComboBox.blockSignals(True)
+ self.ui.serverComboBox.clear()
+ if serverUrlHistory:
+ self.ui.serverComboBox.addItems(serverUrlHistory.split(";"))
+ self.ui.serverComboBox.setCurrentText(settings.value("RadCoPilot/serverUrl"))
+ self.ui.serverComboBox.blockSignals(wasBlocked)
+ def updateScanUrlGUIFromSettings(self):
+ '''Save current scan URL to the top of history.'''
+ settings = qt.QSettings()
+ scanUrlHistory = settings.value("RadCoPilot/scanUrlHistory")
+ wasBlocked = self.ui.scanComboBox.blockSignals(True)
+ self.ui.scanComboBox.clear()
+ if scanUrlHistory:
+ self.ui.scanComboBox.addItems(scanUrlHistory.split(";"))
+ self.ui.scanComboBox.setCurrentText(settings.value("RadCoPilot/scanUrl"))
+ self.ui.scanComboBox.blockSignals(wasBlocked)
def saveServerUrl(self):
'''Save the current server URL to settings and update history.'''
@@ -210,7 +267,34 @@ def saveServerUrl(self):
serverUrlHistory = serverUrlHistory[:10] # keep up to first 10 elements
settings.setValue("RadCoPilot/serverUrlHistory", ";".join(serverUrlHistory))
- # self.updateServerUrlGUIFromSettings()
+ self.updateServerUrlGUIFromSettings()
+ def saveScanUrl(self):
+ '''Save the current scan URL to settings and update history.'''
+ # self.updateParameterNodeFromGUI()
+ # Save selected server URL
+ settings = qt.QSettings()
+ scanUrl = self.ui.scanComboBox.currentText
+ settings.setValue("RadCoPilot/scanUrl", scanUrl)
+ # Save current scan URL to the top of history
+ scanUrlHistory = settings.value("RadCoPilot/serverUrlHistory")
+ if scanUrlHistory:
+ scanUrlHistory = scanUrlHistory.split(";")
+ else:
+ scanUrlHistory = []
+ try:
+ scanUrlHistory.remove(scanUrl)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ scanUrlHistory.insert(0, scanUrl)
+ scanUrlHistory = scanUrlHistory[:10] # keep up to first 10 elements
+ settings.setValue("RadCoPilot/scanUrlHistory", ";".join(scanUrlHistory))
+ self.updateScanUrlGUIFromSettings()
def show_popup(self, title, message):
'''Display a popup message box with the given title and message.'''
@@ -225,16 +309,17 @@ def onClickFetchInfo(self):
+ self.updateScanSettings()
info = self.logic.info()
+ self.current_model = info
self.info = info
print(f"Connected to RadCoPilot Server - Obtained info from server: {self.info}")
- self.show_popup("Information", "Connected to RadCoPilot Server")
+ self.ui.fetchImageButton.setEnabled(True)
# Updating model name
- self.ui.appComboBox.clear()
- self.ui.appComboBox.addItem(self.info)
+ self.ui.appDescriptionLabel.text = self.info
except AttributeError as e:
@@ -250,13 +335,53 @@ def onClickCleanOutputButton(self):
'''Handle the click event for cleaning the output text.'''
- def onUploadImage(self):
- '''Gets the volume and sen it to the server.'''
- volumeNode = slicer.mrmlScene.GetFirstNodeByClass("vtkMRMLScalarVolumeNode")
- image_id = volumeNode.GetName()
+ def reportProgress2(self, msg, level=None):
+ '''Print progress in the console.'''
+ print("Loading... {0}%".format(self.sampleDataLogic.downloadPercent))
+ # Abort download if cancel is clicked in progress bar
+ if self.progressWindow.wasCanceled:
+ raise Exception("download aborted")
+ # Update progress window
+ self.progressWindow.show()
+ self.progressWindow.activateWindow()
+ self.progressWindow.setValue(int(self.sampleDataLogic.downloadPercent))
+ self.progressWindow.setLabelText("Downloading...")
+ # Process events to allow screen to refresh
+ slicer.app.processEvents()
+ def onFetchImage(self):
+ '''Fetch an image from an URL.'''
+ import SampleData
+ try:
+ scan_url = self.ui.scanComboBox.currentText
+ volumeNode = None
+ self.progressWindow = slicer.util.createProgressDialog()
+ self.sampleDataLogic = SampleData.SampleDataLogic()
+ self.sampleDataLogic.logMessage = self.reportProgress2
+ loadedNodes = self.sampleDataLogic.downloadFromURL(
+ nodeNames="CTVolume",
+ fileNames="ct_liver_0.nii.gz",
+ uris=scan_url,
+ #checksums="SHA256:cc211f0dfd9a05ca3841ce1141b292898b2dd2d3f08286affadf823a7e58df93"
+ )
+ volumeNode = loadedNodes[0]
+ self.ui.inputVolumeNodeComboBox.setCurrentNode(volumeNode)
+ # Sending url to the server
+ info = self.logic.uploadScan(scan_url)
+ self.info = info
+ print(f"Response from the upload text call: {self.info['status']}")
+ finally:
+ self.progressWindow.close()
+ def onUploadImage(self):
+ '''Gets the text from scanComboBox or the volume from the viewport and sends it to the server.'''
