Date: TBA
This is the 5th release candidate, a pre-beta version.
.param file changes:
- n/a
New Features:
- n/a
Bug fixes:
- n/a
- n/a
Date: 2014-03-07
This is the 4th release candidate, a pre-beta version.
.param file changes:
- Removed unnesseary includes #234 from:
see the lines that should be removed in #234 - Renamed
#237 #241 Changed variable nameN_theta
toN_observer - Added background FieldJ (current) capability #245
Add the following lines to your
New Features:
- 2D support for basic PIC cycle #212
- hdf5 output xdmf meta description added: ParaView/VisIt support #219
- background current (FieldJ) can be added now #245
Bug fixes:
- beta-rc3 was broken for some clusters due to an init bug #239
- examples/WeibelTransverse 4 GPU example was broken #221
- smooth script was broken for 1D fields #223
- configure non-existing path did not throw an error #229
- compile time vector "max" was broken #224
- cuda_memtest did throw false negatives on hypnos #231 #236
- plugin "png" did not compile for missing freetype #248
- documentation updates
- radiation post processing scripts #222
- more meta data in hdf5 output #216
- tbg help extended and warnings to errors #226
- doc/ is now GitHub's #247 #252
- slurm interactive queue one-liner added #250
- developers updated #251
- clean up / refactoring
- cell_size -> cellSize #227
- typeCast -> precisionCast #228
- param file includes (see above for details) #234
- DataConnector interface redesign #218 #232
- Esirkepov implementation "paper-like" #238
Date: 2014-02-14
This is the third release candidate, a pre-beta version.
.param and .cfg file changes:
:- remove simDim defines #134 #137
(example how to update your existing
, see
- remove simDim defines #134 #137
(example how to update your existing
: new file with simDim setting #134- only add this file to your example/test/config if you want to change it from the default value (3D)
: renamed tofieldSolver.param
: new file to add external background fields #131- cfg files cleaned up #153 #193
New Features:
- background fields for E and B #131
- write parallel hdf5 with libSplash 1.1 #141 #151 #156 #191 #196
- new plugins
- ADIOS output support #179 #196
- makroParticleCounter/PerSuperCell #163
- cuda_memtest can check mapped memory now #173
- EnergyDensity works for 2-3D now #175
- new type floatD_X shall be used for position types (2-3D) #184
- libPMacc
- new functors for multiplications and substractions #135
- opened more interfaces to old functors #197
- MappedMemoryBuffer added #169 #182
- unary transformations can be performed on DataBox'es now, allowing for non-commutative operations in reduces #204
Bug fixes:
- libPMacc
- GridBuffer could deadlock if called uninitialized #149
- TaskSetValue was broken for all arrays with x-size != n*256 #174
- CUDA 6.0 runs crashed during cudaSetDeviceFlags #200
- extern shared mem could not be used with templated types #199
- tbg
- clearify error message if the tpl file does not exist #130
- HDF5Writer did not write ions any more #188
- return type of failing Slurm runs fixed #198 #205
- particles in-cell position fixed with cleaner algorithm #209
- documentation improved for
- cuSTL #116
- gasConfig.param describe slopes better (no syntax changes) #126
- agreed on coding guide lines #155 #161 #140
- example documentation started #160 #162 #176
- taurus (slurm based HPC cluster) updates #206
- IDE: ignore Code::Blocks files #125
- Esirkepov performance improvement by 30% #139
- MySimulation asserts refactored for nD #187
- Fields.def with field forward declarations added, refactored to provide common ValueType #178
- icc warnings in cuda_memcheck fixed #210
- libPMacc
- refactored math::vector to play with DataSpace #138 #147
- addLicense script updated #167
- MPI_CHECK writes to stderr now #168
- TVec from/to CT::Int conversion #185
- PositionFilter works for 2-3D now #189 #207
- DeviceBuffer cudaPitchedPtr handling clean up #186
- DataBoxDim1Access refactored #202
Date: 2013-11-27
This is the second release candidate, a pre-beta version.
.param file changes:
:- add gasFreeFormula #96
(example how to update your existing
, see - add inner radius to gasSphereFlanks #66
(example how to update your existing
, see
- add gasFreeFormula #96
(example how to update your existing
New Features:
- A change log was introduced for master releases #93
- new gas profile "gasFreeFormula" for user defined profiles #96
- CMake (config) #79
- checks for minimal required versions of dependent libraries #92
- checks for libSplash version #85
- update to v2.8.5+ #52
- implicit plugin selection: enabled if found #52
- throw more warnings #37
- experimental support for icc 12.1 and PGI 13.6 #37
- libPMacc
- full rewrite of the way we build particle frames # 86
- cuSTL: ForEach works on host 1D and 2D data now #44
- math::pow added #54
- compile time ForEach added #50
- libSplash
- dependency upgraded to beta (v1.0) release #80
- type traits for types PIConGPU - libSplash #69
- splash2txt update to beta interfaces #83
- new particle to grid routines calculating the Larmor energy #68
- dumping multiple FieldTmp to hdf5 now possible #50
- new config for SLURM batch system (taurus) #39
Bug fixes:
- libPMacc
- cuSTL
- assign was broken for deviceBuffers #103
- lambda expressions were broken #42 #46 #100
- icc support was broken #100 #101
- views were broken #62
- InheritGenerator and deselect: icc fix #101
- VampirTrace (CUPTI) support: cudaDeviceReset added #90
- GameOfLife example fixed #53 #55
- warnings in __cudaKernel fixed #51
- cuSTL
- picongpu
- removed all non-ascii chars from job scripts #95 #98
- CMake
- keep ptx code was broken #82
- PGI: string compare broken #75
- MPI: some libs require to load the C++ dependencies, too #64
- removed deprecated variables #52
- Threads: find package was missing #34
- various libSplash bugs #78 #80 #84
- current calculation speedup was broken #72
- Cell2Particle functor missed to provide static methods #49
- tools
- compile: script uses -q now implicit for parallel (-j N) tests
- plotDensity: update to new binary format #47
- libraries
- boost 1.55 work around, see trac #9392 (nvcc #391854)
- new reference: SC13 paper, Gordon Bell Finals #106
- new flavoured logo for alpha
- Compile Suite: GitHub integration #33 #35
- dropped CUDA sm_13 support (now sm_20+ is required) #42
Date: 2013-09-05 07:47:03 -0700
This is the first release candidate, a pre-beta version.
We tagged this state since we started to support sm_20+
Date: 2013-08-14 02:25:36 -0700
That's our our open alpha release. The alpha release is developer and power user release only! Users should wait for our beta release!