tofi - configuration file
The config file format is basic .ini/.cfg style. Options are set one per line, with the syntax:
option = value
Whitespace is ignored. Values starting or ending with whitespace can be given by enclosing them in double quotes like so:
option = " value "
case-insensitive, except where not possible (e.g. paths). Later options override earlier options, and command line options override config file options.
Include the contents of another config file. If path is a relative path, it is interpreted as relative to this config file's path (or the current directory if --include is passed on the command line). Inclusion happens immediately, before the rest of the current file's contents are parsed.
Hide the mouse cursor.
Default: false
Show a text cursor in the input field.
Default: false
Sort results by number of usages. By default, this is only effective in the run and drun modes - see the history-file option for more information.
Default: true
Specify an alternate file to read and store history information from / to. This shouldn't normally be needed, and is intended to facilitate the creation of custom modes. The default value depends on the current mode.
- tofi: None (no history file)
- tofi-run: $XDG_STATE_HOME/tofi-history
- tofi-drun: $XDG_STATE_HOME/tofi-drun-history
Select the matching algorithm used. If normal, substring matching is used, weighted to favour matches closer to the beginning of the string. If prefix, only substrings at the beginning of the string are matched. If fuzzy, searching is performed via a simple fuzzy matching algorithm.
Default: normal
WARNING: This option is deprecated, and may be removed in a future version of tofi. You should use the matching-algorithm option instead.
If true, searching is performed via a simple fuzzy matching algorithm. If false, substring matching is used, weighted to favour matches closer to the beginning of the string.
Default: false
If true, require a match to allow a selection to be made. If false, making a selection with no matches will print input to stdout. In drun mode, this is always true.
Default: true
If true, automatically accept a result if it is the only one remaining. If there's only one result on startup, window creation is skipped altogether.
Default: false
If true, typed input will be hidden, and what is displayed (if anything) is determined by the hidden-character option.
Default: false
Replace displayed input characters with char. If char is set to the empty string, input will be completely hidden. This option only has an effect when hide-input is set to true.
Default: *
Instead of printing the selected entry, print the 1-based index of the selection. This option has no effect in run or drun mode. If require-match is set to false, non-matching input will still result in the input being printed.
Default: false
If true, directly launch applications on selection when in drun mode. Otherwise, just print the Exec line of the .desktop file to stdout.
Default: false
The terminal to run terminal programs in when in drun mode. command will be prepended to the the application's command line. This option has no effect if drun-launch is set to true.
Default: the value of the TERMINAL environment variable
WARNING: This option does nothing, and may be removed in a future version of tofi.
Default: true
Delay keyboard initialisation until after the first draw to screen. This option is experimental, and will cause tofi to miss keypresses for a short time after launch. The only reason to use this option is performance on slow systems.
Default: false
If true, allow multiple simultaneous processes. If false, create a lock file on startup to prevent multiple instances from running simultaneously.
Default: false
Assume input is plain ASCII, and disable some Unicode handling functions. This is faster, but means e.g. a search for "e" will not match "é".
Default: false
Font to use. If font is a path to a font file, tofi will not have to use Pango or Fontconfig. This greatly speeds up startup, but any characters not in the chosen font will fail to render.
If a path is not given, font is interpreted as a font name in Pango format.
Default: "Sans"
Point size of text.
Default: 24
Comma separated list of OpenType font feature settings to apply. The format is similar to the CSS "font-feature-settings" property. For example, "smcp, c2sc" will turn all text into small caps (if supported by the chosen font).
Default: ""
Comma separated list of OpenType font variation settings to apply. The format is similar to the CSS "font-variation-settings" property. For example, "wght 900" will set the weight of a variable font to 900 (if supported by the chosen font).
Default: ""
Color of the background. See COLORS for more information.
Default: #1B1D1E
Width of the border outlines.
Default: 4
Color of the border outlines. See COLORS for more information.
Default: #080800
Width of the border.
Default: 12
Color of the border. See COLORS for more information.
Default: #F92672
Color of text. See COLORS for more information.
Default: #FFFFFF
Prompt text.
Default: "run: "
Extra horizontal padding between prompt and input.
Default: 0
Color of prompt text. See COLORS for more information.
Default: Same as text-color
Background color of prompt. See COLORS for more information.
Default: #00000000
Extra padding of the prompt background. See DIRECTIONAL VALUES for more information.
Default: 0
Corner radius of the prompt background.
Default: 0
Placeholder input text.
Default: ""
Color of placeholder input text. See COLORS for more information.
Default: #FFFFFFA8
Background color of placeholder input text. See COLORS for more information.
Default: #00000000
Extra padding of the placeholder input text background. See DIRECTIONAL VALUES for more information.
Default: 0
Corner radius of the placeholder input text background.
Default: 0
Color of input text. See COLORS for more information.
Default: Same as text-color
Background color of input. See COLORS for more information.
