Releases: NicosNicolaou16/ImagePickerAndroid
Releases · NicosNicolaou16/ImagePickerAndroid
- Updated Gradle to the latest version
- Updated some libraries
- Migrated ExoPlayer2 to ExoPlayer3 for sample project for Compose
- Added some comments on code for Compose
- Renamed the method pickMultipleImagesWithBase64Value to pickMultipleImagesWithBase64Values
- Update Kotlin to version 1.9.0
- Update some libraries
- Update README file
- The most important change for the version 2.0.0 is the support for Jetpack Compose
- Updated the libraries and updated Kotlin version
- Fixed an issue with scale for multiple photos
First Stable Version v1.0.0.
Nothing changes from the last Beta Version.
- Update the libraries
- Support pick a single video
- Limitation for image scale to 1000
- Maximum select multiple images, up to 9
- Important change, now, take instance from ImagePicker instead directly call methods. Object class converted to Data class (check the README)
- Updated Gradle to the Latest Version
- Update the Activity library
- Change method pickAnImageFromGallery to pickSigleImageFromGallery
- Changed the method initPickAnImageFromGalleryResultLauncher to initPickSingleImageFromGalleryResultLauncher
- Changed the method takeAPhotoWithCamera to takeSinglePhotoWithCamera
- Change the method onGalleryImage to onGallerySingleImage
- for onCameraImage(...) removed the parameter "uri"
- support base64 conversion for image
- add to resize the image
Beta Release