diff --git a/src/tel_download.js b/src/tel_download.js
index 2cac3b9..6724cbf 100644
--- a/src/tel_download.js
+++ b/src/tel_download.js
@@ -52,6 +52,217 @@
return h >>> 0;
+ let observer;
+ const initObserver = () => {
+ if (!observer) {
+ console.log('init observer')
+ observer = new PerformanceObserver((list) => {
+ for (const entry of list.getEntries()) {
+ if (entry.name.includes("/progressive/document")) {
+ handleInterceptedRequest(entry);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ observer.observe({ type: "resource", buffered: true });
+ }
+ }
+ const interceptRequests = (messageId, duration, fileName) => {
+ registerMessageForIntercept(messageId, duration, fileName)
+ }
+ const handleInterceptedRequest = (entry) => {
+ const url = entry.name;
+ for (const [messageId, audioElement] of audioDownloadsMap.entries()) {
+ if (!audioElement.urls.has(url)) {
+ tel_download_audio(url, messageId);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ const registerMessageForIntercept = (messageId, duration, fileName) => {
+ if (!audioDownloadsMap.has(messageId)) {
+ initAudioDownload(messageId, duration, fileName)
+ }
+ initObserver();
+ };
+ const unregisterMessage = (messageId) => {
+ document.querySelector(`#${messageId} .download-button`).remove()
+ audioDownloadsMap.delete(messageId);
+ };
+ const audioDownloadsMap = new Map();
+ const initAudioDownload = (messageId, duration, fileName) => {
+ const audioDownloadObject = {
+ urls: new Set(),
+ blobs: new Map(),
+ progressBar: null,
+ duration,
+ fileName
+ }
+ audioDownloadsMap.set(messageId, audioDownloadObject);
+ }
+ const downloadMenuItemElement = () => {
+ const menuItem = document.createElement("div");
+ menuItem.setAttribute("role", "menuitem");
+ menuItem.setAttribute("tabindex", "0");
+ menuItem.className = "MenuItem compact";
+ menuItem.innerHTML = `
+ Download
+ `;
+ return menuItem;
+ }
+ const downloadButtonElement = (stopDownload = false) => {
+ const btn = document.createElement('button');
+ btn.type = 'button';
+ btn.className = 'Button download-button tiny primary round';
+ btn.setAttribute('aria-label', `${stopDownload ? 'Cancel d' : 'D'}ownload`);
+ btn.setAttribute('title', `${stopDownload ? 'Cancel d' : 'D'}ownload`);
+ btn.innerHTML = ``;
+ return btn
+ }
+ const downloadSpinnerElement = () => {
+ const spinner = document.createElement('div');
+ spinner.className = 'media-loading opacity-transition fast open shown'; // not-open closing
+ spinner.innerHTML = `
+ `;
+ return spinner
+ }
+ const formatProgress = (downloaded, total) => {
+ const mbDownloaded = (downloaded / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(1);
+ const mbTotal = (total / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(1);
+ return `${mbDownloaded} MB / ${mbTotal} MB`;
+ };
+ const addAudioDownloadButton = () => {
+ const audioElements = document.querySelectorAll('.Audio');
+ audioElements.forEach((audioElement) => {
+ const messageElement = audioElement.closest('.Message.message-list-item');
+ if (!messageElement) return;
+ const messageId = messageElement.getAttribute('id');
+ const existingDownloadButton = audioElement.querySelector('.download-button');
+ if (!existingDownloadButton) {
+ const playButton = audioElement.querySelector('button.Button.toggle-play');
+ if (!playButton) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const button = downloadButtonElement();
+ button.onclick = () => {
+ const duration = audioElement.querySelector('.duration').textContent;
+ const fileName = audioElement.querySelector('.title').textContent;
+ imitateClick(playButton);
+ setTimeout(() => interceptRequests(messageId, duration, fileName), 2000);
+ };
+ audioElement.querySelector('.toogle-play-wrapper')
+ .after(button);
+ } else if (audioDownloadsMap.has(messageId)) { /* downloading */
+ let downloadBtn = audioElement.querySelector('.download-button');
+ if (!audioElement.querySelector('.icon-close')) {
+ downloadBtn.replaceWith(downloadButtonElement(true));
+ }
+ const spinner = downloadSpinnerElement()
+ if (!audioElement.querySelector('.media-loading')) {
+ downloadBtn.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', spinner);
+ }
+ // update progress bar
+ const metaDiv = audioElement.querySelector('.meta')
+ metaDiv.innerHTML = audioDownloadsMap.get(messageId).progressBar;
+ // прекратить загрузку
+ downloadBtn.onclick = () => {
+ const span = document.createElement('span');
+ span.className = 'duration'
+ span.dir = 'auto';
+ span.innerHTML = audioDownloadsMap.get(messageId).duration;
