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C Demos


You need a C99-compatible compiler to build these demos.


Eagle requires a valid Picovoice AccessKey at initialization. AccessKey acts as your credentials when using Eagle SDKs. You can get your AccessKey for free. Make sure to keep your AccessKey secret. Signup or Login to Picovoice Console to get your AccessKey.


  • The demo requires CMake version 3.4 or higher.
  • For Windows Only: MinGW is required to build the demo.


Eagle consists of two distinct steps: Enrollment and Recognition. In the enrollment step, Eagle analyzes a series of utterances from a particular speaker to learn their unique voiceprint. This step results in a Profile object, which can be stored and utilized during inference. During the Recognition step, Eagle compares the incoming frames of audio to the voiceprints of all enrolled speakers in real-time to determine the similarity between them.

Microphone Demo

The microphone demo records audio input from a connected microphone. It has two modes, enroll and test, which can be selected based on the input arguments.

Note: the following commands are run from the root of the repo.


Use CMake to build the Eagle microphone demo target:

cmake -S demo/c/ -B demo/c/build && cmake --build demo/c/build --target eagle_demo_mic


Running the executable without any command-line arguments prints the usage info to the console:

Usage: ./demo/c/build/eagle_demo_mic [-s] [-e OUTPUT_PROFILE_PATH | -t INPUT_PROFILE_PATH] [-l LIBRARY_PATH -m MODEL_PATH -a ACCESS_KEY -d AUDIO_DEVICE_INDEX]

To list the available audio input devices:

./demo/c/build/eagle_demo_mic -s

Speaker Enrollment

To run the Eagle microphone demo in the enrollment mode, pass the -e argument with the path to the output file where the speaker profile will be stored:

./demo/c/build/eagle_demo_mic -l ${LIBRARY_PATH} -m ${MODEL_PATH} -a ${ACCESS_KEY} -d ${AUDIO_DEVICE_INDEX} -e ${OUTPUT_PROFILE_PATH}

Replace ${LIBRARY_PATH} with path to appropriate library available under lib, ${MODEL_PATH} with path to the model file available under lib/common, ${ACCESS_KEY} with AccessKey obtained from Picovoice Console, ${AUDIO_DEVICE_INDEX} with the index of the audio device you wish to capture audio with. An ${AUDIO_DEVICE_INDEX} of -1 will provide you with your system's default recording device. Lastly, ${OUTPUT_PROFILE_PATH} with the path to the output file where the speaker profile will be stored.

Speaker Recognition

To run the Eagle microphone demo in the test mode, pass the -t argument with the path to the input file where the speaker profile is stored:

./demo/c/build/eagle_demo_mic -l ${LIBRARY_PATH} -m ${MODEL_PATH} -a ${ACCESS_KEY} -d ${AUDIO_DEVICE_INDEX} -t ${INPUT_PROFILE_PATH}

All arguments are the same as the enrollment mode, except ${INPUT_PROFILE_PATH} should be the path to the speaker profile file.

File Demo

Similar to the mic demo, the file demo can be run in two modes: enroll and test, which can be selected based on the input arguments.

This demo expects a single-channel WAV file with a sampling rate of 16000 and 16-bit linear PCM encoding.

Note: the following commands are run from the root of the repo.


Use CMake to build the Eagle file demo target:

cmake -S demo/c/ -B demo/c/build && cmake --build demo/c/build --target eagle_demo_file


Running the executable without any command-line arguments prints the usage info to the console:


Speaker Enrollment

To run the Eagle file demo in the enrollment mode, pass the -e argument with the path to the output file where the speaker profile will be stored:

./demo/c/build/eagle_demo_file -l ${LIBRARY_PATH} -m ${MODEL_PATH} -a ${ACCESS_KEY} -e ${OUTPUT_PROFILE_PATH} ${WAV_AUDIO_PATH_1} ${WAV_AUDIO_PATH_2} ...

Replace ${LIBRARY_PATH} with the path to the appropriate Eagle library available under lib, ${MODEL_PATH} with the path to the model file available under lib/common, ${ACCESS_KEY} with a Picovoice AccessKey obtained from the Picovoice Console, ${OUTPUT_PROFILE_PATH} with the path to the output file where the speaker profile will be stored, and ${WAV_AUDIO_PATH_1} ${WAV_AUDIO_PATH_2} ... with the paths to the WAV files that will be used to enroll the speaker.

Speaker Recognition

To run the Eagle file demo in the test mode, pass the -t argument with the path to the input file where the speaker profile is stored:

./demo/c/build/eagle_demo_file -l ${LIBRARY_PATH} -m ${MODEL_PATH} -a ${ACCESS_KEY} -t ${INPUT_PROFILE_PATH} ${WAV_AUDIO_PATH_1} ${WAV_AUDIO_PATH_2} ...

All arguments are the same as the enrollment mode, except ${INPUT_PROFILE_PATH} should be the path to the speaker profile file. ${WAV_AUDIO_PATH_1} ${WAV_AUDIO_PATH_2} ... should be the paths to the WAV files that will be used to test the speaker.