Releases: OpenCTI-Platform/opencti
Releases · OpenCTI-Platform/opencti
Version 6.2.17
Bug Fixes:
- #8205 app.base_path configuration is not working anymore (default empty works fine)
- #8011 When a user is administrator of an organization, he should be able to manage the users of this organization (enable / disable)
- #7651 Unable to scroll a large markdown content file in preview mode
Full Changelog: 6.2.16...6.2.17
Version 6.2.16
Bug Fixes:
- #8182 Order of kill chain phases are lost after dataset is updated
- #8150 [Retention policy] Entities are not deleted
- #8013 Error when creating a user in my organisation as an organisation administrator
- #7951 Float values are not exported on csv
Full Changelog: 6.2.15...6.2.16
Version 6.2.15
Bug Fixes:
- #8134 UI Bug: Limited File Display and Missing Scrollbar in File Upload & Import Interfaces
- #8124 Rule engine list view is crashing (out of memory)
- #8122 When editing a user administrator of an organization, error is raised
- #8113 [UI] "Distribution of opinions" is not fully displayed
- #8053 [Taxonomies] Problem adding aliases to open vocab
- #7885 History is not correct when you impact the score with a background task
- #7682 Changing "Organizations" in a user make the page full re-render and close the drawer
- #7656 Manipulating organizations in the user edit panel is very slow / triggering errors
- #7559 Diamond model captures scroll action for zooming rather than page scrolling
Pull Requests:
- [backend] Fix migration timestamp (#6509) by @lndrtrbn in #8112
- [backend] Fix UI issue when changing organization in a user (#7682) by @CelineSebe in #8054
- Update vitest monorepo to v2 (major) by @renovate in #8111
- Update dependency uuid to v10 by @renovate in #8110
- Update dependency @testing-library/react to v16 by @renovate in #8107
- Update dependency tap to v21 by @renovate in #8109
- [backend] History is not correct when you impact the score with a background task (#7885) by @ValentinBouzinFiligran in #8118
- [frontend] roll back apexcharts to 3.51.0 (#8124) by @labo-flg in #8126
- [backend/frontend] enable custom overview layout for most entities (#6724) by @labo-flg in #8010
- [frontend] display alias value in place of alias label in form field (#8053) by @frapuks in #8130
- [frontend] allow transparent background Radar option (#8113) by @frapuks in #8136
- [frontend] Diamond view : disable zoom on scroll (#7559) by @lndrtrbn in #8056
Full Changelog: 6.2.14...6.2.15
Version 6.2.14
- #8092 Be able to define time unit for retention policies
Bug Fixes:
- #8103 Merge is broken on Data>Entities screen
- #8070 Apollo errors for version 4 refactor to comply with previous version
- #8055 When a user is administrator of an organization, he should be able to create users for this organization
- #8027 Lines in connectors list are not vertically centered correctly like other lists
- #8026 Display of reliability is not correct
- #8022 Some x_opencti_linked-to ref relations weren't cleaned properly, causing schema validations error on impacted entities
- #8020 Timeout error when ingesting certain complex bundle
- #7329 Effect of drawer is not correct in Update dropdown on "latest relationships" widget in the overview of entities
Pull Requests:
- [backend] Trial for improving import page by @Kedae in #8031
- Update dependency axios to v1.7.4 [SECURITY] by @renovate in #8024
- [backend] lower verbosity of feature flag logs by @labo-flg in #8029
- Update dependency file-type to v19.4.1 by @renovate in #8044
- [frontend] display reliability in one line (#8026) by @frapuks in #8036
- Update dependency apexcharts to v3.52.0 by @renovate in #8043
- Update dependency i18n-auto-translation to v1.6.2 by @renovate in #8047
- Update aws-sdk-js-v3 monorepo to v3.632.0 by @renovate in #8042
- Update dependency loader-utils to v3.3.1 by @renovate in #8048
- Update dependency filigran-ui to v0.13.0 by @renovate in #8045
- [frontend] lines in connector centered vertically (#8027) by @frapuks in #8049
- Update Yarn to v4.4.0 by @renovate in #8041
- Update Docker tag to v8.15.0 by @renovate in #8059
