- ✨ Add utilities to convert AnalysisImage into JPEG in order to display them using
. - ✨ Add
constructors toCameraAwesomeBuilder
. - ✨ Volume button trigger to take picture or record/stop video.
- ✨🍏 Add brightness exposure level on iOS / iPadOS.
- 💥 AnalysisConfig has changed slightly its parameters to have platform-specific setup.
- 💥 Storage permission is now optional on Android since the introduction of
modes. - 🐛🍏 iOS / iPadOS max zoom limit.
- 🐛🤖 Better handle use cases conflicts (video + image analysis on lower-end devices) for Android.
- 🐛 Fix video recording overlay image.
- 📝 Update README.md (change feature showcase image & fix broken links).
- ✨ Customize the built-in UI by setting an
. - ✨ Top, middle and bottom parts of
can now be replaced by your own. - ✨ Ability to set camera preview alignment and padding.
- ✨ Ability to set aspect ratio, zoom, flash mode and SensorType when switching between front and back camera.
- ✨ Enable/disable front camera mirroring.
- ⬆️ Upgrade
dependency. - 🐛 Fix aspect ratio changes animation.
- 🐛 Smoother flash mode changes (Android).
- 🐛 Fix microphone permission (iOS).
- 🐛 Fix recorded video orientation (iOS).
- 🐛 Fix initial aspect ratio not set (iOS).
- 📝 Updated documentation and more examples.
- 🎨 Format code.
- Expose Gradle variables to avoid conflict with other plugins.
- iOS aspect ratio fix.
- Add filters for photo mode.
- Rework UI for awesome layout.
- Add start and stop method for image analysis.
- BREAKING Location and audio recording permissions are now optional. Add them to your AndroidManifest manually if you need them.
- Fix preview aspectRatio on iOS.
- Use pigeon for iOS instead of classic method channel.
- Greatly improve performances on analysis mode when FPS limit disabled.
- Fix barcode scrolling to bottom.
- Fix iOS stream guards.
- Code formatting and linter
- Bugfixes (imageAnalysis, initialAspectRatio...)
- Sensor type switching (iOS)
- Improve AI documentation
- Add
- Full rework of the API
- Better feature parity between iOS and Android
- Use the built-in camera UI or make your own
- Add docs.page documentation
- Migrate to CameraX instead of Camera2 on Android.
- Add GPS location in Exif photo on Android.
- Add Video recording for Android.
- Add GPS location in Exif photo on iOS.
- Fix some issues
- Add pinch to zoom.
- update android build tools to 30
- fix first permission request crash
- Update to Flutter 3.
- Update Android example project.
- Upgrade dependencies.
- Clean some code.
- handle app lifecycle (stop camera on background)
- Migrate null safety.
- Fixed aspect ratio of camera preview when using smaller image sizes.
- Fixed image capture on older android devices which use continuous (passive) focus.
- Fix image capture on iOS
- build won't show red screen in debug if camerAwesome is running on slow phones
- [Android] bind activity
- [iOS] image stream available to use MLkit or other image live processing
- [iOS] code refactoring
- [iOS] video recording support
- [iOS] thread and perf enhancements
- [Android] onDetachedFromActivity : fix stopping the camera should be only done if camera has been started
- listen native Orientation should be canceled correctly on dispose CameraAwesomeState
- unlock focus now restart session correctly after taking a photo
- takePicture listener now cannot send result more than one time
- [Android] get luminosity level from device
- [Android] apply brightness correction
- [android] fix release onOpenListener after emit result to Flutter platform
- prevent starting camera when already open on Flutter side
- stability between rebuilds improved on Flutter side
- [android] check size is correctly set before starting camera
- CameraPreview try 3 times to start if camera is locked (each try are 1s ellapsed)
- Fix android zoom when taking picture
- image stream available to use MLkit or other image live processing (Only android)
- fix switch camera on Android with new update (now correctly switch ImageReader and cameraCharacteristics when switch sensor).
- comment com.google.gms.google-services from example build.gradle. This is aimed only to start our e2e tests on testlabs. Put your own google-services.json if you want to start them there.
- updated readme
- first version. See readme for complete features list