diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 65f1db1..1e39f28 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ The values of the state provide multiple manipulation modes: ### __WORK IN PROGRESS__ --> -### __WORK IN PROGRESS__ +### 1.3.0 (2024-07-15) - (Michael Schroeder) [#180](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/180) Fixed handling new product detection. - (Michael Schroeder) [#47](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/47), [#113](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/113) Support limitations (e.g. rain sensor) diff --git a/io-package.json b/io-package.json index 67a7907..3c90b50 100644 --- a/io-package.json +++ b/io-package.json @@ -1,197 +1,197 @@ { - "common": { - "name": "klf200", - "version": "1.2.0", - "news": { - "1.2.0": { - "en": "[#126](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/126) Fixed Adapter-Checker warning.\n[#124](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/124) Added help message for password in configuration dialog.\n[#106](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/106) Fixed an unhandled rejection exception.\n[#135](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/135) Fixed warning for Admin settings.\n[#137](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/137) Fixed Github Workflows.\n[#40](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/40) The scene list can be refreshed.\n[#129](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/129) The state targetPositionRaw is writable to support additional scenarios.\n[#133](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/133) Added a refreshProduct state to manually refresh the state of a product.", - "de": "[#126](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/126) Fixed Adapter-Checker Warnung.\n[#124](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/124) Hilfenachricht für Passwort im Konfigurationsdialog hinzugefügt.\n[#106](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/106) Eine unhandled Ablehnung Ausnahme.\n[#135](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/135) Feste Warnung für Admin-Einstellungen.\n[#137](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/137) Github Workflows wurden behoben.\n[#40](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/40) Die Szenenliste kann erfrischt werden.\n[#129](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/129) Das State TargetPositionRaw kann zusätzliche Szenarien unterstützen.\n[#133](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/133) Hinzugefügt ein RefreshProduktzustand, um den Zustand eines Produkts manuell zu aktualisieren.", - "ru": "[#126] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/126) Настоящее предупреждение Адаптер-Кекер.\n[#124] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/124) Добавлено сообщение справки для пароля в диалоге настройки.\n[#106] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/106) Исправлено безошибочное исключение.\n[#135] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/135) Исправленное предупреждение для Настройки Админа.\n[#137] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/137) Fixed Github Workflows.\n[#40] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/40) Список сцены можно обновить.\n[#129] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/129) Государственная целеваяPositionRaw может поддерживать дополнительные сценарии.\n[#133] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/133) Добавлено состояние освежителя, чтобы вручную освежить состояние продукта.", - "pt": "[#126](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/126) Alerta Fixed Adapter-Checker.\n[#124] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/124) Adicionado mensagem de ajuda para senha na caixa de diálogo de configuração.\n[#106](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/106) Corrigido uma exceção de rejeição sem manuseamento.\n[#135] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/135)) Aviso fixo para configurações de administrador.\n[#137] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/137) Fluxos de trabalho do Github fixos.\n[#40](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/40) A lista de cena pode ser atualizada.\n[#129](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/129) O State targetPositionRaw é possível suportar cenários adicionais.\n[#133](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/133) Adicionado um estado refrescarProduto para atualizar manualmente o estado de um produto.", - "nl": "[#126](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/126) Fixed Adapter-Checker waarschuwing.\n[#124](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/124) Hulpbericht toegevoegd voor wachtwoord in configuratiedialoog.\n[#106](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/106) Een ongemanierde afwijzingsuitzondering.\n[#135](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/135) Vaste waarschuwing voor beheerdersinstellingen.\n[#137](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/137) Vaste Github workflows.