diff --git a/normalizr/index.d.ts b/normalizr/index.d.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 144839b5e4e92c..00000000000000
--- a/normalizr/index.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-// Type definitions for normalizr 2.0.1
-// Project: https://github.com/gaearon/normalizr/
-// Definitions by: Markus Peloso
-// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
-export = Normalizr;
-declare namespace Normalizr {
- type AttributeSetting = string | ((entity: any) => any);
- type SchemaClass = Schema | ArraySchema | UnionSchema;
- type SchemaObject = { [property: string]: SchemaClass | SchemaObject };
- type SchemaType = SchemaClass | SchemaObject | Object;
- export class Schema {
- /**
- * Schema lets you define a type of entity returned by your API.
- * This should correspond to model in your server code.
- * @param key The key parameter lets you specify the name of the dictionary for this kind of entity.
- * @param options
- */
- constructor(key: string, options?: { idAttribute: AttributeSetting; });
- /**
- * Lets you specify relationships between different entities.
- * @param nestedSchema
- */
- define(nestedSchema: SchemaObject): void;
- /**
- * Returns the key of the schema.
- */
- getKey(): string;
- /**
- * Returns the idAttribute of the schema.
- */
- getIdAttribute(): AttributeSetting;
- }
- interface UnionSchema {
- getItemSchema(): SchemaType;
- getSchemaKey(item: any): string;
- }
- interface ArraySchema {
- getItemSchema(): SchemaType;
- }
- /**
- * Describes an array of the schema passed as argument.
- * @param schema
- * @param options
- */
- export function arrayOf(schema: SchemaType, options?: {
- /**
- * If the array contains entities with different schemas, you can use the schemaAttribute option to specify which schema to use for each entity.
- */
- schemaAttribute: AttributeSetting
- }): ArraySchema;
- /**
- * Describes a map whose values follow the schema passed as argument.
- * @param schema
- * @param options
- */
- export function valuesOf(schema: SchemaType, options?: {
- /**
- * If the map contains entities with different schemas, you can use the schemaAttribute option to specify which schema to use for each entity.
- */
- schemaAttribute: AttributeSetting
- }): ArraySchema;
- /**
- * Describe a schema which is a union of multiple schemas. This is useful if you need the polymorphic behavior provided by arrayOf or valuesOf but for non-collection fields.
- * @param schemaMap
- * @param options
- */
- export function unionOf(schemaMap: SchemaType, options?: {
- /**
- * Use the required schemaAttribute option to specify which schema to use for each entity.
- */
- schemaAttribute: AttributeSetting
- }): UnionSchema;
- /**
- * Normalizes object according to schema.
- * Passed schema should be a nested object reflecting the structure of API response.
- * @param obj
- * @param schema
- * @param options
- */
- export function normalize(obj: any | Array, schema: SchemaType, options?: {
- /**
- * This is useful if your backend emits additional fields, such as separate ID fields, you'd like to delete in the normalized entity.
- */
- assignEntity?: (normalized: any, key: string, entity: any) => any;
- /**
- * You can use this to resolve conflicts when merging entities with the same key.
- */
- mergeIntoEntity?: (stored: any, normalized: any, entityKey: string) => any;
- }): {
- entities: any;
- result: any;
- };
diff --git a/normalizr/normalizr-tests.ts b/normalizr/normalizr-tests.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b39cb2fc88589..00000000000000
--- a/normalizr/normalizr-tests.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-import { normalize, Schema, arrayOf, unionOf, valuesOf } from 'normalizr';
-// First, define a schema for our entities:
-const article1 = new Schema('articles');
-const user1 = new Schema('users');
-// Then we define nesting rules:
- author: user1,
- contributors: arrayOf(user1)
-// Now we can use this schema in our API response handlers:
-const ServerActionCreators = {
- // These are two different XHR endpoints with different response schemas.
- // We can use the schema objects defined earlier to express both of them:
- receiveOneArticle(response: any) {
- // Here, the response is an object containing data about one article.
- // Passing the article schema as second parameter to normalize() lets it
- // correctly traverse the response tree and gather all entities:
- // BEFORE:
- // {
- // id: 1,
- // title: 'Some Article',
- // author: {
- // id: 7,
- // name: 'Dan'
- // },
- // contributors: [{
- // id: 10,
- // name: 'Abe'
- // }, {
- // id: 15,
- // name: 'Fred'
- // }]
- // }
- //
- // AFTER:
- // {
- // result: 1, // <--- Note object is referenced by ID
- // entities: {
- // articles: {
- // 1: {
- // author: 7, // <--- Same happens for references to
- // contributors: [10, 15] // <--- other entities in the schema
- // ...}
- // },
- // users: {
- // 7: { ... },
- // 10: { ... },
- // 15: { ... }
- // }
- // }
- // }
- response = normalize(response, article1);
- },
- receiveAllArticles(response: any) {
- // Here, the response is an object with the key 'articles' referencing
- // an array of article objects. Passing { articles: arrayOf(article) } as
- // second parameter to normalize() lets it correctly traverse the response
- // tree and gather all entities:
- // BEFORE:
- // {
- // articles: [{
- // id: 1,
- // title: 'Some Article',
- // author: {
- // id: 7,
- // name: 'Dan'
- // },
- // ...
