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Define the correct environment for a Mod

Markus Bordihn edited this page Feb 8, 2024 · 2 revisions

Define the correct environment for a Mod

It's important to define the correct environment for a Mod to make sure a client-side mod is not crashing a server or in rare cases that a server-side mod is not crashing a client.

How to define the correct environment for a Mod?

Depending on the mod loader you are using, you have to define the correct environment for your mod.


For Forge there are two options to define the correct environment for a mod.

Dependencies inside the mods.toml file

The 'mods.toml' file is located inside the META-INF folder of the mod jar file. Its includes the dependencies and the environment for the mod.

There is normally a dependency section for forge and minecraft which allows to define the correct side for the mod.


modId = "example_mod"

modId = "forge"
mandatory = true
versionRange = "[36.1.0,)"
ordering = "NONE"
side = "CLIENT"
modId = "minecraft"
mandatory = true
versionRange = "[1.16.5,)"
ordering = "NONE"
side = "CLIENT"

The side parameter can be CLIENT, SERVER or BOTH:

  • CLIENT means that the mod is physically loaded on the client side.
  • SERVER means that the mod is physically loaded on the server side.
  • BOTH means that the mod physically loaded on the client and server side.


Display Test

The displayTest annotation is used to show a warning message if the mod is loaded on the wrong side. This is mostly used on servers to show you a warning message before you are connecting to the server.

You can define the displayTest inside the mods.toml file like:

modId = "example_mod"
displayName = "Example Mod"
displayURL = ""
displayAuthors = "Markus Bordihn"
displayDescription = "This is an example mod."
displayTest = "MATCH_VERSION"


  • MATCH_VERSION Use this option if your mod involves both server and client elements. A red X will appear if the versions on the client and server differ. This is the default behavior for mods with server and client components.
  • IGNORE_SERVER_VERSION Ideal for server-only mods. Your mod won't trigger a red X if it's present on the server but not on the client. Recommended for mods that exclusively function on the server side.
  • IGNORE_ALL_VERSION A special case for mods with no server component like pure client-side mods. Won't cause a red X whether present on the client or the server. Use this option only if your mod lacks a server component.
  • NONE No display test is set by default. You must define your own display test using IExtensionPoint.DisplayTest inside your mod's code. This option allows you to create a custom scheme based on your mod's requirements.



For Fabric there is only one option to define the correct environment for a mod inside the fabric.mod.json file.


  "schemaVersion": 1,
  "id": "example_mod",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "name": "Example Mod",
  "description": "This is an example mod.",
  "authors": [
    "Markus Bordihn"
  "contact": {
    "homepage": ""
  "license": "MIT",
  "icon": "assets/example_mod/icon.png",
  "environment": "client"

The environment parameter can be client, server or *:

  • * Runs everywhere. Default for client and server mods.
  • client Runs on the client side for client side mods.
  • server Runs on the server side for server side mods.



For Quilt the mod environment is defined inside the quilt.mod.json file in the minecraft section.


  "schema_version": 1,
  "quilt_loader": {
    "group": "org.quiltmc",
    "id": "example_mod",
    "metadata": {
      "name": "Quilt Example Mod",
      "description": "An example mod for the Quilt ecosystem."
  "minecraft": {
    "environment": "client"

The environment parameter can be client, dedicated_server or *:

  • * Runs everywhere. Default for client and server mods.
  • client Runs on the client side for client side mods.
  • dedicated_server Runs on the server side for server side mods.


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