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590 lines (413 loc) · 23 KB

File metadata and controls

590 lines (413 loc) · 23 KB


Date format: DD/MM/YYYY


🚀 Additions

Event Streaming

  • Sanctuary.Census now exposes an event stream for 'realtime' data.
  • Connect at wss://
  • Compatible with the official Census' event stream.
  • Valid event names: WorldPopulationUpdate, MapStateUpdate.


  • New collection. Exposes the number of characters allowed on a zone.

🚨 Breaking changes

  • The old fields mentioned in the update notes for 14/04/2023 have now been removed, and will not be added to any new records going forwards.

  • 'Realtime' collections will now display a value of -1 for their last_updated and update_interval_sec fields on the root datatype endpoint.

🐛 Fixes

  • The describe now produces better output for list and dictionary properties.
  • The describe verb no longer fails on collections on which some fields had empty descriptions.


🚀 Additions

  • The c:has command now supports the ! syntax to return only records on which the given field is null. E.g. c:has=!field1,field2 will return all records on which field1 is null AND field2 is not null.

🐛 Fixes


  • The following fields are now correctly typed as decimal values, rather than integers: initial_value, initial_value_max, max_value, value_marker_lo, value_marker_med, value_marker_hi


To retain compatibility with the official Census, new fields have been introduced which map onto existing fields. 🚨 The old fields will be removed after at least three months, in the interests of keeping a clean collection model. Please migrate to using the new 'official' fields.

The new fields map onto the old fields as such:


  • ability_block_delay_ms -> ability_after_fire_delay_ms
  • charge_minimum_ms -> fire_charge_minimum_ms
  • sprint_block_delay_ms -> sprint_after_fire_delay_ms


  • capture_reward.description -> outfit_resource_reward_type_description
  • capture_reward.amount -> outfit_resource_reward_amount

Note: map_region is now a silver-tier collection, as Census' new tick_reward field cannot be filled at this time.


  • lockon_proximity_distance -> projectile_lockon_range_half_meters
  • projectile_radius -> projectile_radius_meters


  • requires_ammo -> equip_needs_ammo
  • use_cooldown_ms -> next_use_delay_ms


🚀 Additions


  • uint item_class - The class that the item belongs to.


  • New collection; links a loadout_slot to any compatible item classes.


  • New collection; links a vehicle_loadout_slot to any compatible item classes.


Pseudo-realtime collections have been added. These update roughly every 2m. See below for more info.

🚀 Additions


  • New pseudo-realtime collection. Exposes the current map state of a world's zones. Contains capture and rough population data.


  • New pseudo-realtime collection. Exposes the current population of a world.


  • uint? reward_currency_id - The currency that is awarded for capturing/owning facility.
  • int? reward_amount - The amount of currency that is awarded for capturing/owning the facility.


🚀 Additions

  • Collection and error response models are now exposed in the Swagger API documentation.


🚨 Breaking changes

  • Hid the item_attachment collection, due to ongoing issues with accuracy of the data.
  • Removed map_region#empire_score. Turns out the value is dynamic, and not quite what I expected.

🚀 Additions


  • New collection. Maintains parity with the official Census, but adds NSO data and prestige level mappings.


  • New collection. Links items within the same 'line' together. Useful for determining the upgrade order for items such as vehicle attachments.


  • Updates to maintain parity with the official Census:
  • uint geometry_id - The geometry ('terrain') ID of the zone.
  • string type - The type of the zone.
  • bool dynamic - Indicates whether the zone is dynamic.


🚀 Additions


  • int? empire_score - The amount of empire score contributed by owning the region's facility.
  • uint? image_set_id, uint? image_id, string? image_path - The usual, for the facility's icon.


  • uint? currency_id - The ID of the non-station-cash currency that the bundle can be purchased using.
  • uint? currency_price - The amount of currency that can be used to purchase the bundle.

🐛 Fixes

  • The item_attachment collection no longer includes entries for non-purchasable attachments, and some erroneously missing links have been added.


🚀 Additions

New collection: item_attachment.


  • Added the is_default_attachment field.
  • item now has full parity with the official Census 🌠.


🚨 Breaking changes

On the fire_mode_2 collection:

  • the cloak_after_fire_delay_ms field has been renamed to ability_after_fire_delay_ms.

🚀 Additions


  • Added the outfit_resource_reward_type_description and outfit_resource_reward_amount fields.


  • bool can_lock - Indicates whether a lock-on weapon can obtain a lock while the fire mode is active.
  • string? fire_requirement_expression - An expression defining the conditions that must be met for firing to be enabled.


  • equip_needs_ammo - Indicates whether the fire mode requires ammo to be available to allow equipping.

