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196 lines (142 loc) · 8.3 KB

File metadata and controls

196 lines (142 loc) · 8.3 KB


Drop in replacement for python 3.7 dataclass. Wraps dataclass behind the scenes and implements methods: to_json, to_serializeable, from_dict and from_json to the classes for (de)serialization. If one uses datamodel decorator with kwargs, those kwargs are passed to dataclass. One can easily change (de)serialization behaviour with (un)structure hooks.

(De-)Serializes also and datetime.datetime -objects. Conversion to string happens in to_serializeable, so it's safe to call json.dumps on dicts returned by to_serializeable. Basically to_json does just that. Also from_json is just from_dict(json.loads(stuff)).

In from_json dates need to be ISO8601 formated strings (YYYY-MM-DD) and datetimes RFC3339 formated strings (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.msmsmsTZInfo), from_dict accepts in addition datetime.datetime and objects.


pip install git+

Basic usage

import datetime
from typing import List
from dataclasses import is_dataclass
from datamodels import datamodel
from import tzoffset

class A:
    x: int
    y: List[str]
    dt: datetime.datetime

a1 = A(1, ['a', 'b'], datetime.datetime(2018, 7, 2, 12, tzinfo=tzoffset(None, 0)))
json_str = a1.to_json()
a2 = A.from_json(json_str)

assert a1 == a2
assert is_dataclass(a1)
assert is_dataclass(a2)
assert json_str == '{"x": 1, "y": ["a", "b"], "dt": "2018-07-02T12:00:00+00:00"}'

Structuring and unstructuring

from_dict tries it's best to structure objects, so if fields are missing from the dict, but the class has default values, not a problem. And if there are any extra fields, those are just ignored. Also default hooks for primitive types and date objects convert input values to correct type.

Supported types:

  • Primitive values, from_dict runs them through the basic functions with same names
    • str, int, float, complex, bool, bytes
    • e.g. if type is int we call int(v) to the value when structuring
  • Any just through and through to both directions
  • Optional
  • Union[T0, T1, ...]
    • from_dict tries to structure value in the order of the possible types and picks the first that runs without exception
  • List
    • from_dict accepts any Iterable
  • Dict
    • from_dict accepts any Mapping
  • Tuple
    • from_dict accepts also Iterable as long as the tuple length is correct
    • to_serializeable converts into lists
  • dataclass and datamodel instances
    • dataclass handling slower than datamodel as datamodels have generated code for structuring
  • datetime.datetime and
    • to_serializeable converts to ISO 8601 str
    • from_dict accepts ISO 8601 formatted str or datetime.datetime/ object and converts to correct type
  • Set and FrozenSet
    • to_serializeable converts into lists
    • from_dict accepts any Iterable, and converts to Set / Frozenset

Stucturing and unstructuring hooks

For missing types one can register custom (un)structuring functions with structure_hook and unstructure_hook decorators. One can override the default hooks as well. The argument to the hooks is basically the __name__ attribute of the class. Check test_type_to_str for example cases. One is required to define both structure and unstructre hook.

import typing
from datamodels import datamodel, structure_hook, unstructure_hook

class FooBar:

d = {'foo_bars': [<list of stuff>]}

def my_foobar_from_raw_data(value):
    # this will be called on each element of the [<list of stuff>]

def my_foobar_to_raw_data(value):

class FooBarContainer:
    foo_bars = typing.List[FooBar]

foo = FooBarContainer.from_dict(d)
foo_d = foo.to_serializeable()

# and if the functions are inverses
assert foo_d == d

The hooks need to be registered before the datamodel definition as the decorator builds custom code for (un)structuring. So in the example above the built from_dict and to_serializeable functions for FooBarContainer are similar as:

class FooBarContainer:
    foo_bars = typing.List[FooBar]

    def from_dict(cls, d):
        return cls(
            foo_bars=[my_foobar_from_raw_data(v) for v in d["foo_bars"]]

    def to_serializeable(self):
        return {
            'foo_bars': [my_foobar_to_raw_data(v) for v in self.foo_bars]

Behind the scene

This package has been build extensibility and performance in mind. Goal is to make registering hooks as easy as possible, and I think decorators are cleanest way to achieve that. Those decorators just add the (un)structure function to global registry. To keep (un)structuring fast, we construct the from_dict and to_serializeable based on the type annotations of the class using the registry of (type_str -> function). Naturally as other datamodels have these functions defined we can use that info as well. To make this more flexible, dataclass's are structured, and unstructured as well, but they are iterated over to both ways (remember datamodel is a full drop in replacement for dataclass). So basically using datamodel instead of dataclass would be something like this:

def structure_FooBar(v):
    pass  # some magic

def unstructure_FooBar(v):
    pass  # some magic

# assuming Foo is datamodel, but FooBar is not
class A:
    i: int
    s: str
    foo: Foo
    foo_list: List[Foo]
    foo_dict: Dict[str, Foo]
    optional_foo_bar: Optional[FooBar]
    i_with_default_value: int = 2

    def from_dict(cls, d):
        return cls(
            foo_list=[Foo.from_dict(lv) for lv in d["foo_list"]],
            foo_dict={str(k): Foo.from_dict(v) for k, v in d["foo_dict"].items()},
            optional_foo_bar=None if d["optional_foo_bar"] is None else structure_FooBar(d["optional_foo_bar"]),
            i_with_default_value=int(d.get("i_with_default_value", 2))

    def to_serializeable(self):
        return {
            'i': self.i,
            's': self.s,
            'foo_list': [iv.to_serializeable() for iv in self.foo_list],
            'foo_dict': {k, v.to_serializeable() for k, b in self.foo_dict.items()},
            'optional_foo_bar': None if self.optional_foo_bar is None else unstructure_FooBar(self.optional_foo_bar)
            'i_with_default_value': self.i_with_default_value


Using docker run test wathcer: docker-compose run dev ptw -v

And with flake8: docker-compose run dev ptw -v -- --flake8

Run coverage: docker-compose run dev pytest -v --cov-report html --cov-report term:skip-covered --cov=datamodel/

Otherwise pep8 but max line length is 120


  • add to pypi


This package is based on ideas used in similar internal package at PrompterAI. That one is based on the awesome attrs package and structuring and un-structuring is handled by cattrs. In addition that one has runtime type checks implemented with typeguard. Why runtime type checks you might ask? Simply: I do not trust external API's and even less people who write code on top of those API's, least my self.

Naturally that one had little bit more of functionalities as it was based on attrs, but I feel that dataclass provides enough functionalities for most cases, and it's standard library. Decided to build this one from scratch, instead of just publishing the PrompterAI datamodel module as that one also relied on other internal modules, example for datetime handling.

There exists also dataclasses-json package. But it doesn't seem to handle datetimes (at the time of writing) and it's not that easily extendable with additional types.

About the extendability, I really like the possibility in cattrs to add custom hooks with register_unstructure_hook and register_structure_hook which I'm bit trying to mimic with the structure_hook and unstructure_hook decorators.