Releases: PlaytikaOSS/testcontainers-spring-boot
🚀 Features & Enhancements
- Support partitions count for kafka-testcontainer (#834) @svishevsky
📁 Dependencies updates
- Bump vertica-jdbc from 11.0.2-0 to 11.1.0-0 (#843) @dependabot
- Bump equalsverifier from 3.7.2 to 3.10 (#841) @dependabot
- Bump joda-time from 2.10.13 to 2.10.14 (#839) @dependabot
- Bump minio from 8.3.3 to 8.3.7 (#836) @dependabot
- Bump azure-spring-boot-starter-storage from 3.12.0 to 3.14.0 (#835) @dependabot
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies from 2.5.5 to 2.6.4 (#831) @dependabot
🏡 Housekeeping
🚀 Features & Enhancements
- Toxiproxy support (#823) @Aloren
- Pub sub dead letter (#815) @poznachowski
🐞 Fixes
📁 Dependencies updates
- Bump maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2 (#832) @dependabot
- Bump maven-compiler-plugin from 3.9.0 to 3.10.1 (#833) @dependabot
- Bump aws-java-sdk.version from 1.12.146 to 1.12.181 (#827) @dependabot
- Bump neo4j-ogm.version from 3.2.28 to 3.2.31 (#818) @dependabot
- Bump java-client from 3.2.4 to 3.2.6 (#820) @dependabot
- Bump actions/cache from 2 to 3 (#825) @dependabot
- Bump keycloak.version from 16.1.0 to 16.1.1 (#797) @dependabot
- Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.20.0 to 2.21.0 (#803) @dependabot
- Bump camel.version from 3.14.0 to 3.15.0 (#804) @dependabot
- Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 (#816) @dependabot
🏡 Housekeeping
- Cleanup poms (#830) @Aloren
- Bump maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2 (#832) @dependabot
- Bump maven-compiler-plugin from 3.9.0 to 3.10.1 (#833) @dependabot
- Fix mariadb-java-client version to be used from spring-boot-bom (#829) @Aloren
- Bump actions/cache from 2 to 3 (#825) @dependabot
- Update maven wrapper (#824) @Aloren
💣️ Breaking changes
Update Memsql docker image to singlestore/cluster-in-a-box (#808) @ijusti
is now required to be provided by users. You can generate it here: -
Support common docker image properties docker-image and docker-image-version for all containers (#807) @Aloren
All modules supportembedded.{module}.dockerImage
properties now.
When either of the properties is overridden warning log is output that such image may not be compatible with the default one.Users must replace the following properties:
embedded.selenium.imageName -> embedded.selenium.dockerImage
Update localstack to 0.14.0. Remove deprecated properties (#806) @Aloren
🚀 Features & Enhancements
- Support common docker image properties docker-image and docker-image-version for all containers (#807) @Aloren
📁 Dependencies updates
- Update memsql docker image to singlestore/cluster-in-a-box (#808) @ijusti
- Update localstack to 0.14.0. Remove deprecated properties (#806) @Aloren
- Bump postgresql from 42.3.2 to 42.3.3 in /embedded-postgresql (#801) @dependabot
- Bump okhttp from 4.9.1 to 4.9.3 (#789) @dependabot
- Bump pulsar-client from 2.8.0 to 2.9.1 (#790) @dependabot
- Bump junit-bom from 5.8.0-M1 to 5.8.2 (#791) @dependabot
- Bump postgresql from 42.2.25 to 42.3.2 (#794) @dependabot
- Bump postgresql from 42.2.23 to 42.2.25 in /embedded-postgresql (#793) @dependabot
- Bump mysql-connector-java from 8.0.26 to 8.0.28 (#784) @dependabot
- Bump jcc from to (#785) @dependabot
- Bump vertica-jdbc from 11.0.1-0 to 11.0.2-0 (#786) @dependabot
- Bump kafka-clients from 2.8.0 to 3.1.0 (#787) @dependabot
- Bump aws-java-sdk.version from 1.12.145 to 1.12.146 (#781) @dependabot
- Bump java-client from 3.2.0 to 3.2.4 (#782) @dependabot
- Bump mariadb-java-client from 2.7.4 to 2.7.5 (#783) @dependabot
- Bump joda-time from 2.10.10 to 2.10.13 (#774) @dependabot
- Bump testcontainers.version from 1.16.2 to 1.16.3 (#772) @dependabot
- Bump keycloak.version from 15.0.2 to 16.1.0 (#775) @dependabot
- Bump aerospike-client from 5.1.9 to 5.1.11 (#777) @dependabot
📖 Documentation
🏡 Housekeeping
🚀 Features & Enhancements
- #697 added azurite support (#766) @klu2
- feat(rabbit): add ability to specify custom compatible image (#770) @mychalvlcek
📁 Dependencies updates
- Bump maven-compiler-plugin from 3.8.1 to 3.9.0 (#776) @dependabot
- Bump aws-java-sdk.version from 1.12.77 to 1.12.145 (#771) @dependabot
- Bump clickhouse-jdbc from 0.3.1-patch to 0.3.2 (#763) @dependabot
- Bump neo4j-ogm.version from 3.2.25 to 3.2.28 (#759) @dependabot
- Bump camel.version from 3.11.1 to 3.14.0 (#764) @dependabot
🏡 Housekeeping
- Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.14.0 to 2.20.0 (#768) @dependabot
📁 Dependencies updates
- Bump testcontainers.version from 1.16.0 to 1.16.2 (#747) @dependabot
🏡 Housekeeping
🐞 Fixes
- Revert logs based waiting strategy (#744) @artemptushkin
📁 Dependencies updates
- Bump spring-cloud-dependencies from 2020.0.3 to 2020.0.4 (#749) @dependabot
- Bump keycloak.version from 15.0.1 to 15.0.2 (#746) @dependabot
- Bump minio from 8.3.0 to 8.3.3 (#751) @dependabot
- Bump voltdbclient from 10.1.1 to 11.0 (#748) @dependabot
- Bump vertica-jdbc from 10.1.1-0 to 11.0.1-0 (#742) @dependabot
- Bump aerospike-client from 4.4.18 to 5.1.9 (#745) @dependabot
- Bump mariadb-java-client from 2.7.3 to 2.7.4 (#717) @dependabot
- Bump maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1 (#740) @dependabot
- Bump equalsverifier from 3.7 to 3.7.2 (#741) @dependabot
- Bump the default Aerospike server version (#621) @reugn
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies from 2.5.3 to 2.5.5 (#734) @dependabot