#Sep 3, 2013
You can now edit the metadata related to your NuGet package from the NuGet Gallery before and after uploading the package. More details can be found here in our team blog.
The search box now gets auto-expanded whenever user tries to search for packages, making it easier to type in large search queries.
Other changes include minor fixes in stats page, GetUpdates() API and updating NuGet.Core to 2.7-alpha.Complete list can be found here: 08/14 - QA (09/03 - Production)
#Aug 1, 2013
The dependencies of nuget.org website like OData, NuGet.Core and Azure Storage have been updated to point to their latest versions respectively.
Other changes include minor fixes in stats page, GetUpdates() API and email validation for new user registration. Complete list can be found here: 07/19 - QA (08/02 - Production)
#July 19, 2013
The nuget.org website is now deployed on Azure web sites instead of Azure cloud services. Expect a detailed blog post from the NuGet team on the steps involed in migration and key take aways. A couple of bug fixes were made to enable this migration( to be compatible with Azure web sites).
Canonical domain name for nuget.org : nuget.org will now re-direct to www.nuget.org.
Lucence search index stored in Temp folder instead of AppData folder.
The stats page now shows graphs for client usage and monthly download trends. Also the stats for the individual packages now shows graphs for downloads based on version and "Install-Dependency" as an operation - which would help in indicating whether it is a direct install or install due to dependency.
Other changes include updated terms of use and privacy policy and fixes to "Contact support" form. Complete list can be found here: 07/05 - QA (07/19 - Production)
#July 8, 2013
A bunch of accessiblity issue like sorting, highlighting and WCAG level A HTML 5 errors in the website are fixed.
Other changes include code refactoring of the controllers for better testability, client side input validation for user registration and proper retrieval of tags from package file irrespective of the delimiter used. Complete list can be found here: 06/21 - QA (07/05 - Production)
The GetUpdates() in nuget.org API (V2) feed now allows filtering based on a specific target framework.
A bunch of bug fixes related to the nuget.org Admin page (which shows up only for Administrator account) to modify and update database.
Other bug fixes related to new user registration form and database schemna changes. Complete list can be found here: 06/10 - QA (06/20 - Production)
Minor bug fixes in search to not show the version number of packages in search results and to support special characters in seeach queries. Now the search terms like "C++" ,"C#" should return precise results.
Other bug fixes related to "Contact Support" form and unlisting packages. Complete list can be found here: 05/27 - QA (06/07 - Production)
When a package gets unlisted, it will be removed from the Lucene search index immediately. This is one of the frequent ask from users as they don't want their unlisted packages to show up in search.
Bunch of fixes around the Admin page (which will be visible only for administrative login).
Other minor fixes like client side validation for user name/email. Complete list can be found here: 05/13 - QA (05/24 - Production)
The contents for nuget.org home page is dynamically pulled from blob storage. This will help us to make announcements about new releases, warnings or alerts about outages in an easy and quick way.
A new admin page is added to the nuget.org website which lets the administrators (core NuGet team members) to view error logs, rebuilding Lucenece index and similar admin actions.
The user created date will be now be stored along with the user data in the dastabase. This enables getting statistics around users like registrations per week.
Other minor fixes around statistics and curated feed.Complete list can be found here: 04/29 - QA (05/10 - Production)
The [package download statistics page] (//nuget.org/stats/) now allows you to group the download details based on package version, client version, client name and operation.
The indexing of curated packages is optimized for performance so that search on a curated feed is on par with the search on regular feed.
Complete list can be found here: Production Deployment 4/25
The nuget.org API (V2) feed now exposes the top downloaded packages (over the last 6 weeks). This can accessed be via url nuget.org/api/v2/stats/downloads. At this time, the top 500 packages are shown by default and that is also the maximum number returned.
You can limit the numbers of results using ?count in the query string. For example, nuget.org/api/v2/stats/downloads?count=10 would return the top 10 downloaded packages in last 6 weeks - with information like download count, gallery url and feed url for that package.
The default and maximum count of 500 might change over time, so we recommend always specifying a count parameter if you are programmatically consuming this data.
The Statistics page now shows the numeric rank of the package (based on the download count).
The profile editing page now includes help text and a link to gravatar making it easy for users to update their profile picture.
The "Users" table is optimized to have "UserName" as index for performance enhancements.
Complete list can be found here: Production Deployment 4/12
You can now upload packages with "minclientVersion" to the NuGetGallery.
The minclientVersion of the package will shown in the package home page right next to the package description.
The "Report Abuse" page has been revamped to enable users to chose the specific issue with the package they are reporting. It also guides the user to differentiate between "Contact Owners" and "Report Abuse".
The package statistics now shows the break down of downloads based on the NuGet client (like NuGet CommandLine 2.1, NuGet Package Manager console 2.2 and so on. It also shows the split of the type of download operation (like Install, Restore, Update).
Complete list can be found here: Production Deployment 3/28