diff --git a/nvflare/apis/fl_constant.py b/nvflare/apis/fl_constant.py
index 4f1f32b0ce..0c491ac338 100644
--- a/nvflare/apis/fl_constant.py
+++ b/nvflare/apis/fl_constant.py
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ class ReturnCode(object):
diff --git a/nvflare/app_common/workflows/cyclic_ctl.py b/nvflare/app_common/workflows/cyclic_ctl.py
index 754e1b06b6..3d5a86a1c0 100644
--- a/nvflare/app_common/workflows/cyclic_ctl.py
+++ b/nvflare/app_common/workflows/cyclic_ctl.py
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 import gc
 import random
+from typing import List, Union
 from nvflare.apis.client import Client
 from nvflare.apis.fl_constant import ReturnCode
@@ -48,7 +49,8 @@ def __init__(
         task_check_period: float = 0.5,
         persist_every_n_rounds: int = 1,
         snapshot_every_n_rounds: int = 1,
-        order: str = RelayOrder.FIXED,
+        order: Union[str, List[str]] = RelayOrder.FIXED,
+        allow_early_termination=False,
         """A sample implementation to demonstrate how to use relay method for Cyclic Federated Learning.
@@ -65,11 +67,13 @@ def __init__(
                 If n is 0 then no persist.
             snapshot_every_n_rounds (int, optional): persist the server state every n rounds. Defaults to 1.
                 If n is 0 then no persist.
-            order (str, optional): the order of relay.
-                If FIXED means the same order for every round.
-                If RANDOM means random order for every round.
-                If RANDOM_WITHOUT_SAME_IN_A_ROW means every round the order gets shuffled but a client will never be
-                run twice in a row (in different round).
+            order (Union[str, List[str]], optional): The order of relay.
+                - If a string is provided:
+                    - "FIXED": Same order for every round.
+                    - "RANDOM": Random order for every round.
+                    - "RANDOM_WITHOUT_SAME_IN_A_ROW": Shuffled order, no repetition in consecutive rounds.
+                - If a list of strings is provided, it represents a custom order for relay.
+            allow_early_termination: whether to allow early workflow termination from clients
             TypeError: when any of input arguments does not have correct type
@@ -88,13 +92,14 @@ def __init__(
         if not isinstance(task_name, str):
             raise TypeError("task_name must be a string but got {}".format(type(task_name)))
-        if order not in SUPPORTED_ORDERS:
-            raise ValueError(f"order must be in {SUPPORTED_ORDERS}")
+        if order not in SUPPORTED_ORDERS and not isinstance(order, list):
+            raise ValueError(f"order must be in {SUPPORTED_ORDERS} or a list")
         self._num_rounds = num_rounds
         self._start_round = 0
         self._end_round = self._start_round + self._num_rounds
         self._current_round = 0
+        self._is_done = False
         self._last_learnable = None
         self.persistor_id = persistor_id
         self.shareable_generator_id = shareable_generator_id
@@ -107,6 +112,7 @@ def __init__(
         self._participating_clients = None
         self._last_client = None
         self._order = order
+        self._allow_early_termination = allow_early_termination
     def start_controller(self, fl_ctx: FLContext):
         self.log_debug(fl_ctx, "starting controller")
@@ -127,46 +133,79 @@ def start_controller(self, fl_ctx: FLContext):
         fl_ctx.set_prop(AppConstants.NUM_ROUNDS, self._num_rounds, private=True, sticky=True)
         self.fire_event(AppEventType.INITIAL_MODEL_LOADED, fl_ctx)
-        self._participating_clients = self._engine.get_clients()
+        self._participating_clients: List[Client] = self._engine.get_clients()
         if len(self._participating_clients) <= 1:
             self.system_panic("Not enough client sites.", fl_ctx)
         self._last_client = None
-    def _get_relay_orders(self, fl_ctx: FLContext):
-        targets = list(self._participating_clients)
-        if len(targets) <= 1:
-            self.system_panic("Not enough client sites.", fl_ctx)
-        if self._order == RelayOrder.RANDOM:
-            random.shuffle(targets)
-        elif self._order == RelayOrder.RANDOM_WITHOUT_SAME_IN_A_ROW:
-            random.shuffle(targets)
-            if self._last_client == targets[0]:
-                targets = targets.append(targets.pop(0))
+    def _get_relay_orders(self, fl_ctx: FLContext) -> Union[List[Client], None]:
+        if len(self._participating_clients) <= 1:
+            self.system_panic(f"Not enough client sites ({len(self._participating_clients)}).", fl_ctx)
+            return None
+        if isinstance(self._order, list):
+            targets = []
+            active_clients_map = {t.name: t for t in self._participating_clients}
+            for c_name in self._order:
+                if c_name not in active_clients_map:
+                    self.system_panic(f"Required client site ({c_name}) is not in active clients.", fl_ctx)
+                    return None
+                targets.append(active_clients_map[c_name])
+        else:
+            targets = list(self._participating_clients)
+            if self._order == RelayOrder.RANDOM or self._order == RelayOrder.RANDOM_WITHOUT_SAME_IN_A_ROW:
+                random.shuffle(targets)
+                if self._order == RelayOrder.RANDOM_WITHOUT_SAME_IN_A_ROW and self._last_client == targets[0]:
+                    targets.append(targets.pop(0))
         self._last_client = targets[-1]
         return targets
-    def _process_result(self, client_task: ClientTask, fl_ctx: FLContext):
-        result = client_task.result
-        rc = result.get_return_code()
-        client_name = client_task.client.name
-        # Raise errors if ReturnCode is not OK.
