Name | Type | Description | Notes |
current_month | Option<crate::models::OrganisationTrafficStatisticsMonthObject> | [optional] | |
last_month | Option<crate::models::OrganisationTrafficStatisticsMonthObject> | [optional] | |
sim | Option<crate::models::GetMonthlyOrganisationStatsResponseSim> | [optional] | |
service_profiles | Option<f32> | Amount of service profiles | [optional] |
tariff_profiles | Option<f32> | Amount of service profiles | [optional] |
users | Option<f32> | Amount of users | [optional] |
active_chargeable_sims | Option<f32> | Amount of active SIMs that will be charged within the current month. This field is omitted if there are no chargeable SIMs. | [optional] |
hosting_fees | Option<f32> | Total of SIM hosting fees for all active_chargeable_sims . This field is omitted if there are no chargeable SIMs. |
[optional] |
inclusive_volume | Option<crate::models::GetMonthlyOrganisationStatsResponseInclusiveVolume> | [optional] | |
prepaid_balance | Option<crate::models::GetMonthlyOrganisationStatsResponsePrepaidBalance> | [optional] |