\n[#40](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/40) De scènelijst kan worden opgefrist.\n[#129](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/129) De staat doelPositionRaw is schrijfbaar om extra scenario's te ondersteunen.\n[#133](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/133) Toegevoegd een refreshProduct status om handmatig de staat van een product te vernieuwen.", - "fr": "[#126](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/126) Avertissement fixe de l'adaptateur-vérificateur.\n[#124](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/124) Ajout du message d'aide pour le mot de passe dans la boîte de dialogue de configuration.\n[#106](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/106) Correction d'une exception de rejet non traitée.\n[#135](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/135) Avertissement corrigé pour les paramètres d'Admin.\n[#137](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/137) Flux de travail Github corrigés.\n[#40](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/40) La liste des scènes peut être mise à jour.\n[#129](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/129) La cible de l'étatPositionRaw est susceptible de supporter des scénarios supplémentaires.\n[#133](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/133) Ajout d'un état de rafraîchissement pour rafraîchir manuellement l'état d'un produit.", - "it": "[#126](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/126) Avvertenza Adattatore-Checker fisso.\n[#124](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/124) Aggiunto messaggio di aiuto per la password nella finestra di dialogo di configurazione.\n[#106](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/106) Risolto un'eccezione di rifiuto non maneggiata.\n[#135](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/135) Avvertenza fissa per le impostazioni di amministrazione.\n[#137](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/137) Flussi di lavoro fissi Github.\n[#40](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/40) La lista della scena può essere rinfrescata.\n[#129](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/129) Il target di statoPositionRaw è scrivibile per supportare scenari aggiuntivi.\n[#133](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/133) Aggiunto uno stato di aggiornamentoProduct per aggiornare manualmente lo stato di un prodotto.", - "es": "[#126](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/126) Advertencia de Adaptador fijo.\n[#124](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/124) Añadido mensaje de ayuda para contraseña en el diálogo de configuración.\n[#106](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/106) Arregló una excepción de rechazo sin manejar.\n[#135](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/135) Advertencia fija para la configuración de Admin.\n[#137](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/137) Flujos de trabajo de Github fijos.\n[#40](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/40) La lista de escena se puede refrescar.\n[#129](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/129) El objetivo estatalPositionRaw es obligatorio para apoyar escenarios adicionales.\n[#133](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/133) Se agregó un estado refrescante producto para refrescar manualmente el estado de un producto.", - "pl": "[# 126] (https: / / github.com / MiSchroe / ioBroker.klf200 / issues / 126) Naprawiono Adapter- Kontrola ostrzeżenia.\n[# 124] (https: / / github.com / MiSchroe / ioBroker.klf200 / issues / 124) Dodano komunikat pomocy dla hasła w oknie konfiguracji.\n[# 106] (https: / / github.com / MiSchroe / ioBroker.klf200 / issues / 106) Naprawiono nieobsługiwany wyjątek od odrzucenia.\n[# 135] (https: / / github.com / MiSchroe / ioBroker.klf200 / issues / 135) Naprawiono ostrzeżenie dla ustawień administratora.\n[# 137] (https: / / github.com / MiSchroe / ioBroker.klf200 / issues / 137) Naprawiono Github Workflows.\n[# 40] (https: / / github.com / MiSchroe / ioBroker.klf200 / issues / 40) Listę można odświeżyć.\n[# 129] (https: / / github.com / MiSchroe / ioBroker.klf200 / issues / 129) Państwo Cel Raw jest w stanie poprzeć dodatkowe scenariusze.\n[# 133] (https: / / github.com / MiSchroe / ioBroker.klf200 / issues / 133) Dodano stan odświeżenia produktu, aby ręcznie odświeżyć stan produktu.", - "uk": "[#126](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/products/126) Виправлено попередження адаптера-Чекера.\n[#124](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/products/124) Додайте повідомлення про пароль у діалоговому вікні конфігурації.\n[#106](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/products/106) Виправлено несвоєчасне виключення відхилення.\n[#135](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/products/135) Виправлено попередження про налаштування адміністратора.\n[#137](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/products/137) Виправлені Github Робочі процеси.