Default: #00000000
Extra padding of the input background. See DIRECTIONAL VALUES for more information.
Default: 0
Corner radius of the input background.
Default: 0
Style of the text cursor (if shown).
Default: bar
Color of the text cursor.
Default: same as input-color
Color of text behind the text cursor when text-cursor-style=block.
Default: same as background-color
Corner radius of the text cursor.
Default: 0
Thickness of the bar and underscore text cursors.
Default: font-dependent when text-cursor-style=underscore, 2 otherwise.
Default color of result text. See COLORS for more information.
Default: Same as text-color
Default background color of results. See COLORS for more information.
Default: #00000000
Default extra padding of result backgrounds. See DIRECTIONAL VALUES for more information.
Default: 0
Default corner radius of result backgrounds.
Default: 0
Color of alternate (even-numbered) result text. See COLORS for more information.
Default: same as default-result-color
Background color of alternate (even-numbered) results. See COLORS for more information.
Default: same as default-result-background
Extra padding of alternate (even-numbered) result backgrounds. See DIRECTIONAL VALUES for more information.
Default: same as default-result-background-padding
Corner radius of alternate (even-numbered) result backgrounds.
Default: same as default-result-background-corner-radius
Maximum number of results to display. If n = 0, tofi will draw as many results as it can fit in the window.
Default: 0
Color of selected result. See COLORS for more information.
Default: #F92672
Color of the matching portion of the selected result. This will not always be shown if the fuzzy-match option is set to true. Any color that is fully transparent (alpha = 0) will disable this highlighting. See COLORS for more information.
Default: #00000000
WARNING: This option is deprecated, and will be removed in a future version of tofi. You should use the selection-background-padding option instead.
Extra horizontal padding of the selection background. If px = -1, the padding will fill the whole window width.
Default: 0
Background color of selected result. See COLORS for more information.
Default: #00000000
Extra padding of the selected result background. See DIRECTIONAL VALUES for more information.
Default: 0
Corner radius of the selected result background. Default: 0
Spacing between results. Can be negative.
Default: 0
Minimum width of input in horizontal mode.
Default: 0
Width of the window. See PERCENTAGE VALUES for more information.
Default: 1280
Height of the window. See PERCENTAGE VALUES for more information.
Default: 720
Radius of the window corners.
Default: 0
Location on screen to anchor the window. Supported values are top-left, top, top-right, right, bottom-right, bottom, bottom-left, left, and center.
Default: center
Set the size of the exclusive zone. A value of -1 means ignore exclusive zones completely. A value of 0 will move tofi out of the way of other windows' exclusive zones. A value greater than 0 will set that much space as an exclusive zone. Values greater than 0 are only meaningful when tofi is anchored to a single edge.
Default: -1
The name of the output to appear on, if multiple outputs are present. If empty, the compositor will choose which output to display the window on (usually the currently focused output).
Default: ""
Scale the window by the output's scale factor.
Default: true
Offset from top of screen. See PERCENTAGE VALUES for more information. Only has an effect when anchored to the top of the screen.
Default: 0
Offset from bottom of screen. See PERCENTAGE VALUES for more information. Only has an effect when anchored to the bottom of the screen.
Default: 0
Offset from left of screen. See PERCENTAGE VALUES for more information. Only has an effect when anchored to the left of the screen.
Default: 0
Offset from right of screen. See PERCENTAGE VALUES for more information. Only has an effect when anchored to the right of the screen.
Default: 0
Padding between top border and text. See PERCENTAGE VALUES for more information.
Default: 8
Padding between bottom border and text. See PERCENTAGE VALUES for more information.
Default: 8
Padding between left border and text. See PERCENTAGE VALUES for more information.
Default: 8
Padding between right border and text. See PERCENTAGE VALUES for more information.
Default: 8
Whether to clip text drawing to be within the specified padding. This is mostly important for allowing text to be inset from the border, while still allowing text backgrounds to reach right to the edge.
Default: true
List results horizontally.
Default: false
Perform font hinting. Only applies when a path to a font has been specified via font. Disabling font hinting speeds up text rendering appreciably, but will likely look poor at small font pixel sizes.
Default: true
Colors can be specified in the form RGB, RGBA, RRGGBB or RRGGBBAA, optionally prefixed with a hash (#).
Some pixel values can optionally have a % suffix, like so:
width = 50%
This will be interpreted as a percentage of the screen resolution in the relevant direction.
The background box padding of a type of text can be specified by one to four comma separated values, with meanings similar to the CSS padding property:
- One value sets all edges.
- Two values set (top & bottom), (left & right) edges.
- Three values set (top), (left & right), (bottom) edges.
- Four values set (top), (right), (bottom), (left) edges.
Specifying -1 for any of the values will pad as far as possible in that direction.
Philip Jones <[email protected]>
tofi(1), dmenu(1) rofi(1)