+ volumeNode = self.ui.inputVolumeNodeComboBox.currentNode()
+ image_id = volumeNode.GetName()
in_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=self.file_ext, dir=self.tmpdir).name
self.current_sample = in_file
@@ -279,8 +404,10 @@ def onUploadImage(self):
msg = f"Message: {e.msg}" if hasattr(e, "msg") else ""
+ self.show_popup("Error", f"Upload failed: {msg}")
return False
def reportProgress(self, progressPercentage):
'''Reports progress of an event.'''
if not self.progressBar:
@@ -293,7 +420,14 @@ def reportProgress(self, progressPercentage):
def has_text(self, ui_text):
'''Check if the given UI text element has any content.'''
return len(ui_text.toPlainText()) < 1
+ def _get_answer_text(self, response):
+ '''Get the VILA-M3 response.'''
+ final_response = response['choices'][0]['message']['content']['content'][0]['text']
+ return final_response
def onClickSendPrompt(self):
'''Handle the click event for sending a prompt to the server.'''
if not self.logic:
@@ -313,7 +447,10 @@ def onClickSendPrompt(self):
info = self.logic.getAnswer(inputText=inText, volumePath=self.current_sample)
if info is not None:
self.info = info
- self.ui.outputText.setText(info['choices'][0]['message']['content'])
+ if 'VILA-M3' in self.current_model:
+ self.ui.outputText.setText(self._get_answer_text(info))
+ else:
+ self.ui.outputText.setText(info['choices'][0]['message']['content'])
logging.info(f"Time consumed by fetch info: {time.time() - start:3.1f}")
diff --git a/plugins/RadCoPilot_Slicer/RadCoPilotLib/client.py b/plugins/RadCoPilot_Slicer/RadCoPilotLib/client.py
index ab4fc10..fda72a8 100644
--- a/plugins/RadCoPilot_Slicer/RadCoPilotLib/client.py
+++ b/plugins/RadCoPilot_Slicer/RadCoPilotLib/client.py
@@ -77,15 +77,15 @@ def uploadFile(self, volumePath):
Upload a file to the RadCoPilot server using the fileUploadRouter.
- This method sends a file to the '/upload' endpoint of the RadCoPilot server,
+ This method sends either a local file or a URL to the '/upload' endpoint of the RadCoPilot server,
which stores it as the last received file. This uploaded file can then be
used in subsequent requests to the chat_completions API if no file is
provided in those requests.
- filePath : str
- The path to the file that should be uploaded to the server.
+ volumePath : str
+ The path to the local file or a URL that should be uploaded to the server.
@@ -103,13 +103,21 @@ def uploadFile(self, volumePath):
print("Uploading file...")
selector = "/upload/"
url = f"{self._server_url}{selector}"
+ # Check if volumePath is a URL
+ parsed_url = urlparse(volumePath)
+ is_url = bool(parsed_url.scheme and parsed_url.netloc)
- with open(volumePath, 'rb') as file:
- files = {"file": (os.path.basename(volumePath), file, "application/octet-stream")}
+ if is_url:
+ # If it's a URL, send it as a form-data field
+ files = {"file": (None, str(volumePath))}
response = requests.post(url=url, files=files)
+ else:
+ # If it's a local file, open and send it
+ with open(volumePath, 'rb') as file:
+ files = {"file": (os.path.basename(volumePath), file, "application/octet-stream")}
+ response = requests.post(url=url, files=files)
if response.status_code == 200:
return response.json()
diff --git a/plugins/RadCoPilot_Slicer/Resources/UI/RadCoPilot.ui b/plugins/RadCoPilot_Slicer/Resources/UI/RadCoPilot.ui
index 5987827..86884af 100644
--- a/plugins/RadCoPilot_Slicer/Resources/UI/RadCoPilot.ui
+++ b/plugins/RadCoPilot_Slicer/Resources/UI/RadCoPilot.ui
@@ -30,116 +30,183 @@
- 0
- 0
- true
- -
- true
- Fetch/Refresh models from Server
- -
- RadCoPilot Server
- -
- Model Name:
- -
- Qt::LeftToRight
- QComboBox::AdjustToContents
- -
- Submit scan
- -
- Input Prompt
- -
- 0
- 0
+ Setup
+ RadCoPilot Server:
+ -
+ 0
+ 0
+ true
+ -
+ -
+ Model Name:
+ -
+ -
+ Input volume:
+ -
+ vtkMRMLScalarVolumeNode
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ (upload from URL)
+ -
+ 0
+ 0
+ URL:
+ Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter
+ 10
+ -
+ -
+ Fetch volume
+ -
+ Submit volume
- Send Prompt
+ Input Prompt
+ 0
+ 0
+ -
+ Send Prompt
Generated Text
- -
- 0
- 0
- -
- Clean
+ 0
+ 0
+ -
+ Clean
@@ -158,11 +225,22 @@
+ ctkCollapsibleGroupBox
+ QGroupBox
+ 1
+ qMRMLNodeComboBox
+ QWidget
@@ -171,5 +249,70 @@
+ inputVolumeNodeComboBox
+ currentNodeChanged(bool)
+ scanComboBox
+ setDisabled(bool)
+ 179
+ 97
+ 201
+ 121
+ MONAILabel
+ mrmlSceneChanged(vtkMRMLScene*)
+ inputVolumeNodeComboBox
+ setMRMLScene(vtkMRMLScene*)
+ 55
+ 837
+ 157
+ 102
+ inputVolumeNodeComboBox
+ currentNodeChanged(bool)
+ fetchImageButton
+ setHidden(bool)
+ 239
+ 96
+ 143
+ 192
+ inputVolumeNodeComboBox
+ currentNodeChanged(bool)
+ uploadImageButton
+ setVisible(bool)
+ 289
+ 101
+ 373
+ 195