\n[#40](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/products/40) Список сцени можна оновити.\n[#129](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/products/129) Державна цільоваПозиціяПравила на підтримку додаткових сценаріїв.\n[#133](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/products/133) Додано стан освіжаючого продукту вручну оновити стан продукту.", - "zh-cn": "[#126] (https://github.com/Mischroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/126) (中文(简体) ). 固定适配器-检查器警告.\n[#124] (https://github.com/Mischroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/124) (中文(简体) ). 在配置对话框中添加密码的帮助消息 .\n[#106] (https://github.com/Mischroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/106). 解决了一个无端拒绝的例外.\n[# 135] (https://github.com/Mischroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/135) (中文(简体) ). 管理员设置的固定警告 .\n[#137] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/137). 固定Github工作流程.\n[40] (https://github.com/Mischroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/40) (中文(简体) ). 场景列表可以刷新.\n[#129] (https://github.com/Mischroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/129) (中文(简体) ). 状态目标PositionRaw可以写作支持额外的情景.\n[#133] (https://github.com/Mischroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/133) (中文(简体) ). 添加了更新的Product状态以手动刷新产品的状态." - }, - "1.1.2": { - "en": "Bumped version number", - "de": "Gepflegte Versionsnummer", - "ru": "Bumped номер версии", - "pt": "Número de versão Bumped", - "nl": "Vertaling:", - "fr": "Numéro de version Bumped", - "it": "Numero di versione Bumped", - "es": "Número de versión agrupada", - "pl": "Wersja Bumped", - "uk": "Ім'я користувача", - "zh-cn": "倾销版本" - }, - "1.1.1": { - "en": "(Michael Schroeder) Support functional parameters to control e.g. speed, horizontal awning etc.", - "de": "(Michael Schroeder) Unterstützung funktionaler Parameter zur Steuerung von z.B. Geschwindigkeit, horizontaler Markise usw.", - "ru": "(Michael Schroeder) Поддержка функциональных параметров для управления, например. скорость, горизонтальный тент и т. д.", - "pt": "(Michael Schroeder) Suporta parâmetros funcionais para controlar, por ex. velocidade, toldo horizontal etc.", - "nl": "(Michael Schroeder) Ondersteun functionele parameters om b.v. snelheid, horizontale luifel enz.", - "fr": "(Michael Schroeder) Prise en charge des paramètres fonctionnels pour contrôler par ex. vitesse, auvent horizontal, etc.", - "it": "(Michael Schroeder) Supporta i parametri funzionali per controllare ad es. velocità, tenda orizzontale ecc.", - "es": "(Michael Schroeder) Admite parámetros funcionales para controlar, p. velocidad, toldo horizontal, etc.", - "pl": "(Michael Schroeder) Wsparcie parametrów funkcjonalnych do sterowania m.in. prędkość, markiza pozioma itp.", - "uk": "(Michael Schroeder) Підтримка функціональних параметрів для керування, напр. швидкість, горизонтальний тент тощо.", - "zh-cn": "(Michael Schroeder) 支持功能参数来控制,例如速度、水平遮阳篷等" - }, - "1.0.1": { - "en": "(Michael Schroeder) Fix [#49](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/49) Set multiple states at once, e.g. in Blockly", - "de": "(Michael Schroeder) Fix [# 49] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/49) Mehrere Zustände gleichzeitig festlegen, z. in Blockly", - "ru": "(Michael Schroeder) Исправление [# 49] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/49) Установка нескольких состояний одновременно, например, в блоке", - "pt": "(Michael Schroeder) Correção [# 49] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/49) Defina vários estados ao mesmo tempo, por exemplo em Blockly", - "nl": "(Michael Schroeder) Fix [# 49] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/49) Stel meerdere toestanden tegelijk in, b.v. in Blockly", - "fr": "(Michael Schroeder) Correction [# 49] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/49) Définissez plusieurs états à la fois, par ex. à Blockly", - "it": "(Michael Schroeder) Correzione [# 49] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/49) Impostare più stati contemporaneamente, ad es. in Blockly", - "es": "(Michael Schroeder) Solución [# 49] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/49) Establezca varios estados a la vez, p. en Blockly", - "pl": "(Michael Schroeder) Napraw [# 49] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/49) Ustaw wiele stanów naraz, np. w Blockly", - "zh-cn": "(Michael Schroeder)修复[#49](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/49)一次设置多个状态,例如在块状", - "uk": "(Michael Schroeder) Виправити [#49](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/49) Встановити кілька станів одночасно, напр. в Блоклі" - }, - "1.0.0": { - "en": "Support for KLF firmware", - "de": "Umstellung auf KLF-Firmware", - "ru": "Поддержка прошивки KLF", - "pt": "Suporte para o firmware KLF", - "nl": "Ondersteuning voor KLF-firmware", - "fr": "Prise en charge du firmware KLF", - "it": "Supporto per il firmware KLF", - "es": "Soporte para firmware KLF", - "pl": "Obsługa oprogramowania KLF", - "zh-cn": "支持KLF固件2.0.0.71", - "uk": "Підтримка