- Update Docker tag to v23.0.7 by @renovate in #8062
- Update material-ui monorepo to v5.16.7 by @renovate in #8061
- Update dependency lru-cache to v10.4.3 by @renovate in #8074
- Update dependency openai to v4.56.0 by @renovate in #8075
- Update dependency @types/react to v18.3.3 by @renovate in #8076
- Update aws-sdk-js-v3 monorepo to v3.633.0 by @renovate in #8077
- Update dependency @elastic/elasticsearch to v8.15.0 by @renovate in #8078
- Update dependency @types/node to v20.16.1 by @renovate in #8079
- Update dependency react-router-dom to v6.26.1 by @renovate in #8080
- Update dependency axios-cookiejar-support to v5.0.2 by @renovate in #8081
- Update graphql-tools monorepo by @renovate in #8082
- Update dependency webpack to v5.93.0 by @renovate in #8084
- Update dependency lru-cache to v11 by @renovate in #8085
- Update dependency ws to v8.18.0 by @renovate in #8087
- Update dependency esbuild to v0.23.1 by @renovate in #8088
- Update dependency to v3 by @renovate in #8089
- Update Docker tag to v25 by @renovate in #8091
- Update docker/build-push-action action to v6 by @renovate in #8090
- Update dependency ramda to v0.30.1 by @renovate in #8093
- Update dependency winston to v3.14.2 by @renovate in #8094
- Update graphqlcodegenerator monorepo by @renovate in #8095
- [backend] Fix log by @Kedae in #8099
- [frontend] Fix toolbar for merge on entities (#8103) by @Kedae in #8104
- [backend] added migration for missed linked-to refs by @JeremyCloarec in #8100
- [frontend/backend] Dashboard refacto - split view between dashboard and public dashboards by @CelineSebe in #7702
Full Changelog: 6.2.13...6.2.14
Version 6.2.13
Bug Fixes:
- #7988 CSV Ingestion manager - No ingestion made even if file has changed
- #7968 Useless error message at nested relationship start time edition
- #7946 Data components contextual creation design
- #7940 Error at attack patterns detection edition
- #7907 [Workbench] Can't create relationship with Area entity type
- #7842 Platform is flooded with sessions when stopping a stream consumed by other remote platforms
- #7837 Kill "all" session button is not working anymore in the user overview
- #7798 Sorting not working in Workbench entities list
- #7737 Missing captions when downloading widgets in dark mode
Pull Requests:
- [backend/frontend] Fix Kill all session button in the user overview (#7837) by @CelineSebe in #7959
- [backend/frontend] add sorting on retention rules view (#7482) by @Archidoit in #7956
- [frontend] Disable labels and in_platform sorting in Workbench content (#7798) by @Archidoit in #7960
- [frontend] fix detection field focus in Attack Pattern edition form (#7940) by @Archidoit in #7958
- [backend] Add logs in CSV ingestion manager by @lndrtrbn in #7981
- [backend] Kill session on synchro when an HTTP error is send to client. (#7842) by @aHenryJard in #7980
- [backend] Allow iframe usage for public dashboard (#7756) by @aHenryJard in #7783
- [backend] Change how CSV Ingestion hashes are generated (#7988) by @lndrtrbn in #7990
- [backend] fix entity organization sharing for users outside platform organization (#7974) by @JeremyCloarec in #7991
- [backend/frontend] Configure TAI overview layout from settings (#6724) by @labo-flg in #7969
- [frontend] change chart's background color (#7737) by @frapuks in #7985
- [frontend] [Workbench] Can't create relationship with Area entity type (#7907) by @SarahBocognano in #8002
- [frontend] Fix Simulation again by @Kedae in #8018
- [frontend] start and stop time edition for nested ref (#7968) by @Archidoit in #8008
Full Changelog: 6.2.12...6.2.13
Version 6.2.12
Bug Fixes:
- #7975 Stream consume with inferences error too_long_http_line_exception
- #7945 Bypass External Ref not working as expecting
- #7939 Button to share with an Organization has disappeared from Incident Response Case entities
- #7910 [Workbench] "Directory" Observable type not recognized by the workbenches
- #7869 Attack patterns details not compliant with "empty" signs "-"
- #7866 Duplicates exist in the Korean translation.