-        if rc and rc != ReturnCode.OK:
-            self.system_panic(
-                f"Result from {client_name} is bad, error code: {rc}. "
-                f"{self.__class__.__name__} exiting at round {self._current_round}.",
-                fl_ctx=fl_ctx,
-            )
-            return False
+    def _stop_workflow(self, task: Task):
+        self.cancel_task(task)
+        self._is_done = True
+    def _process_result(self, client_task: ClientTask, fl_ctx: FLContext):
         # submitted shareable is stored in client_task.result
         # we need to update task.data with that shareable so the next target
         # will get the updated shareable
         task = client_task.task
-        # update the global learnable with the received result (shareable)
-        # e.g. the received result could be weight_diffs, the learnable could be full weights.
-        self._last_learnable = self.shareable_generator.shareable_to_learnable(client_task.result, fl_ctx)
+        result = client_task.result
+        if isinstance(result, Shareable):
+            # update the global learnable with the received result (shareable)
+            # e.g. the received result could be weight_diffs, the learnable could be full weights.
+            rc = result.get_return_code()
+            try:
+                self._last_learnable = self.shareable_generator.shareable_to_learnable(result, fl_ctx)
+            except Exception as ex:
+                if rc != ReturnCode.EARLY_TERMINATION:
+                    self._stop_workflow(task)
+                    self.log_error(fl_ctx, f"exception {secure_format_exception(ex)} from shareable_to_learnable")
+                    return
+                else:
+                    self.log_warning(
+                        fl_ctx,
+                        f"ignored {secure_format_exception(ex)} from shareable_to_learnable in early termination",
+                    )
+            if rc == ReturnCode.EARLY_TERMINATION:
+                if self._allow_early_termination:
+                    # the workflow is done
+                    self._stop_workflow(task)
+                    self.log_info(fl_ctx, f"Stopping workflow due to {rc} from client {client_task.client.name}")
+                    return
+                else:
+                    self.log_warning(
+                        fl_ctx,
+                        f"Ignored {rc} from client {client_task.client.name} because early termination is not allowed",
+                    )
+        else:
+            self._stop_workflow(task)
+            self.log_error(
+                fl_ctx,
+                f"Stopping workflow due to result from client {client_task.client.name} is not a Shareable",
+            )
+            return
         # prepare task shareable data for next client
         task.data = self.shareable_generator.learnable_to_shareable(self._last_learnable, fl_ctx)
@@ -179,6 +218,9 @@ def control_flow(self, abort_signal: Signal, fl_ctx: FLContext):
             self.log_debug(fl_ctx, "Cyclic starting.")