прошивки KLF" - }, - "0.9.5": { - "en": "Bug fixes", - "de": "Fehlerbehebung", - "ru": "Исправление ошибок", - "pt": "Correções de bugs", - "nl": "Bugfixes", - "fr": "Corrections de bugs", - "it": "Correzioni di bug", - "es": "Corrección de errores", - "pl": "Poprawki błędów", - "zh-cn": "Bug修复", - "uk": "Виправлення помилок" - }, - "0.9.4": { - "en": "Compatible to Admin 3, add documentation", - "de": "Kompatibel mit Admin 3, Dokumentation hinzufügen", - "ru": "Совместимость с Admin 3, добавьте документацию", - "pt": "Compatível com o Admin 3, adicione documentação", - "nl": "Compatibel met Admin 3, voeg documentatie toe", - "fr": "Compatible avec Admin 3, ajouter de la documentation", - "it": "Compatibile con Admin 3, aggiungere documentazione", - "es": "Compatible con Admin 3, agregar documentación", - "pl": "Zgodny z Admin 3, dodaj dokumentację", - "zh-cn": "与管理员3兼容,添加文档", - "uk": "Сумісний з Admin 3, додайте документацію" - } - }, - "titleLang": { - "en": "KLF-200", - "de": "KLF-200", - "ru": "KLF-200", - "pt": "KLF-200", - "nl": "KLF-200", - "fr": "KLF-200", - "it": "KLF-200", - "es": "KLF-200", - "pl": "KLF-200", - "zh-cn": "KLF-200", - "uk": "КЛФ-200" - }, - "desc": { - "en": "Controls products and scenes connected to a KLF-200 interface", - "de": "Steuert Produkte und Szenen, die an eine KLF-200-Schnittstelle angeschlossen sind", - "ru": "Управляет продуктами и сценами, подключенными к интерфейсу KLF-200", - "pt": "Controla produtos e cenas conectadas a uma interface KLF-200", - "nl": "Bestuurt producten en scènes die zijn aangesloten op een KLF-200-interface", - "fr": "Contrôle des produits et des scènes connectés à une interface KLF-200", - "it": "Controlla i prodotti e le scene connesse a un'interfaccia KLF-200", - "es": "Controla productos y escenas conectadas a una interfaz KLF-200", - "pl": "Kontroluje produkty i sceny podłączone do interfejsu KLF-200", - "zh-cn": "控制连接到KLF-200接口的产品和场景", - "uk": "Керує продуктами та сценами, підключеними до інтерфейсу KLF-200" - }, - "authors": [ - "Michael Schroeder " - ], - "keywords": [ - "KLF-200", - "VELUX" - ], - "license": "MIT", - "platform": "Javascript/Node.js", - "main": "build/main.js", - "icon": "klf200.png", - "enabled": true, - "extIcon": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/master/admin/klf200.png", - "readme": "https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/blob/master/README.md", - "loglevel": "info", - "mode": "daemon", - "type": "hardware", - "compact": true, - "connectionType": "local", - "dataSource": "push", - "materialize": true, - "adminUI": { - "config": "json" - }, - "dependencies": [ - { - "js-controller": ">=5.0.0" - } - ], - "messagebox": true, - "supportedMessages": { - "deviceManager": true - } + "common": { + "name": "klf200", + "version": "1.3.0", + "news": { + "1.3.0": { + "en": "[#180](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/180) Fixed handling new product detection.\n[#47](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/47), [#113](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/113) Support limitations (e.g. rain sensor)\n[#209](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/209) Support of [ioBroker.device-manager](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.device-manager) for managing products, groups and scenes.\nFix missing removal of event handlers.\nUpgrade dependencies, min. Node version 18.x, min. js-controller 5.x.\nAdded stricter linting rules and fixed findings.", + "de": "[#180](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/180) Behobene Handhabung neuer Produktdetektion.\n[#47](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/47), [#113](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/113) Support-Beschränkungen (z.B. Regensensor)\n[#209](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/209) Unterstützung von [ioBroker.device-manager](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.device-manager) für die Verwaltung von Produkten, Gruppen und Szenen.\nFix fehlende Entfernung von Event-Handlern.\nUpgrade-Abhängigkeiten, min. Node Version 18.x, min. js-controller 5.x.\nEs wurden strengere Regeln und feste Befunde hinzugefügt.", + "ru": "[#180] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/180) Исправлена обработка нового обнаружения продукта.\n[#47] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/47), [#113] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/113) Ограничения поддержки (например, датчик дождя)\n[#209] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/209) Поддержка [ioBroker.device-manager] (https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.device-Manager) для управления продуктами, группами и сценами.\nИсправление недостающего удаления обработчиков событий.\nУлучшенные зависимости, мин. Node version 18.x, min. js-controller 5.x.\nДобавлены более строгие правила и фиксированные выводы.", + "pt": "[#180](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/180) Manipulação fixa nova detecção de produtos.