You can ship your Java-based application as platform-dependent executable by using the QtJambi application deployer tool. Therefore, download qtjambi-deployer.jar from the release of your choice along with the platform-dependent qtjambi-deployer-platform-X.jar.
In the examples below, we assume you created an application in a jar
file my-company-app.jar
with main class
depending on qtjambi-6.2.2.jar
Call the app deployer as shown below. Make sure the library path points
to the Qt libraries being bin
on Windows and lib
on Linux and macOS.
java -cp qtjambi-deployer-6.2.2.jar;qtjambi-deployer-platform-windows-x64-6.2.2.jar;qtjambi-6.2.2.jar;qtjambi-platform-windows-x64-6.2.2.jar
io.qt.qtjambi.deployer.Main app
Subsequently, you specify arguments for QtJambi deployer to create the platform-dependent executable. The executable is then equipped with all arguments needed by Java to execute the program.
Possible arguments are:
location of the platform-dependent QtJambiLauncher executable's location (optional if qtjambi-deployer-native components are in classpath)--class-path=...
class path to be used by Java to find all required classes relative to the executable's location--module-path=...
module path to be used by Java to find all required classes relative to the executable's location--library-path=...
path to Qt and other required libraries relative to the executable's location--jvm-path=...
path to Java Runtime Environment relative to the executable's location--autodetect-jvm
alternatively you can let the program detect Java automatically (minimum version required)--minversion-jvm=...
required when autodetection of Java is enabled--ico=...
icon to be injected into the Windows executable (Windows only)--application=...
name of the generated application--dir=...
target directory to place the prepared binary- ...additional Java runtime arguments
On Windows, the executable needs to be located in the same directory
as the Qt6Core.dll
. We design the target directory structure as
installation directory
| bin
| Qt6Core.dll
| Qt6Gui.dll
| Qt6Widgets.dll
| MyCompanyApp.exe
| plugins
| ... (platforms, styles and others)
| lib
| qtjambi-6.2.2.jar
| qtjambi-platform-windows-x64-6.2.2.jar
| my-company-app.jar
| jre
| ... (Java Runtime Environment)
To create the corresponding executable MyCompanyApp.exe
you need to
append the following commands to the above listed QtJambi deployer command:
--dir=output directory (may be installation directory)
--ico=path to icons/app.ico
The icon file has to provide 16,24,32,64 and 128 square pixel icons in uncompressed RGBA color mode. It must not exceed 90 KB (92.478 Bytes).
On Linux, the executable searches for library
directory lib
or ../lib
. We design the target directory structure as
installation directory
| MyCompanyApp
| plugins
| ... (platforms, styles and others)
| lib
| qtjambi-6.2.2.jar
| qtjambi-platform-linux-x64-6.2.2.jar
| my-company-app.jar
| jre
| ... (Java Runtime Environment)
To create the corresponding executable MyCompanyApp
you need to append
the following commands to the above listed QtJambi deployer command:
--dir=output directory (may be installation directory)
On macOS, the executable searches for framework QtCore.framework
inside of the app bundle or in directory lib
. Thus, you can place all
libraries and even Java inside of the bundle or use a directory design
similar to Linux. Here, we design the target directory structure as
installation directory
| MacOS
| MyCompanyApp
| plugins
| ... (platforms, styles and others)
| Frameworks
| QtCore.framework
| QtGui.framework
| QtWidgets.framework
| lib
| qtjambi-6.2.2.jar
| qtjambi-platform-macos-6.2.2.jar
| my-company-app.jar
| jre
| ... (Java Runtime Environment)
| Resources
| Info.plist
| PkgInfo
To create the corresponding executable
you need to
append the following commands to the above listed QtJambi deployer command:
--dir=output directory (may be installation directory)