- You can run extractions already developed:
The source code is located at:
Extraction examples are located in package models.extractions
You can execute extractions using:
- scala> models.extractions.example1_HPF_liver.extract
- scala> models.extractions.example2_CCF_transaminases.extract
- scala> models.extractions.example3_Organ_weights.extract
- scala> models.extractions.example4_HPF_clusters.extract
Extracted data is stored in folders (path relative to /phi/users/oriol/traspaso/etox_RDT_tool/etox-rdt-extraction-tool in the example)
- /phi/users/oriol/traspaso/etox_RDT_tool/data/example1
- /phi/users/oriol/traspaso/etox_RDT_tool/data/example2
- /phi/users/oriol/traspaso/etox_RDT_tool/data/example3
- /phi/users/oriol/traspaso/etox_RDT_tool/data/example4
The extractions defined are based on the API call: models.etox_reports.Observations_querys.getEndpoints_v3
def getEndpoints_v3(
- observationSource: * one of the type of findings * "ClinicalChemicalFinding" * "UrianalysisFinding" * "HistopathologicalFinding" * "ClinicalHaematologicalFinding" * "OrganWeights"
- observations:
- list of observations (can be qualitative "necrosis" or quatitative "ALT") * see below for possible values "How to obtain possible filtering values" * Optional: If not passed or empty list is passed we don't filter by kinds of observations (only from the source above)
- admin_routes: * see below for possible values "How to obtain possible filtering values" * Optional: If not passed or empty list is passed we don't filter by admin_routes
- species:
- list of species
- Optional: If not passed or empty list is passed we don't filter by species
- list of species
- relevanceFiltering:
- If true only "Treatment related" findings are extracted
- Optional: if not provided true is assumed
- changes:
- Only appies to quantitative findings: "ClinicalChemicalFinding" "UrianalysisFinding" "ClinicalHaematologicalFinding" "OrganWeights"
- Possible values: "Increased" or "Decreased"
- Optional: if not provided we assume "Increased"
- exposure_period:
- Possible values:
- Some(min_days,max_days) -> only studies between >=min_days and <=max_days
- None -> no filtering by exposure period
- organs:
- list of organs
- Optional: If not passed or empty list is passed we don't filter by organs
- sex_list:
- list of sex
- Optional: If not passed or empty list is passed we don't filter by sex
- dropstructure:
- true by default. If true only the id but not the structure is obtained.
- Structures are stored in "compounds" table
- patterns:
- Dictionary to group findings by clusters: cluster -> list of findings
- Scala type is: Map[String, List[String]]
- See example 4 for how to pass clusters from plain text files
- conditions_tag:
- Tag to specify the conditions of the endpoints obtained:
- usually: species_tag + "" + routes_tag + "" + exposure_tag
- patterntag: additional tag for clusters
- path: path to generate output files
- aggregation:
- Aggregation mode.
- If not specified we assume Observations_querys.LOAEL
- Other possible values are:
- Observations_querys.Existence (qualitative 1 if finding found 0 if no finding found)
- Observations_querys.LOAEL (minimal dose at wich finding is found)
- Observations_querys.MaxFoldChange (not used, data lacking)
- Observations_querys.NumFindings (num of findings row count)
- Observations_querys.NumFindingsDistinct (num of distinct findings row count without duplicate findings)
- Output:
- 3 dataframes (tuple of 3 dataframes )are generated and exported to 3 TSV files.
- unpivoted + unagregated data: Data extracted according to filtering conditions + inferred data in case of HPF findings
- unpivoted data: Data extracted according to filtering conditions + inferred data in case of HPF findings + aggregated at finding/compound level
- data qsar like (pivoted + aggregated): Data extracted according to filtering conditions + inferred data in case of HPF findings + aggregated at finding/compound level + pivoted (endpoints (findings or clusters) are transferred to columns
- 3 dataframes (tuple of 3 dataframes )are generated and exported to 3 TSV files.
From scala console execute:
scala> models.etox_reports.Observations_filtering_values.filteringValues("OrganWeights")
scala> models.etox_reports.Observations_filtering_values.filteringValues("UrianalysisFindingsFindings")
- Other possible values are:
- Findings_Types
- OrganWeights
- UrianalysisFindingsFindings
- ClinicalHaematologicalFinding
- HistopathologicalFinding
- ClinicalChemicalFinding
- NormalisedSex
- NormalisedAdminRoute
- NormalisedSpecies
- OrgansNormalied
- Other possible values are:
the values can also be exported to files:
- scala> models.etox_reports.Observations_filtering_values.export_filtering_values(path_where_exporting_is_done)