+ audioDownloadsMap.delete(messageId);
+ audioElement.querySelector('.media-loading').remove();
+ metaDiv.replaceChildren(span);
+ unregisterMessage(messageId);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ const addContextMenuDownloadItem = () => {
+ const contextMenu = document.querySelector('.MessageContextMenu_items')
+ if (!contextMenu) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const playButton = contextMenu.closest('.Message').querySelector('button.Button.toggle-play')
+ if (!playButton) {
+ return; /* Skip if there's no audio */
+ }
+ const downloadButton = Array.from(contextMenu.querySelectorAll('.MenuItem.compact'))
+ .find(item => item.textContent.includes('Download'));
+ if (downloadButton) {
+ return; /* Skip if there's already a download button */
+ }
+ const menuItem = downloadMenuItemElement();
+ contextMenu.appendChild(menuItem);
+ const messageElement = contextMenu.closest('.Message.message-list-item');
+ if (!messageElement) return;
+ const messageId = messageElement.getAttribute('id');
+ menuItem.onclick = function () {
+ contextMenu.parentNode.removeChild(contextMenu);
+ const duration = messageElement.querySelector('.duration').textContent
+ const fileName = messageElement.querySelector('.title').textContent
+ imitateClick(playButton)
+ initAudioDownload(messageId, duration, fileName)
+ setTimeout(() => interceptRequests(messageId, duration, fileName), 2000);
+ };
+ }
+ const imitateClick = (buttonElement) => {
+ buttonElement.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mousemove', {bubbles: true, clientX: 100, clientY: 100}));
+ buttonElement.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mousedown', {bubbles: true, clientX: 100, clientY: 100}));
+ buttonElement.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mouseup', {bubbles: true, clientX: 100, clientY: 100}));
+ buttonElement.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', {bubbles: true, clientX: 100, clientY: 100}));
+ }
const createProgressBar = (videoId, fileName) => {
const isDarkMode =
document.querySelector("html").classList.contains("night") ||
@@ -320,105 +531,83 @@
- const tel_download_audio = (url) => {
- let _blobs = [];
+ const tel_download_audio = (url, messageId) => {
+ if (audioDownloadsMap.has(messageId) && audioDownloadsMap.get(messageId).urls.has(url)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const downloadData = audioDownloadsMap.get(messageId)
let _next_offset = 0;
let _total_size = null;
- const fileName = hashCode(url).toString(36) + ".ogg";
+ const fileName = audioDownloadsMap.get(messageId).fileName
- const fetchNextPart = (_writable) => {
- fetch(url, {
- method: "GET",
- headers: {
- Range: `bytes=${_next_offset}-`,
- },
- })
- .then((res) => {
- if (res.status !== 206 && res.status !== 200) {
- logger.error(
- "Non 200/206 response was received: " + res.status,
- fileName
- );
- return;
- }
+ downloadData.urls.add(url)
- const mime = res.headers.get("Content-Type").split(";")[0];
- if (!mime.startsWith("audio/")) {
- logger.error(
- "Get non audio response with MIME type " + mime,
- fileName
- );
- throw "Get non audio response with MIME type " + mime;
- }
+ if (!downloadData.blobs.get(messageId)) {
+ downloadData.blobs.set(url, [])
+ }
- try {
- const match = res.headers
- .get("Content-Range")
- .match(contentRangeRegex);
+ const fetchNextPart = async () => {
+ try {
+ const response = await fetch(url, {
+ method: "GET", headers: {
+ Range: `bytes=${_next_offset}-`,
+ },
+ });
- const startOffset = parseInt(match[1]);
- const endOffset = parseInt(match[2]);
- const totalSize = parseInt(match[3]);
+ if (response.status !== 206 && response.status !== 200) {
+ throw new Error(`Non 200/206 response was received: ${response.status}`);
+ }
- if (startOffset !== _next_offset) {
- logger.error("Gap detected between responses.");
- logger.info("Last offset: " + _next_offset);
- logger.info("New start offset " + match[1]);
- throw "Gap detected between responses.";
- }
- if (_total_size && totalSize !== _total_size) {
- logger.error("Total size differs");
- throw "Total size differs";
- }
+ const mime = response.headers.get("Content-Type").split(";")[0];
+ if (!mime.startsWith("audio/")) {
+ logger.error(
+ "Get non audio response with MIME type " + mime,
+ fileName
+ );
+ throw new Error(`Get non audio response with MIME type ${mime}`);
+ }
- _next_offset = endOffset + 1;
- _total_size = totalSize;
- } finally {
- logger.info(
- `Get response: ${res.headers.get(
