Currently, work in progress
- 2019 version of HMIS tools
- HIV Testing Client Card with Recency Addendum
- ART Card
- Summary Page
- Clinical Assessment
- Psychosocial Support
- HIV Exposed Infant
- Summary Page
- Encounter Page
- Maternal Health
- Maternity Form
- Antenatal Register
- Postnatal Register
- Point of Care
- Registration of Patient at Reception
- Triage
- Clinical Assessment
- Counselling
- Laboratory
- Pharmacy and Dispensing
- HIV MER Indicator Reports *
- Automated Data Exchange
- Submission of HTS data for recency surveillance
- UgandaEMR Analytics metrics to track EMR usage at health facilities
- Submission to DHIS2 starting with 105A HTS report
- Submission of viral load requests to CPHL and receiving results directly from CPHL
For new machines with no UgandaEMR installed
- 32-bit installer -
- 64- bit installer -
For existing versions of UgandaEMR 2.0.* to 3.0.0
- 32-bit upgrade files-
- 64-bit upgrade files-
For existing versions of UgandaEMR 1.x to 3.0.0
- 32-bit upgrade files -
- 64-bit upgrade files -
We would like to recognize the notable contribution of the following partners, and facilities in this release
- POC pathfinder sites