Pure Python Computational Physics Package (WIP, For Study)
Use PyPy for a better perfomance!
Clone this repository add it to your PATH
or cd
to ComputPhysics/..
and try the following in your PyPy REPL or IPython:
from ComputPhysics.LinearAlgebra import Matrix, eye
A = Matrix(list(range(9)), (3, 3)) + eye(3)
A_inv = A.inverse()
A * A_inv - eye(3)
[[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 2.220446049250313e-16, -4.440892098500626e-16]]
from ComputPhysics.LinearAlgebra import Matrix, solve_linear
A = Matrix([
[1, 2, 3, 1],
[1, 3, 4, 2],
[2, 7, 9, 3],
[3, 7, 10, 2]
b = Matrix([3, 2, 7, 12], (4, 1))
sols = solve_linear(A, b)
{'nonzero_sols_homo': [(4,1) Matrix
[[-1.0], [-1.0], [1.0], [-0.0]]],
'sol_inhomo': (4,1) Matrix
[[3.0], [1.0], [0.0], [-2.0]],
'solable': True}
from ComputPhysics.Differentiation import diff_f
f = lambda x: x**3
f_p = diff_f(f)
f_pp = diff_f(f, n=2)
f(1), f_p(1), f_pp(1)
Output: (1, 4.0, 6.0)
from ComputPhysics.Polynomial import Polynomial
P = Polynomial([1, 2, 3])
P, "P(1) = {}".format(P(1))
(Polynomial of degree 2
1 + 2 X + 3 X^2,
'P(1) = 6')
from ComputPhysics.Interpolation import interpolate_Lagrange, interpolate_Hermite
print(interpolate_Lagrange([3, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3]),
interpolate_Hermite([0, 1], [[1, 0], [2, 2]]), sep="\n")
Polynomial of degree 2
-2.0 + 5.5 X - 1.5 X^2
Polynomial of degree 2
1.0 + 1.0 X^2
from ComputPhysics.Integration import SUPPORTED_METHOD, quad
def func(x):
return (x)**3
N = 10
for method in SUPPORTED_METHOD:
print(method+":", quad(func, 0, 1, method=method))
Romberg: 0.25
Newton-Cotes: 0.2500000000000001
midpoint: 0.2487375000000001
trapezoid: 0.25250000000000006
Simpson: 0.25
from ComputPhysics.Optimisation import *
Nmax = 10
x0_bin = solve_binary(cos, 1, 2, Nmax=Nmax)
x0_iter = solve_iter(cos, 1, Nmax=Nmax)
x0_Newton = solve_Newton(cos, 1, Nmax=Nmax)
x0_secant = solve_secant(cos, 0, 1, Nmax=Nmax)
x0_regula_falsi = solve_regula_falsi(cos, 0, 1, Nmax=Nmax)
print(f"bin : x_0 = {x0_bin}, where f(x_0) = {cos(x0_bin)}")
print(f"iter : x_0 = {x0_iter}, where f(x_0) = {cos(x0_iter)}")
print(f"Newton : x_0 = {x0_Newton}, where f(x_0) = {cos(x0_Newton)}")
print(f"secant : x_0 = {x0_secant}, where f(x_0) = {cos(x0_secant)}")
print(f"regula falsi : x_0 = {x0_regula_falsi}, where f(x_0) = {cos(x0_regula_falsi)}")
bin : x_0 = 1.5712890625, where f(x_0) = -0.0004927356851649559
iter : x_0 = 1.5707963267948966, where f(x_0) = 6.123233995736766e-17
Newton : x_0 = 1.5707963267948966, where f(x_0) = 6.123233995736766e-17
secant : x_0 = 1.5707963267948966, where f(x_0) = 6.123233995736766e-17
regula falsi : x_0 = 1.5707963267948966, where f(x_0) = 6.123233995736766e-17
from ComputPhysics.ODE import solve_IVP_explicit, SUPPORTED_CONST_STEP_METHODS
def f(t, y):
return y + t
def y(t):
return exp(t) - t - 1
y0 = 0
N = 10
y_exact = [y(i/N) for i in range(N+1)]
_, y_solved = solve_IVP_explicit(f, y0, N=N, method=method)
difference = (sum((y1-y2)**2 for y1, y2 in zip(y_solved, y_exact)) / N) ** 0.5
print(f"{method:10s}: {difference * 1e3 :.9f}E-3")
Euler: 51.552760906E-3
trap : 1.729840013E-3
mid : 1.729840013E-3
RK4 : 0.000858108E-3
RK4-2: 0.000858108E-3
from ComputPhysics.ODE import solve_IVP_RK23, solve_IVP_RKF45
from math import sin
def g(t, ys):
y1, y2 = ys
return [y2 * sin(t), -10]
ys_0 = [0, 10]
bounds = [0, 4]
ts_RK23, ys_RK23 = solve_IVP_RK23(g, ys_0, bounds=bounds, TOL=1e-6)
ts_RKF45, ys_RKF45 = solve_IVP_RKF45(g, ys_0, bounds=bounds, TOL=1e-6)
len(ts_RK23), ts_RK45, ys_RK45
[0, 0.001, 2.100545200327771, 4.0],
[[0, 10],
[4.996666250333349e-06, 9.99],
[-4.116118414748008, -11.005452003277712],
[-1.9838284731989457, -30.0]])
Numerical matrix manipulation and linear systems
- Basic matrices creation and operation (finished)
- Determinent (finished)
- Inverse and any-integer power (finished)
- System of Linear Equations (finished, more testing required)
- Matrix functions (exp, sin, etc., WIP)
- More generic (works required...)
- ...
Tool packages for other packages
- Polynomial operations (finished,
needs optimation by FFT) - Called as a function (finished)
- Euclidean division, modulus (WIP)
- Find roots (WIP)
- Lagrange interpolation (finished)
- Hermit interpolation (finished)
- Spline interpolation (WIP)
- Differentiation using central difference (finished)
- Adaptive steps (WIP)
- Now supported method: Romberg, Newton-Cotes, midpoint, trapezoid, Simpson (finished)
- User interface
(finished) - Adaptive steps (WIP)
- Euler (eplicit) method (finished)
- Midpoint, trapzoid (finished)
- RK4 (finished)
- RK2/3, RKF4/5 (finished)
- ...
- binary search (finished)
- Newton's method (finished)
- Secant method (finished)
- regula falsi (finished)
- Muller, IQI and Brent ... (WIP)
- ...