- "Content-Length"
- )} bytes data from ${res.headers.get("Content-Range")}`
- );
- return res.blob();
- }
- })
- .then((resBlob) => {
- if (_writable !== null) {
- _writable.write(resBlob).then(() => {});
- } else {
- _blobs.push(resBlob);
- }
- })
- .then(() => {
- if (_next_offset < _total_size) {
- fetchNextPart(_writable);
- } else {
- if (_writable !== null) {
- _writable.close().then(() => {
- logger.info("Download finished", fileName);
- });
- } else {
- save();
- }
- }
- })
- .catch((reason) => {
- logger.error(reason, fileName);
- });
- };
+ const match = response.headers.get("Content-Range").match(contentRangeRegex);
+ const startOffset = parseInt(match[1]);
+ const endOffset = parseInt(match[2]);
+ const totalSize = parseInt(match[3]);
- const save = () => {
- logger.info(
- "Finish downloading blobs. Concatenating blobs and downloading...",
- fileName
- );
+ if (startOffset !== _next_offset) {
+ logger.error("Gap detected between responses.");
+ logger.info("Last offset: " + _next_offset);
+ logger.info("New start offset " + match[1]);
+ throw new Error("Gap detected between responses.");
+ }
+ if (_total_size && totalSize !== _total_size) {
+ logger.error("Total size differs");
+ throw new Error("Total size differs");
+ }
- let blob = new Blob(_blobs, { type: "audio/ogg" });
- const blobUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
+ _next_offset = endOffset + 1;
+ _total_size = totalSize;
+ const blob = await response.blob();
+ downloadData.blobs.get(url).push(blob);
+ downloadData.progressBar = formatProgress(_next_offset, _total_size);
- logger.info("Final blob size in bytes: " + blob.size, fileName);
+ if (_next_offset < _total_size) {
+ fetchNextPart();
+ } else {
+ save(messageId);
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ logger.error(error.message, fileName);
+ unregisterMessage(messageId)
+ }
+ };
- blob = 0;
+ const save = () => {
+ const chunks = audioDownloadsMap.get(messageId).blobs.get(url);
+ const fullBlob = new Blob(chunks, {type: "audio/ogg"});
+ const blobUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(fullBlob);
const a = document.createElement("a");
@@ -428,42 +617,14 @@
+ unregisterMessage(messageId);
logger.info("Download triggered", fileName);
- const supportsFileSystemAccess =
- "showSaveFilePicker" in unsafeWindow &&
- (() => {
- try {
- return unsafeWindow.self === unsafeWindow.top;
- } catch {
- return false;
- }
- })();
- if (supportsFileSystemAccess) {
- unsafeWindow
- .showSaveFilePicker({
- suggestedName: fileName,
- })
- .then((handle) => {
- handle
- .createWritable()
- .then((writable) => {
- fetchNextPart(writable);
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- console.error(err.name, err.message);
- });
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- if (err.name !== "AbortError") {
- console.error(err.name, err.message);
- }
- });
- } else {
- fetchNextPart(null);
+ fetchNextPart();
- };
const tel_download_image = (imageUrl) => {
const fileName =
@@ -638,45 +799,8 @@
// For webk /k/ webapp
setInterval(() => {
/* Voice Message */
- const pinnedAudio = document.body.querySelector(".pinned-audio");
- let dataMid;
- let downloadButtonPinnedAudio =
- document.body.querySelector("._tel_download_button_pinned_container") ||
- document.createElement("button");
- if (pinnedAudio) {
- dataMid = pinnedAudio.getAttribute("data-mid");
- downloadButtonPinnedAudio.className =
- "btn-icon tgico-download _tel_download_button_pinned_container";
- downloadButtonPinnedAudio.innerHTML = `${DOWNLOAD_ICON}`;
- }
- const voiceMessages = document.body.querySelectorAll("audio-element");
- voiceMessages.forEach((voiceMessage) => {
- const bubble = voiceMessage.closest(".bubble");
- if (
- !bubble ||
- bubble.querySelector("._tel_download_button_pinned_container")
- ) {
- return; /* Skip if there's already a download button */
- }
- if (
- dataMid &&
- downloadButtonPinnedAudio.getAttribute("data-mid") !== dataMid &&
- voiceMessage.getAttribute("data-mid") === dataMid
- ) {
- downloadButtonPinnedAudio.onclick = (e) => {
- e.stopPropagation();
- tel_download_audio(link);
- };
- downloadButtonPinnedAudio.setAttribute("data-mid", dataMid);
- const link =
- voiceMessage.audio && voiceMessage.audio.getAttribute("src");
- if (link) {
- pinnedAudio
- .querySelector(".pinned-container-wrapper-utils")
- .appendChild(downloadButtonPinnedAudio);
- }
- }
- });
+ addContextMenuDownloadItem()
+ addAudioDownloadButton()
// Stories
const storiesContainer = document.getElementById("stories-viewer");