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- JS
- Proxy
- Vanilla JavaScript
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breadcrumb: true
meta_description: "Description in the range of 80 to 155 characters."
author: Jack Misteli
const testHandler = {
get(values, props, bob) {
console.log(values, props, bob)
return values[props]
const newProxy = new Proxy ([1, 2, 3], testHandler)
Proxies are not the most popular JavaScript feature out there. It is probably a bit intimidating for a developers and many of us live just fine without it. I think one of the main reason it is not a popular API is that most of us don't really do a lot of meta programming as web developers. However, we can use proxies in various situations and unlock some useful programming pattern.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sClk6aB_CPk MetaProgramming Why we need more meta programming?
Why not getters and setters?
We need to hard code the name of the properties. Not as reusable.
function logCoordinates (p) {
return {
get x () {
logger.push(got x ${p.x}); return p.x }, set x () { logger.push(
set x ${p.x});
return p.x
One alternative would be using create
function makeLogger(obj) {
var proxy = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj, {}))
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).forEach(propertyName => {
var propertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propertyName)
Object.defineProperty(proxy, propertyName, {
get: function () {
logger.push(got ${propertyName} ${obj.propertyName}) return obj.propertyName }, set: function (val) { logger.push(
set ${propertyName} on ${obj} to val)
obj.propertyName = val
return proxy
PROBLEM Won't catch new properties added after makeLogger was called
The proxy has its own prototype! Important for instanceOf
traps are called traps in analogy to Operating system traps
No trap for === No trap for Object.getPrototypeOf(proxy) => proto proxy instanceOf myFunction typeof 'proxy' => "obect"
functions have two extra traps:
funcproxy and construct
new funProxy
handler.get(funproxy, 'construct')
Why it is cool. Implemented in the JS machine
Handlers can be proxies
let iterableNumberHandler = {
set: function (target, prop, value) {
if (typeof value != 'number')
return false
return true
enumerate: function (target, prop) {
console.log(target, prop)
return target.keys()
let newProx = new Proxy(123, iterableNumberHandler)
class MyArray extends Array { mapIgnoreNull(funct) { let filteredArray = this.filter(a => !!a); return filteredArray.map(funct); } } array = new MyArray(null,1,0,2,undefined,3, '', 4, false, 5) array.mapIgnoreNull(n => n * 2)
const nonNullFilterHandler = { set (target, prop, values) {
} }
Proxies can't be polyfilled, they require native code.
Internal Method | Handler Method |
[[DefineOwnProperty]] | defineProperty |
[[Call]] | apply |
[[Construct]] | construct |
https://web.archive.org/web/20190516002907/http://dealwithjs.io/es6-features-10-use-cases-for-proxy/ https://blog.bitsrc.io/a-practical-guide-to-es6-proxy-229079c3c2f0 http://thecodebarbarian.com/thoughts-on-es6-proxies-performance https://2ality.com/2014/12/es6-proxies.html https://javascript.info/proxy#iteration-with-ownkeys-and-getownpropertydescriptor
Real examples https://github.com/gergob/jsProxy https://dev.to/deleteman123/3-ways-to-use-es6-proxies-to-enhance-your-objects-mfg
To read: https://reactjsnews.com/proxies-with-redux-types
PROXY DESIGN PATTERN: https://www.dofactory.com/javascript/proxy-design-pattern https://anasshekhamis.com/2017/11/09/proxy-design-pattern-in-javascript/ https://www.joezimjs.com/javascript/javascript-design-patterns-proxy/
const proxy = new Proxy({}, {
get: (target, prop, value) => {
if(!(prop in target))
target[prop] = {}
console.log(prop, target)
return target[prop]