Web App that displays a repos issues and pull requests while allowing them to filter states.
App hosted on Heroku here: https://githubissuesexplorer.herokuapp.com/
Steps to run program.
- Clone this repository.
- Run
npm install
to install dependencies. - You can now run
npm start
to see the app onhttp://localhost:3000
- Start by typing in a github url in the search bar.
- A set of boxes filtered by all will show up displaying all the issues including the pull requests.
- You can filter these with the buttons at the top left. Navigate to the repository and navigate to the issue or pr.
- Parsa Yadollahi - ParsaYadollahi
- Make sure you know about stashing before you 'git reset --hard origin' and pop all the saved stashs just to lose all your work.
- Got to learn more about react and UI than I thought I would from a small project.