\n[#47](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/47), [#113](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/113) Limitações de suporte (por exemplo, sensor de chuva)\n[#209](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/209) Apoio do [ioBroker.device-manager](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.device-manager) para a gestão de produtos, grupos e cenas.\nCorrigir a remoção falta de manipuladores de eventos.\nAtualize dependências, min. Node versão 18.x, min. js-controller 5.x.\nAdicionado regras de forro mais rígidas e achados fixos.", + "nl": "[#180](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/180) Vaste behandeling van nieuwe productdetectie.\n[#47](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/47), [#113](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/113) Ondersteuningsbeperkingen (bv. regensensor)\n[#209](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/209) Ondersteuning van [ioBroker.device-manager](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.device-manager) voor het beheer van producten, groepen en scènes.\nRepareer ontbrekende verwijdering van de event handlers.\nUpgrade afhankelijkheden min. Node versie 18.x, min. js-controller 5.x.\nToegevoegd strengere regels en vaste bevindingen.", + "fr": "[#180](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/180) Gestion fixe de la détection de nouveaux produits.\n[#47](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/47), [#113](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/113) Limites de support (par exemple capteur de pluie)\n[#209](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/209) Soutien de [ioBroker.device-manager](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.device-manager) pour la gestion des produits, des groupes et des scènes.\nCorrection du retrait manquant des gestionnaires d'événements.\nAméliorer les dépendances, min. Node version 18.x, min. js-controller 5.x.\nAjout de règles plus strictes et de conclusions fixes.", + "it": "[#180](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/180) Gestione fissa nuova rilevazione del prodotto.\n[#47](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/47), [#113](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/113) Limitazioni di supporto (ad esempio sensore pioggia)\n[#209](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/209) Supporto di [ioBroker.device-manager](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.device-manager) per la gestione di prodotti, gruppi e scene.\nFissare la rimozione mancante dei gestori di eventi.\nDipendenze di aggiornamento, min. Nodo versione 18.x, min. js-controller 5.x.\nAggiunta regole più rigorose e risultati fissi.", + "es": "[#180](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/180) Manejo fijo nueva detección de productos.\n[#47](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/47), [#113](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/113) Limitaciones de soporte (por ejemplo, sensor de lluvia)\n[#209](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/209) Support of [ioBroker.device-manager](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.device-manager) for managing products, groups and scenes.\nArregla la eliminación perdida de los manipuladores del evento.\nDependeciones de actualización, min. Nodo versión 18.x, min. js-controller 5.x.\nAñadido reglas de forro más estrictas y hallazgos fijos.", + "pl": "[# 180] (https: / / github.com / MiSchroe / ioBroker.klf200 / issues / 180) Stała obsługa nowego wykrywania produktów.\n[# 47] (https: / / github.com / MiSchroe / ioBroker.klf200 / issues / 47), [# 113] (https: / / github.com / MiSchroe / ioBroker.klf200 / issues / 113) Ograniczenia wsparcia (np. czujnik deszczu)\n[# 209] (https: / / github.com / MiSchroe / ioBroker.klf200 / issues / 209) Wsparcie [ioBroker.device- manager] (https: / / www.npmjs.com / package / iobroker.device- manager) dla zarządzania produktami, grupami i sceną.\nPopraw brak usuwania osób zajmujących się wydarzeniami.\nUlepszenie zależności, min. Node version 18.x, min. js- controller 5.x.\nDodano bardziej rygorystyczne zasady lintowania i ustalone ustalenia.", + "uk": "[#180](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/products/180) Виправлена обробка нових продуктів.\n[#47](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/47), [#113](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/products/113) Обмеження підтримки (наприклад, датчик дощу)\n[#209](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/products/209) Підтримка [ioBroker.device-manager](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.device-manager) для управління продуктами, групами та сценами.\nВиправлення невидимого видалення обробників події.\nПідвищення залежності, хв. Node версія 18.x, хв. js-controller 5.x.\nДодані суворі правила та фіксовані результати.", + "zh-cn": "[#180] (https://github.com/Mischroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/180) (中文(简体) ). 固定处理新产品检测.\n[47] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/47),[113] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/113). 