03/01/2023 | The Profile Update

🚀 Added the following fields to profile:

  • decimal? movement_speed,
  • decimal? backpedal_speed_multiplier
  • decimal? crouch_speed_multiplier
  • decimal? sprint_speed_multiplier
  • decimal? strafe_speed_multiplier
  • decimal? sprint_acceleration_time_sec
  • decimal? sprint_deceleration_time_sec
  • decimal? forward_acceleration_time_sec
  • decimal? forward_deceleration_time_sec
  • decimal? back_acceleration_time_sec
  • decimal? back_deceleration_time_sec
  • decimal? strafe_acceleration_time_sec
  • decimal? strafe_deceleration_time_sec
  • decimal? max_water_speed_multiplier

See for descriptions of the new fields. They are only valid for infantry profiles. profile is now a silver-tier collection, missing only the profile_type_description field.

🐛 Fixes

  • The c:tree command no longer requires the field key to be explicitly provided (i.e. &c:tree=<field_name> is now valid syntax).


🚀 Additions

Thanks to Aysom for discovering these new fields.


  • Added the camera_height and crouch_camera_height fields (decimal?), which indicate the height at which the player's camera is set to while using the profile.


  • Added the bomblet_detonation_max_range and bomblet_detonation_min_range fields (decimal?). This is the max/min range at which a bomblet projectile (e.g. use by the Scorpion) can detonate.
  • Added the can_proximity_lock_target_requirement_expression (string?) which indicates the conditions that must be met for a proximity lock to be achieved on a target.
  • Added the create_flak_explosion_requirement_expression (string?) which indicates the conditions that must be met for a flak explosion to be created on a target.

Miscellaneous Changes

  • The item_to_weapon collection will no longer contain entries linking to non-existent weapons.
  • The directive collections will no longer have data removed, in order to preserve information about temporary directives.
  • The old diff interface has been disabled. Diffing to appears to be running smoothly.


🆕 Additions

🐛 Fixes

  • Documents of non-root joins that had their own non-list joins (e.g. item -> item_to_weapon -> weapon) were being removed when their child join returned no values. This has been resolved.

  • Improved the resolution of item factions. This was a particular issue for camo items.


🚨 Breaking changes

On the experience collection:

  • the description field has been re-typed as a nullable string, to match the official Census.
  • the localized description is now called localized_description, and is also explicitly nullable.

On the resource_type collection:

  • the code_name field has been re-named to description and the value has been stripped of the ResourceType prefix, in order to match the official Census.


Added the facility_type collection. Note that this is manually updated.

On the directive_tier_reward_set collection:

  • The faction_id field has been added. Entries will now exist for each faction they are available on.

🐛 Fixes

  • Multiple entries in the directive_tier_reward collection will now appear, in cases where the reward set is offered on multiple factions.


projectile additions:

  • projectile_flight_type_description (string?). Describes the projectile_flight_type_id field, when known.

🐛 Fixes:

  • Fixed faction-specific marketing_bundles only ever being present for a single faction.
  • Fixed entries in the image_set collection changing type every update cycle, owing to duplicates with different types in the underlying data source. Now, all entries will be present.


💥 The deprecated outfit_war_rounds collection has been removed. Please migrate to using outfit_war_round, which provides the same data but in a more query/join-friendly structure.

✨ New Collections:

  • ability
  • ability_set
  • resource
  • resource_type

item field additions:

  • use_requirement_expression (string?). Defines when an item can be used in a loadout. Can be used, for example, to identify seasonal weapons such as the Haunted Ichabod Crown (ID 801959).
  • equip_requirement_expression (string?). Defines when a loadout item can be equipped. See the Spawn Beacon (ID 7) for an example.

🔧 Re-typed resist_info.resist_percent from int to decimal.


🚨 The deprecated outfit_war_rounds collection will be removed on November 1st. Please migrate to using outfit_war_round, which provides the same data but in a more query/join-friendly structure.

Added the describe verb, which returns a result detailing the fields of the provided collection. E.g.:


  "fire_mode_2_list": [
      "name": "fire_mode_id",
      "type": "UInt32",
      "is_nullable": "false",
      "description": "The ID of the fire mode"
      "name": "ammo_slot",
      "type": "Byte",
      "is_nullable": "true"

fire_mode_2 - added the following fields:

  • deploy_anim_time_ms (ushort?): Time time taken by the deployment animation of a relevant weapon, e.g. the Shield Recharging Device. May have additional functionality.
  • target_requirement_expression (string?): An expression defining the type of target the user must be aiming at for firing to be enabled.

projectile - added the following field:

  • stick_to_target_requirement_expression (string?): An expression defining the type of target that the projectile can stick to.


Setup a CORS policy allowing GET requests from any domain, with any headers.


Added the resist_info collection. Do note that it's missing the description field.

fire_group - added the following fields:

  • image_set_override_id (uint).
  • spin_up_time_ms (ushort).