- #6517 "is not empty" operator does not work on CPE attribute
Pull Requests:
- Update dependency analytics to v0.8.14 by @renovate in #7915
- Update redis Docker tag to v7.4.0 by @renovate in #7933
- Update material-ui monorepo by @renovate in #7932
- Update emotion monorepo to v11.13.0 by @renovate in #7931
- Update dependency tap to v18.8.0 by @renovate in #7928
- Update dependency mdi-material-ui to v7.9.1 by @renovate in #7927
- Update dependency turndown to v7.2.0 by @renovate in #7929
- [frontend] directory default value in workbench (#7910) by @Archidoit in #7936
- [backend/frontend] Retention rules for files and workbench (#7482) by @Archidoit in #7698
- [frontend] authorize Case Incident organization sharing (#7939) by @Archidoit in #7941
- [backend] nil filter operators for empty strings and dates (#6517) by @Archidoit in #6550
- [frontend] fix attack patterns details with not "empty" signs "-" (#7869) by @CelineSebe in #7909
- [frontend] Duplicates exist in the Korean translation (#7866) by @SarahBocognano in #7938
- [backend] Add feature flag for active users count (#7943) by @SouadHadjiat in #7947
- [frontend/backend] Connector queuing auto backpressure (#6325) by @Megafredo in #7658
- [backend] Edit customization through the API (#6724) by @Goumies in #7825
- [frontend] Add in bulk entities and some observables in knowledge and containers tabs (#4352) by @lndrtrbn in #7800
- [frontend/backend] Add EPSS Support for Vulnerability Entity (#3568) by @ValentinBouzinFiligran in #7802
- [backend] Fix Bypass external ref issue (#7945) by @Kedae in #7949
- [backend] Disable count active users (#7943) by @SouadHadjiat in #7963
- [frontend] properly set light theme primary color (#7934) by @defendable-ole in #7935
- Update dependency typescript to v5.5.4 by @renovate in #7930
- [backend] Fix too_long_http_line_exception error on splunk stream (#7975) by @SouadHadjiat in #7976
New Contributors:
- @defendable-ole made their first contribution in #7935
Full Changelog: 6.2.11...6.2.12
Version 6.2.11
Bug Fixes:
- #7920 [Filter] Impossible to filter by marking
- #7914 Can't export observables
- #7905 Can no longer access the "Data" tab of an Incident
- #7904 Header + Simulation layout broken in reports / cases
- #7926 On components, new STIX filters are not working anymore
Pull Requests:
- [frontend] Cleaning up unused props by @CelineSebe in #7912
- [frontend] Fix simulation alignment (#7904) by @Kedae in #7913
- Update dependency reactflow to v11.11.4 by @renovate in #7916
- Update dependency tough-cookie to v4.1.4 by @renovate in #7918
- [frontend/e2e] attempt to remove flake on backgroundTask test (#7378) by @aHenryJard in #7861
- [frontend] Allow Users to Add an Entity as Context When Uploading File by @VerboseCat in #7195
- [frontend/backend] Fix default value of variable "first" that cannot be null (#7905) by @lndrtrbn in #7911
- [frontend] Remove flaky background test by @Kedae in #7923
- Update dependency semver to v7.6.3 by @renovate in #7917
New Contributors:
- @VerboseCat made their first contribution in #7195
Full Changelog: 6.2.10...6.2.11
Version 6.2.10
Bug Fixes:
- #7870 Massive operation toolbar incorrect icons in trash
Pull Requests:
- Update dependency react-cookie to v7.2.0 by @renovate in #7877
- Update dependency file-type to v19.3.0 by @renovate in #7875
- Update dependency react-router-dom to v6.25.1 by @renovate in #7878
- Update dependency @opensearch-project/opensearch to v2.11.0 by @renovate in #7881
- Update dependency filigran-ui to v0.12.1 by @renovate in #7876
- Update dependency @vitejs/plugin-react to v4.3.1 by @renovate in #7884
- [frontend/backend] Add authorized members on caseIncident (#4538) by @marieflorescontact in #7773
- Update dependency @types/react-test-renderer to v18.3.0 by @renovate in #7883
- [frontend] Incorrect icons in massive operation toolbar are removed in trash (#7870) by @CelineSebe in #7873
- Update dependency @playwright/test to v1.45.3 by @renovate in #7882
- Update dependency ajv to v8.17.1 by @renovate in #7886
- Update dependency apexcharts to v3.51.0 by @renovate in #7887
- Update dependency convert to v5.3.0 by @renovate in #7888
- Update dependency eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y to v6.9.0 by @renovate in #7890
- Update dependency esbuild to v0.23.0 by @renovate in #7889
- Update Node.js to v20.16.0 by @renovate in #7891
- Update aws-sdk-js-v3 monorepo to v3.621.0 by @renovate in #7893
- Update Yarn to v4.3.1 by @renovate in #7892
Full Changelog: 6.2.9...6.2.10
Version 6.2.9
Bug Fixes:
- #7868 Edit button of report is displayed in the graph and it should not be
- #7864 [Filter] Filter for "alias is no empty" crash
- #7857 [Playbook]: Unable to load "filter" definition on "Query knowledge on a regular basis" component
- #7849 Attribute is an Attribute to chose for every entity in CSV mapper
- #7847 Layout issue in group => edition => marking definition
- #7846 When creating a relationship within a shared report, Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'internal_id')
- #7813 Updating of description of a TAXII feed is not taken into account
- #7795 [Workbench] Existing marking definition marked as not in platform