             for self._current_round in range(self._start_round, self._end_round):
+                if self._is_done:
+                    return
                 if abort_signal.triggered:
@@ -187,6 +229,8 @@ def control_flow(self, abort_signal: Signal, fl_ctx: FLContext):
                 # Task for one cyclic
                 targets = self._get_relay_orders(fl_ctx)
+                if targets is None:
+                    return
                 targets_names = [t.name for t in targets]
                 self.log_debug(fl_ctx, f"Relay on {targets_names}")
diff --git a/tests/unit_test/app_common/workflow/cyclic_ctl_test.py b/tests/unit_test/app_common/workflow/cyclic_ctl_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f17e310e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit_test/app_common/workflow/cyclic_ctl_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import uuid
+from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
+import pytest
+from nvflare.apis.client import Client
+from nvflare.apis.controller_spec import ClientTask, Task
+from nvflare.apis.fl_constant import ReturnCode
+from nvflare.apis.fl_context import FLContext
+from nvflare.apis.shareable import Shareable
+from nvflare.apis.signal import Signal
+from nvflare.app_common.abstract.learnable import Learnable
+from nvflare.app_common.workflows.cyclic_ctl import CyclicController, RelayOrder
+SITE_1_ID = uuid.uuid4()
+SITE_2_ID = uuid.uuid4()
+SITE_3_ID = uuid.uuid4()
+    (
+        RelayOrder.FIXED,
+        [Client("site-1", SITE_1_ID), Client("site-2", SITE_2_ID)],
+        [Client("site-1", SITE_1_ID), Client("site-2", SITE_2_ID)],
+    ),
+    (
+        ["site-1", "site-2"],
+        [Client("site-1", SITE_1_ID), Client("site-2", SITE_2_ID)],
+        [Client("site-1", SITE_1_ID), Client("site-2", SITE_2_ID)],
+    ),
+    (
+        ["site-2", "site-1"],
+        [Client("site-1", SITE_1_ID), Client("site-2", SITE_2_ID)],
+        [Client("site-2", SITE_2_ID), Client("site-1", SITE_1_ID)],
+    ),
+    (
+        ["site-2", "site-1", "site-3"],
+        [Client("site-3", SITE_3_ID), Client("site-1", SITE_1_ID), Client("site-2", SITE_2_ID)],
+        [Client("site-2", SITE_2_ID), Client("site-1", SITE_1_ID), Client("site-3", SITE_3_ID)],
+    ),
+def gen_shareable(is_early_termination: bool = False, is_not_shareable: bool = False):
+    if is_not_shareable:
+        return [1, 2, 3]
+    return_result = Shareable()
+    if is_early_termination:
+        return_result.set_return_code(ReturnCode.EARLY_TERMINATION)
+    return return_result
+PROCESS_RESULT_TEST_CASES = [gen_shareable(is_early_termination=True), gen_shareable(is_not_shareable=True)]
+class TestCyclicController:
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("order,active_clients,expected_result", ORDER_TEST_CASES)
+    def test_get_relay_orders(self, order, active_clients, expected_result):
+        ctl = CyclicController(order=order)
+        ctx = FLContext()
+        ctl._participating_clients = active_clients
+        targets = ctl._get_relay_orders(ctx)
+        for c, e_c in zip(targets, expected_result):
+            assert c.name == e_c.name
+            assert c.token == e_c.token
+    def test_control_flow_call_relay_and_wait(self):
+        with patch("nvflare.app_common.workflows.cyclic_ctl.CyclicController.relay_and_wait") as mock_method:
+            ctl = CyclicController(persist_every_n_rounds=0, snapshot_every_n_rounds=0, num_rounds=1)
+            ctl.shareable_generator = Mock()
+            ctl._participating_clients = [
+                Client("site-3", SITE_3_ID),
+                Client("site-1", SITE_1_ID),
+                Client("site-2", SITE_2_ID),
+            ]
+            abort_signal = Signal()
+            fl_ctx = FLContext()
+            with patch.object(ctl.shareable_generator, "learnable_to_shareable") as mock_method1, patch.object(
+                ctl.shareable_generator, "shareable_to_learnable"
+            ) as mock_method2:
+                mock_method1.return_value = Shareable()
+                mock_method2.return_value = Learnable()
+                ctl.control_flow(abort_signal, fl_ctx)
+                mock_method.assert_called_once()
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("return_result", PROCESS_RESULT_TEST_CASES)
+    def test_process_result(self, return_result):
+        ctl = CyclicController(
+            persist_every_n_rounds=0, snapshot_every_n_rounds=0, num_rounds=1, allow_early_termination=True
+        )
+        ctl.shareable_generator = Mock()
+        ctl._participating_clients = [
+            Client("site-3", SITE_3_ID),
+            Client("site-1", SITE_1_ID),
+            Client("site-2", SITE_2_ID),
+        ]
+        fl_ctx = FLContext()
+        with patch.object(ctl, "cancel_task") as mock_method, patch.object(
+            ctl.shareable_generator, "learnable_to_shareable"
+        ) as mock_method1, patch.object(ctl.shareable_generator, "shareable_to_learnable") as mock_method2:
+            mock_method1.return_value = Shareable()
+            mock_method2.return_value = Learnable()
+            client_task = ClientTask(
+                client=Mock(),
+                task=Task(
+                    name="__test_task",
+                    data=Shareable(),
+                ),
+            )
+            client_task.result = return_result
+            ctl._process_result(client_task, fl_ctx)
+            mock_method.assert_called_once()
+            assert ctl._is_done is True