⚠ Further, the chamber_duration_ms field has been re-typed from a uint to a ushort value.

fire_mode_2 - added the following fields:

  • anim_kick_magnitude (decimal?).
  • anim_recoil_magnitude (decimal?).
  • fire_charge_minimum_ms (ushort?): the minimum amount of time that a weapon such as the Scorpion or Corsair catapult must be charged for.
  • fan_angle_rotate_degrees (decimal?): the degree of rotation in the XY plane (that is, the viewing plane of the user) at which fan-based pellets are rotated.
  • fan_conical_spread (decimal?): the maximum distance at which fan-based pellets are spread from each other, by means of a dedicated 'cone of fire' for each pellet.

⚠ Further, the recoil_recovery_delay_ms field has been re-typed from a ushort to a short value.

projectile - added the following fields:

  • actor_definition_first_person (string?): the model used to represent the projectile.
  • lifespan_detonate (bool): indicates whether the projectile will detonate at the end of its lifespan.
  • TracerFrequency and TracerFrequencyFirstPerson (byte?): the number of projectiles that must be fired before a tracer is spawned.
  • VelocityInheritScalar (decimal): the magnitude of velocity that the projectile inherits from the player entity.


  • Fixed the loadout.code_name field being reset to null when data could not be retrieved from the server.



  • Added the bullet_arc_kick_angle field (decimal), which is the relative pitch angle in degrees at which a bullet exits the barrel.
  • Added the cloak_after_fire_delay_ms field (int?), which is the delay in milliseconds before the infiltrator's cloak ability is usable, after firing. Worth noting that this field likely affects more than just cloaking, but we can't determine what, if so, at this stage.
  • Added the fan_angle field (decimal?), which is the angle in degrees at which pellets such as those on the Horizon, are separated by.
  • Added the fire_needs_lock field (bool), which indicates whether a lock on a target is required before the fire mode can be used.
  • Added the sprint_after_fire_delay_ms field (int?), which is the delay in milliseconds before sprinting can occur, after firing.


  • Added the item.code_factory_name field.
  • Added the loadout.code_name field. This brings the loadout collection to full parity with DBG Census.
  • weapon_ammo_slot.clip_size is now typed as signed 16-bit integer, rather than unsigned.
  • Improved some collection descriptions.


Outfit Wars

  • Added the outfit_war.primary_round_id field. This allows directly joining to the outfit_war_ranking collection.

  • Added the outfit_war_match.round_id field. Note that this will be null if the match does not conclusively fit within a single round.

  • Added the outfit_war_round collection. This provides the same data as the outfit_war_rounds collection, but in a more easily queryable and joinable manner. For example, you can now join rounds directly to outfit_war_match.

  • ⚠ The outfit_war_rounds collection is now deprecated and will be removed after the end of Nexus Season 1.


  • Removed the item.is_account_scoped field. It did not provide any useful information, given that some items can be both character and account scoped depending on how they were purchased.


Added the item.is_vehicle_weapon field. This will be true for any items of which their category derives from 104 - Vehicle Weapons. And some manually added vehicle weapon categories, namely from NSO vehicles -_-.

On the currency collection:

  • Renamed the icon_image_set_id field to image_set_id.
  • Added the icon_id field to maintain compatibility with Census.

On the skill, skill_category, skill_line and skill_set collections:

  • Fixed incorrect values for the image_id and image_path fields, in cases where entries did not have an associated image set.
  • The image_set_id field is now nullable.

Added image_id and image_path properties to the following collections:

  • marketing_bundle
  • marketing_bundle_category
  • outfit_war
  • vehicle_loadout_slot

13/09/2022 | Update: Deploy the Flail

  • Added the skill, skill_category, skill_line and skill_set collections.
  • Added the no_deploy_area collection.
  • Added the image and image_set_default collections.
  • The main Sanctuary.Census deployment now has NSO directive data for the PS2 environment.
  • Added the outfit_war_registration.outfit_war_id and outfit_war_ranking.outfit_war_id fields.


  • Removed directive.objective_param_1 due to instability in the value.


  • Fixed the count verb and root datatype endpoint not obeying CensusJSON mode.

07/09/2022 | Update: Still Grinding

  • Added the directive, directive_tier, directive_tree and directive_tree_category collections.
  • Added the directive_tier_reward and directive_tier_reward_set collections.
  • Squashed many bugs, introduced some more, and squashed them again.

Notes ⚠ NSO data is not present. I haven't unlocked an NSO character yet! Please note that Sanctuary.Census does not know about objectives, and hence the directive.objective_set_id field is missing.

Further, the directive reward collections are rather different to DBG Census. Following the directive_tier.reward_set_id field will require you to query the directive_tier_reward_set collection. You can then perform a list join on this to the directive_tier_reward collection to retrieve the individual items given by the reward set.


