Login page /login Users Page /users User details page : /users/user-details/:id
Description: Loads users data from a mock api, displays a table skeleton loading state while the data is being fetched. Pagination is also implemented to navigate between certain number of users per page, a select box to change the number of users displayed per page ranging from 10,20,50,100 and 500. A popover modal can also be toggled for each user record to link to page displaying the user details.
- Table
- Pagination
- Stats
- View Users table
- Popover to link to user details page
- Search for users from searchbox on the navbar by organization name, email and username.
Loads a user's data from a mock api using the id passed as a route parameter, displays several information about the user and a button to go back to the users page.
- Components:
- Summary
- User bio stats
- Userdetails table
A simple login page with a form to enter email and password, a button to submit the form and a link to go back to the users page. A button under the password input field can also be toggled to show or hide the password.
- searches users by organization name, username and email