This roadmap represents the current core development directions of the Research Astute project.
The biggest single contribution users can help make to the project is by working on issues, bugs and features that are not necesarily related to this roadmap. That is because you have a unique understanding of what is lacking in the project, that would be great to hear. See for more information here.
To create a unifying framework for discussion and curation on the web. To feed stringent data into open projects To contribute resources for the assistance of both aggregating and privatizing data To curate knowledge ecology maps and facilitate transaction To model combinatorics, cohorts, persona's, and collaborative contexts to results driven A/B architecture first design.
- Chrome Extension
- Web.Archive +UX revision checker
- Preset URL & Extension Management System (Custom Basket - See "Some Decision Document")
- Create "Some Decision Document"
- HUD Design Considerations
- Trail On/Off
7. History + Tab / Link parent child relationship
8. Group aggregation "Delphic Clustering"
9. See
c. capture search results
- 2. Persona / re-Search mgmt
- 3. "Clipping" & "Notation" + Tagging
- 4. "Elastic Search" + Synonym ranking inputs
- 5. NLP Semantic Feature Extraction (Clustering & "Tag Cloud-ing")
- 6. "Discussion Trial" - "Layered Nesting" [Neg / Aff weightings]
- 7. OAuth + listeners
- 8. Learn from "UserScripts" a. Map most popular libraries across existing platforms I. feature extraction for our purpose & identify existing competitors & collaborators
- 9. Identify Data Repositories & Social Networks a. initialize data curation systems I. API's II. User private screen saving + Monitored
- 10. Identity + Authorization Management
- 11. Meritocratic Education a. YouTube Validation + Private / Integrated Comments b. EDx + MOOC integrations c. Syllabus & Course Comparison
- 12. Deployment Framework's a. Curation of Crowdsourced Frameworks b. Chat integrations (Slack, Gitter,, Google, Skype, SMS, etc...) I. Agreements & "Binders"
- 13. Security a. State-Machine b. "IOTA" c. See Decision Matrix
- 14. Curate Selected Search Paths & Styles a. as Users go through FCC to generate "Persona's" and filter best answer sources to context. I. Consider "Google Research" embedded overlay on Google Docs !! Most recent visit to FCC has Gitter Chat overlay on the right column !!
- 15. Incorporate Data Citation indexes & Existing Scholarly ID systems a.
- 16. Information Dissemination Tools a. see notes on information uptake
- 17. Task Performance Metrics
- 18. Outlier Identifiers (Can we always make 'lemonade'?)
- 19. Social Media News Source Tracking + "Read Later" Feature.
- 20. "Interest Group Aggregation" - Chat threading {see notes}
- Process the Universe
- Rehabilitate gambling gamers into data processors online
- Grade & Recommend Methodologies
- Carry Out Scientific Validation Throughout Distributed Labs & Partnerships
- Curate to Innovate -> RSA Video "Coffee House Effect in Renaissance"
- Be the leading platform for research and discovery coordination
- Integrate IoT distributed laboratories and classrooms VR/AR w/ DIY & Non-Profit Kits