- Install bitvise client (macos:command line ssh plus cyberduck)
- Install tightvnc viewer (macos: chicken of the VNC)
- Connect your laptop to the local lab network ** ssid: pi ** pass: raspberry
Find the mac address of the wifi pen to copute the local ip address. ** ex: 74Da38546692
Compute the decimal value of the two last hexadecimal digitis: ** ex: HEX - 92 -> DEC - 146 ** Use a calculator to do the conversion or write in ipython with format 0x92 and view the reusult.
Connext via ssh to the raspberry pi
(XXX substitute with the computed local ip)
- Use sftp to create a new folder and copy some files
- Launch the vnc server (execute the following command in the shell)
- Then use the tightvnc client in your computer and insert the address
The password is: raspberry
Launch an ipython shell with
ipython --pylab
Do a simple plot :
save a pdf and downlod to the local computer:
Config guide of the memory card Raspberry pi Setup
Learn to use byobu http://byobu.co/
Linux commands - 101 most importants: https://dev.to/awwsmm/101-bash-commands-and-tips-for-beginners-to-experts-30je