  • Decreased the collection build time to every one hour.
  • Added the update_interval_sec field to the c:timing model and datatype listing model.


  • Fixed null fields being serialized to a value of BsonNull when using CensusJSON mode.


  • Added the outfit_war_match collection.


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • censusJSON mode now defaults to true. This means that all fields will be represented as JSON strings. You can disable this behaviour by appending c:censusJSON=false to your query.
  • When using censusJSON mode, boolean values are represented as "0" (false) or "1" (true).
  • When not using censusJSON mode, int64 numbers will once again be represented as number tokens, rather than as strings.


  • Query commands that accept a boolean value, now also support the use of 0 (false) and 1 (true).
  • facility_link and map_region are now updated automatically.
  • Added the map_region.localized_facility_name field.
  • Added the map_hex collection.


  • Big internal refactor to collection upserting. It's now much easier to add new collections.


  • Added support for serializing all fields in a response as strings, to match DBG Census. Use the c:censusJSON=true command to achieve this.
  • Updated support for outfit wars data.


  • Added support for the c:distinct command.
  • Added the marketing_bundle, marketing_bundle_category and marketing_bundle_item collections.
  • Added the outfit_war_ranking collection.


  • Fixed vehicle items missing the faction_id field.
  • Fixed joins breaking the c:limit and c:start commands.
  • Fixed inner joins not taking effect.
  • Fixed non-list joins causing inner join behaviour.


  • Added the outfit_war and outfit_war_rounds collections.
  • Added the image_set collection.
  • Fixed the storage and querying of decimal (previously, floating point) values.
  • Updated item.item_category to be nullable.
  • Added the description and last_updated fields to the datatype list (i.e. /get/<environment>)
  • Fixed querying on enum fields.
  • Implemented a somewhat-correct local timezone display in the diff viewer.
  • Many under the hood fixes and optimisations.

10/08/2022 #2

  • ⚠️ long/int64 numbers are now serialized as strings.
  • Update timings model to include collection_last_updated
  • map_region will now automatically contain accurate facility info, but still isn't automatically retrieving new regions.
  • Added the outfit_war_registration.world_id field.
  • Prevented outfit registrations from being removed if we fail to retrieve data from certain servers.

10/08/2022 #1

  • The facility_info collection is now automatically updated.
  • Added the outfit_war_registration collection.
  • Added the zone collection.
  • Added the vehicle_skill_set collection.


  • Added the projectile.projectile_radius_meters field.
  • All floating point values are now rounded to 3dp.


  • Added the projectile.proximity_lockon_range_half_meters field.
  • Added the projectile.tether_distance field.
  • Fixed the type key being unusable on joins.
  • Improved text wrapping in the diff viewer.


  • Fixed the use of sibling joins within child joins.
  • Darkened some aspects of the diff interface.


  • Added the facility_info collection. This collection is currently manually updated. Compared to the current iteration of map_region, it is guaranteed to contain positional data and is more likely to contain all known facilities.
  • Fixed querying on the item.faction_id field.


  • Added automatic collection diffing.
  • Added a diff viewer - head to
  • When servers are locked, the collection build interval is reduced to 30m, so that we can get back up-to-date faster once the servers unlock again.


  • Added the vehicle_attachment and weapon_to_attachment collections.
  • Added the loadout and vehicle_loadout collections.
  • Added the loadout_slot and vehicle_loadout_slot collections.
  • Increased the collection rebuild interval to three hours.
  • Fixed an error when using c:lang and attempting to show/hide a locale field.


  • Added full support for the c:join command.
  • Added near-full support for the c:tree command. The start key is not yet supported.
  • Added support for the c:lang command.
  • Added support for the c:includeNull command.
  • Restricted c:limit to a maximum value of 10000.
  • Added the vehicle collection.


  • The count verb is supported again.
  • Added more informative error responses.
  • c:limitPerDB added as an alias of c:limit.
  • Fixed facility_link and map_region being non-queryable.
  • Fixed weapon.heat_overheat_penalty_ms being set incorrectly


  • Added the PTS environment.
  • ⚠ Temporarily removed support for the count verb.
  • Expanded the query interface:
    • Filtering now fully supported.
    • c:case.
    • c:show.
    • c:hide.
    • c:sort.
    • c:has.
    • c:timing.
  • Added the following, manually updated collections:
    • facility_link.
    • map_region.
  • Removed automatic redirect to DBG Census for unrecognised collections.


  • Added the weapon_to_fire_group collection.
  • Fixed the count verb returning incorrect values for certain collections.
  • Fixed the count verb not redirecting to DBG Census for unknown collections.
  • fire_mode_2.recoil_angle_max and fire_mode_2.recoil_angle_min are no longer nullable.


  • Added automatic redirect to DBG Census for unknown collections.
  • Initial Release 🎉