支持限制(如雨传感器)\n[209] (https://github.com/Mischroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/209) (中文(简体) ). 支持[ioBroker.device-manager](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroster.device-manager)管理产品,团体和场景.\n修复事件处理器缺失的处理器 .\n升级依赖关系,分钟。 节点版本18.x,min.js-controller 5.x.\n增加了更严格的贴身规则和固定裁定." + }, + "1.2.0": { + "en": "[#126](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/126) Fixed Adapter-Checker warning.\n[#124](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/124) Added help message for password in configuration dialog.\n[#106](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/106) Fixed an unhandled rejection exception.\n[#135](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/135) Fixed warning for Admin settings.\n[#137](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/137) Fixed Github Workflows.\n[#40](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/40) The scene list can be refreshed.\n[#129](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/129) The state targetPositionRaw is writable to support additional scenarios.\n[#133](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/133) Added a refreshProduct state to manually refresh the state of a product.", + "de": "[#126](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/126) Fixed Adapter-Checker Warnung.\n[#124](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/124) Hilfenachricht für Passwort im Konfigurationsdialog hinzugefügt.\n[#106](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/106) Eine unhandled Ablehnung Ausnahme.\n[#135](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/135) Feste Warnung für Admin-Einstellungen.\n[#137](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/137) Github Workflows wurden behoben.\n[#40](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/40) Die Szenenliste kann erfrischt werden.\n[#129](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/129) Das State TargetPositionRaw kann zusätzliche Szenarien unterstützen.\n[#133](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/133) Hinzugefügt ein RefreshProduktzustand, um den Zustand eines Produkts manuell zu aktualisieren.", + "ru": "[#126] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/126) Настоящее предупреждение Адаптер-Кекер.\n[#124] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/124) Добавлено сообщение справки для пароля в диалоге настройки.\n[#106] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/106) Исправлено безошибочное исключение.\n[#135] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/135) Исправленное предупреждение для Настройки Админа.\n[#137] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/137) Fixed Github Workflows.\n[#40] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/40) Список сцены можно обновить.\n[#129] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/129) Государственная целеваяPositionRaw может поддерживать дополнительные сценарии.\n[#133] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/133) Добавлено состояние освежителя, чтобы вручную освежить состояние продукта.", + "pt": "[#126](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/126) Alerta Fixed Adapter-Checker.\n[#124] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/124) Adicionado mensagem de ajuda para senha na caixa de diálogo de configuração.\n[#106](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/106) Corrigido uma exceção de rejeição sem manuseamento.\n[#135] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/135)) Aviso fixo para configurações de administrador.\n[#137] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/137) Fluxos de trabalho do Github fixos.\n[#40](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/40) A lista de cena pode ser atualizada.\n[#129](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/129) O State targetPositionRaw é possível suportar cenários adicionais.\n[#133](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/133) Adicionado um estado refrescarProduto para atualizar manualmente o estado de um produto.", + "nl": "[#126](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/126) Fixed Adapter-Checker waarschuwing.\n[#124](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/124) Hulpbericht toegevoegd voor wachtwoord in configuratiedialoog.\n[#106](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/106) Een ongemanierde afwijzingsuitzondering.\n[#135](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/135) Vaste waarschuwing voor beheerdersinstellingen.\n[#137](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/137) Vaste Github workflows.\n[#40](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/40) De scènelijst kan worden opgefrist.\n[#129](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/129) De staat doelPositionRaw is schrijfbaar om extra scenario's te ondersteunen.