- #7786 Bad alignment in Data section of an overview
- #7692 When threat actor is named "unknown", distribution is displaying the standard ID
- #7635 [Trash] Impossible to delete certain entities
- #7568 Performance issue when updating the name of an entity with many relationships
- #7479 Malware Infrastructure Display Issue
Pull Requests:
- [backend] fix impossible deletion of some entities by @JeremyCloarec in #7808
- [backend] add new capability 'Bypass mandatory fields' (#3304) by @frapuks in #7665
- [backend] improve update element connections performance (#7568) by @SouadHadjiat in #7569
- [backend] Remove attributes from CSV Mapper (#7849) by @Kedae in #7851
- [frontend/e2e] End to end tests to cover all navigations on reports + background task execution from filters or search (#7378) by @aHenryJard in #7762
- FAB replacement for investigations and dashboards by @abijahcalderon in #7241
- [backend] fix granted_refs during rel creation for users with org sharing capa but not in platform org (#7846) by @JeremyCloarec in #7859
- [frontend] Add translation in datatable headers by @Kedae in #7858
- [backend] Alias filter with nil operator (#7864) by @Archidoit in #7871
- [backend] follow up fix for the work cleanup bug and tests coverage (#7838) by @aHenryJard in #7850
- [frontend] Layout issue in group => edition => marking definition (#7847) by @SarahBocognano in #7856
- [frontend] Bad alignment in Data section of an overview (#7786) by @SarahBocognano in #7854
- [backend/frontend] better management of taxii feed pagination and UI improvements (#7755)(#7813). by @aHenryJard in #7812
- [frontend] Fix the display of name in widgets when entities are named 'Unknown' (#7692) by @CelineSebe in #7774
- [frontend] check marking definitions existence in Workbench (#7795) by @Archidoit in #7872
- Fix relation uses in knowledge (#7479) by @lndrtrbn in #7681
- Update dependency express-rate-limit to v7.4.0 by @renovate in #7874
New Contributors:
- @abijahcalderon made their first contribution in #7241
Full Changelog: 6.2.8...6.2.9
Version 6.2.8
- #7845 Be able to restrict delete if not in the technical creators for members of a group
- #7836 In the user history overview, display also logs related to this user
- #7831 Remove too many entities resolved error
- #7385 add support language korean into i18n code
- #7290 In groups, have an option to avoid creators accumulation for the members
- #5929 Be able to schedule the trigger of a playbook instead of react on some criterias
Bug Fixes:
- #7838 Work cleanup is not working anymore
- #7835 Organization segregation on System and Individual is not synced with other platforms
- #7834 Search keyword is omitted by automated refresh in user history / log
- #7833 Region map is not displaying anymore
- #7811 Selecting all indicators in the search deletes all indicators on the platform
- #7799 Applying marking definitions to entities in workbench remove the other entities
- #7659 [rss] rss feed issues
- #7541 In dashboard list widget, when displaying creators, it is clickable and leads to nowhere
- #7533 Bad performances to display members of a group with more than 20 members
- #7351 [Workbench] Existing AttackPattern appear as 'no' in 'already in platform' in the workbench
- #6947 When mandatory attributes are enabled in Report, importing data from CSV fails
- #6929 [RBAC - User] Information not updated after modification of Groups
- #6652 [Workbench] imported observables appear as 'no' in 'already in platform' in the workbench.
Pull Requests:
- [frontend] Narratives Lines views refacto (#6741) by @Gwendoline-FAVRE-FELIX in #7608
- [frontend] [RBAC - User] Information not updated after modification of Groups (#6929) by @SarahBocognano in #7782
- [frontend] add useOverviewLayoutCustomization hook (#6724) by @Goumies in #7732
- [CI] Add pip install requirement on client python (#7809) by @aHenryJard in #7810
- Replaced Creation Floating Action Buttons for Locations by @Bonsai8863 in #7261
- Replaced Creation Floating Action Buttons for Entities by @Bonsai8863 in #7260
- [backend] Add missing ordering by @lndrtrbn in #7816
- Replaced Creation Floating Action Buttons for Techniques by @Bonsai8863 in #7259
- Replaced Creation Floating Action Buttons for Arsenals by @Bonsai8863 in #7739
- Replaced Edit Floating Action Buttons for Cases by @Bonsai8863 in #7713
- Replaced Edit Floating Action Buttons for Locations by @Bonsai8863 in #7751
- [frontend] Applying marking definitions to entities in workbench fixes (#7799) by @Archidoit in #7807
- [frontend] add Korean translations (#7385) by @Fhwang0926 in #7803
- Bump ws from 7.5.9 to 7.5.10 in /opencti-platform/opencti-front by @dependabot in #7829
- [frontend] entities default value for existence checks in workbench (#7351) by @Archidoit in #7792
- [backend] get all report's properties when using csv mapper (#6947) by @frapuks in #7824
- [frontend] Fix miniMap (#7833) by @Kedae in #7841
- [backend] fix query to cleanup old work in connector manager (#7838) by @aHenryJard in #7840
- [backend/frontend] improve group and users display performance (#7533) by @SouadHadjiat in #7826
New Contributors:
- @Fhwang0926 made their first contribution in #7803
Full Changelog: 6.2.7...6.2.8