- // },
- // ...
- // ]
- // }
- //
- // AFTER:
- // {
- // result: {
- // articles: [1, 2, ...] // <--- Note how object array turned into ID array
- // },
- // entities: {
- // articles: {
- // 1: { author: 7, ... }, // <--- Same happens for references to other entities in the schema
- // 2: { ... },
- // ...
- // },
- // users: {
- // 7: { ... },
- // ..
- // }
- // }
- // }
- response = normalize(response, {
- articles: arrayOf(article1)
- });
- }
-// new Schema(key, [options])
-const article2 = new Schema('articles');
-// You can use a custom id attribute
-const article3 = new Schema('articles', { idAttribute: 'slug' });
-// Or you can specify a function to infer it
-function generateSlug(entity: any) { /* ... */ }
-const article4 = new Schema('articles', { idAttribute: generateSlug });
-// Schema.prototype.define(nestedSchema)
-const article5 = new Schema('articles');
-const user5 = new Schema('users');
- author: user5
-// Schema.prototype.getKey()
-const article6 = new Schema('articles');
-// articles
-// Schema.prototype.getIdAttribute()
-const article7 = new Schema('articles');
-const slugArticle7 = new Schema('articles', { idAttribute: 'slug' });
-// id
-// slug
-// arrayOf(schema, [options])
-const article8 = new Schema('articles');
-const user8 = new Schema('users');
- author: user8,
- contributors: arrayOf(user8)
-const article9 = new Schema('articles');
-const image9 = new Schema('images');
-const video9 = new Schema('videos');
-const asset9 = {
- images: image9,
- videos: video9
-// You can specify the name of the attribute that determines the schema
- assets: arrayOf(asset9, { schemaAttribute: 'type' })
-// Or you can specify a function to infer it
-function inferSchema9(entity: any) { /* ... */ }
- assets: arrayOf(asset9, { schemaAttribute: inferSchema9 })
-// valuesOf(schema, [options])
-const article10 = new Schema('articles');
-const user10 = new Schema('users');
- collaboratorsByRole: valuesOf(user10)
-const article11 = new Schema('articles');
-const user11 = new Schema('users');
-const group11 = new Schema('groups');
-const collaborator11 = {
- users: user11,
- groups: group11
-// You can specify the name of the attribute that determines the schema
- collaboratorsByRole: valuesOf(collaborator11, { schemaAttribute: 'type' })
-// Or you can specify a function to infer it
-function inferSchema11(entity: any) { /* ... */ }
- collaboratorsByRole: valuesOf(collaborator11, { schemaAttribute: inferSchema })
-// unionOf(schemaMap, [options])
-const group12 = new Schema('groups');
-const user12 = new Schema('users');
-// a member can be either a user or a group
-const member12 = {
- users: user12,
- groups: group12
-// You can specify the name of the attribute that determines the schema
- owner: unionOf(member12, { schemaAttribute: 'type' })
-// Or you can specify a function to infer it
-function inferSchema(entity: any) { /* ... */ }
- creator: unionOf(member12, { schemaAttribute: inferSchema })
-const group13 = new Schema('groups');
-const user13 = new Schema('users');
-const member13 = unionOf({
- users: user13,
- groups: group13
-}, { schemaAttribute: 'type' });
- owner: member13,
- members: arrayOf(member13),
- relationships: valuesOf(member13)
-// normalize(obj, schema, [options])
-const article14 = new Schema('articles');
-const user14 = new Schema('users');
- author: user14,
- contributors: arrayOf(user14),
- meta: {
- likes: arrayOf({
- user: user14
- })
- }
-// ...
-// Normalize one article object
-const json = { id: 1, author: /*...*/{} };
-const normalized1 = normalize(json, article14);
-// Normalize an array of article objects
-const arr = [{ id: 1, author: /*...*/{} }/*, ...*/]
-const normalized2 = normalize(arr, arrayOf(article14));
-// Normalize an array of article objects, referenced by an object key:
-const wrappedArr = { articles: [{ id: 1, author: /*...*/{} }/*, ...*/] }
-const normalized3 = normalize(wrappedArr, {
- articles: arrayOf(article14)
diff --git a/normalizr/tsconfig.json b/normalizr/tsconfig.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 88f6e543dc75bf..00000000000000
--- a/normalizr/tsconfig.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- "compilerOptions": {
- "module": "commonjs",
- "target": "es6",
- "noImplicitAny": true,
- "strictNullChecks": false,
- "baseUrl": "../",
- "typeRoots": [
- "../"
- ],
- "types": [],
- "noEmit": true,
- "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true
- },
- "files": [
- "index.d.ts",
- "normalizr-tests.ts"
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/notNeededPackages.json b/notNeededPackages.json
index 34c21d8acdab7f..d121004212d285 100644
--- a/notNeededPackages.json
+++ b/notNeededPackages.json
@@ -82,6 +82,12 @@
"typingsPackageName": "redux",
"sourceRepoURL": "https://github.com/reactjs/redux",
"asOfVersion": "3.6.0"
+ },
+ {
+ "libraryName": "Normalizr",
+ "typingsPackageName": "normalizr",
+ "sourceRepoURL": "https://github.com/paularmstrong/normalizr",
+ "asOfVersion": "2.0.18"
\ No newline at end of file