\n[#133](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/133) Toegevoegd een refreshProduct status om handmatig de staat van een product te vernieuwen.", + "fr": "[#126](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/126) Avertissement fixe de l'adaptateur-vérificateur.\n[#124](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/124) Ajout du message d'aide pour le mot de passe dans la boîte de dialogue de configuration.\n[#106](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/106) Correction d'une exception de rejet non traitée.\n[#135](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/135) Avertissement corrigé pour les paramètres d'Admin.\n[#137](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/137) Flux de travail Github corrigés.\n[#40](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/40) La liste des scènes peut être mise à jour.\n[#129](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/129) La cible de l'étatPositionRaw est susceptible de supporter des scénarios supplémentaires.\n[#133](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/133) Ajout d'un état de rafraîchissement pour rafraîchir manuellement l'état d'un produit.", + "it": "[#126](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/126) Avvertenza Adattatore-Checker fisso.\n[#124](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/124) Aggiunto messaggio di aiuto per la password nella finestra di dialogo di configurazione.\n[#106](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/106) Risolto un'eccezione di rifiuto non maneggiata.\n[#135](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/135) Avvertenza fissa per le impostazioni di amministrazione.\n[#137](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/137) Flussi di lavoro fissi Github.\n[#40](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/40) La lista della scena può essere rinfrescata.\n[#129](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/129) Il target di statoPositionRaw è scrivibile per supportare scenari aggiuntivi.\n[#133](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/133) Aggiunto uno stato di aggiornamentoProduct per aggiornare manualmente lo stato di un prodotto.", + "es": "[#126](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/126) Advertencia de Adaptador fijo.\n[#124](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/124) Añadido mensaje de ayuda para contraseña en el diálogo de configuración.\n[#106](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/106) Arregló una excepción de rechazo sin manejar.\n[#135](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/135) Advertencia fija para la configuración de Admin.\n[#137](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/137) Flujos de trabajo de Github fijos.\n[#40](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/40) La lista de escena se puede refrescar.\n[#129](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/129) El objetivo estatalPositionRaw es obligatorio para apoyar escenarios adicionales.\n[#133](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/133) Se agregó un estado refrescante producto para refrescar manualmente el estado de un producto.", + "pl": "[# 126] (https: / / github.com / MiSchroe / ioBroker.klf200 / issues / 126) Naprawiono Adapter- Kontrola ostrzeżenia.\n[# 124] (https: / / github.com / MiSchroe / ioBroker.klf200 / issues / 124) Dodano komunikat pomocy dla hasła w oknie konfiguracji.\n[# 106] (https: / / github.com / MiSchroe / ioBroker.klf200 / issues / 106) Naprawiono nieobsługiwany wyjątek od odrzucenia.\n[# 135] (https: / / github.com / MiSchroe / ioBroker.klf200 / issues / 135) Naprawiono ostrzeżenie dla ustawień administratora.\n[# 137] (https: / / github.com / MiSchroe / ioBroker.klf200 / issues / 137) Naprawiono Github Workflows.\n[# 40] (https: / / github.com / MiSchroe / ioBroker.klf200 / issues / 40) Listę można odświeżyć.\n[# 129] (https: / / github.com / MiSchroe / ioBroker.klf200 / issues / 129) Państwo Cel Raw jest w stanie poprzeć dodatkowe scenariusze.\n[# 133] (https: / / github.com / MiSchroe / ioBroker.klf200 / issues / 133) Dodano stan odświeżenia produktu, aby ręcznie odświeżyć stan produktu.", + "uk": "[#126](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/products/126) Виправлено попередження адаптера-Чекера.\n[#124](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/products/124) Додайте повідомлення про пароль у діалоговому вікні конфігурації.\n[#106](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/products/106) Виправлено несвоєчасне виключення відхилення.\n[#135](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/products/135) Виправлено попередження про налаштування адміністратора.\n[#137](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/products/137) Виправлені Github Робочі процеси.\n[#40](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/products/40) Список сцени можна оновити.\n[#129](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/products/129) Державна цільоваПозиціяПравила на підтримку додаткових сценаріїв.\n[#133](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/products/133) Додано стан освіжаючого продукту вручну оновити стан продукту.", + "zh-cn": "[#126] (https://github.com/Mischroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/126) (中文(简体) ). 固定适配器-检查器警告.\n[#124] (https://github.com/Mischroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/124) (中文(简体) ). 在配置对话框中添加密码的帮助消息 .\n[#106] (https://github.com/Mischroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/106). 解决了一个无端拒绝的例外.\n[# 135] (https://github.com/Mischroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/135) (中文(简体) ). 管理员设置的固定警告 .\n[#137] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/137). 固定Github工作流程.\n[40] (https://github.com/Mischroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/40) (中文(简体) ). 场景列表可以刷新.\n[#129] (https://github.com/Mischroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/129) (中文(简体) ). 状态目标PositionRaw可以写作支持额外的情景.\n[#133] (https://github.com/Mischroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/133) (中文(简体) ). 添加了更新的Product状态以手动刷新产品的状态." + }, + "1.1.2": { + "en": "Bumped version number", + "de": "Gepflegte Versionsnummer", + "ru": "Bumped номер версии", + "pt": "Número de versão Bumped", + "nl": "Vertaling:", + "fr": "Numéro de version Bumped", + "it": "Numero di versione Bumped", + "es": "Número de versión agrupada", + "pl": "Wersja Bumped", + "uk": "Ім'я користувача", + "zh-cn": "倾销版本" + }, + "1.1.1": { + "en": "(Michael Schroeder) Support functional parameters to control e.g. speed, horizontal awning etc.", + "de": "(Michael Schroeder) Unterstützung funktionaler Parameter zur Steuerung von z.B. Geschwindigkeit, horizontaler Markise usw.", + "ru": "(Michael Schroeder) Поддержка функциональных параметров для управления, например. скорость, горизонтальный тент и т. д.", + "pt": "(Michael Schroeder) Suporta parâmetros funcionais para controlar, por ex. velocidade, toldo horizontal etc.", + "nl": "(Michael Schroeder) Ondersteun functionele parameters om b.v. snelheid, horizontale luifel enz.", + "fr": "(Michael Schroeder) Prise en charge des paramètres fonctionnels pour contrôler par ex. vitesse, auvent horizontal, etc.", + "it": "(Michael Schroeder) Supporta i parametri funzionali per controllare ad es. velocità, tenda orizzontale ecc.", + "es": "(Michael Schroeder) Admite parámetros funcionales para controlar, p. velocidad, toldo horizontal, etc.", + "pl": "(Michael Schroeder) Wsparcie parametrów funkcjonalnych do sterowania m.in. prędkość, markiza pozioma itp.", + "uk": "(Michael Schroeder) Підтримка функціональних параметрів для керування, напр. швидкість, горизонтальний тент тощо.", + "zh-cn": "(Michael Schroeder) 支持功能参数来控制,例如速度、水平遮阳篷等" + }, + "1.0.1": { + "en": "(Michael Schroeder) Fix [#49](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/49) Set multiple states at once, e.g. in Blockly", + "de": "(Michael Schroeder) Fix [# 49] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/49) Mehrere Zustände gleichzeitig festlegen, z. in Blockly", + "ru": "(Michael Schroeder) Исправление [# 49] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/49) Установка нескольких состояний одновременно, например, в блоке", + "pt": "(Michael Schroeder) Correção [# 49] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/49) Defina vários estados ao mesmo tempo, por exemplo em Blockly", + "nl": "(Michael Schroeder) Fix [# 49] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/49) Stel meerdere toestanden tegelijk in, b.v. in Blockly", + "fr": "(Michael Schroeder) Correction [# 49] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/49) Définissez plusieurs états à la fois, par ex. à Blockly", + "it": "(Michael Schroeder) Correzione [# 49] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/49) Impostare più stati contemporaneamente, ad es. in Blockly", + "es": "(Michael Schroeder) Solución [# 49] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/49) Establezca varios estados a la vez, p. en Blockly", + "pl": "(Michael Schroeder) Napraw [# 49] (https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/49) Ustaw wiele stanów naraz, np. w Blockly", + "zh-cn": "(Michael Schroeder)修复[#49](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/49)一次设置多个状态,例如在块状", + "uk": "(Michael Schroeder) Виправити [#49](https://github.com/MiSchroe/ioBroker.klf200/issues/49) Встановити кілька станів одночасно, напр. в Блоклі" + }, + "1.0.0": { + "en": "Support for KLF firmware", + "de": "Umstellung auf KLF-Firmware", + "ru": "Поддержка прошивки KLF", + "pt": "Suporte para o firmware KLF", + "nl": "Ondersteuning voor KLF-firmware", + "fr": "Prise en charge du firmware KLF", + "it": "Supporto per il firmware KLF", + "es": "Soporte para firmware KLF", + "pl": "Obsługa oprogramowania KLF", + "zh-cn": "支持KLF固件2.0.0.71", + "uk": "Підтримка прошивки KLF" + }, + "0.9.5": { + "en": "Bug fixes", + "de": "Fehlerbehebung", + "ru": "Исправление ошибок", + "pt": "Correções de bugs", + "nl": "Bugfixes", + "fr": "Corrections de bugs", + "it": "Correzioni di bug", + "es": "Corrección de errores", + "pl": "Poprawki błędów", + "zh-cn": "Bug修复", + "uk": "Виправлення помилок" + } }, - 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