外觀模式,或者稱作門面模式,一種把複雜邏輯給包裝起來的一種模式,舉個例子來說,今天已經不單只是計算大頭菜了,而是你有個背包(Bag)要先放入鈴錢(Bells),然後拿出鈴錢從曹賣(DaisyMae)手中購買大頭菜,並且把大頭菜賣給 Nook 商店(Store),牽涉到許多的細節,透過外觀模式來將複雜的操作集中成幾個簡單的動作。
* Class Turnips
class Turnips
* @var int
protected $price;
* @var int
protected $count;
* Turnips constructor.
* @param int $price
* @param int $count
public function __construct(int $price, int $count)
$this->price = $price;
$this->count = $count;
* @return int
public function setPrice(int $price)
$this->price = $price;
* @return int
public function setCount(int $count)
$this->count = $count;
* @return int
public function getPrice(): int
return $this->price;
* @return int
public function getCount(): int
return $this->count;
* Interface BagInterface.
interface BagInterface
* @param int $bells
public function setBells(int $bells): int;
* @return int
public function getBells(int $bells): int;
* @param Turnips $turnips
public function setTurnips(Turnips $turnips): Turnips;
* @return Turnips
public function getTurnips(int $count): Turnips;
use InvalidArgumentException;
* Class Bag.
class Bag implements BagInterface
* @var int
protected $bells = 0;
* @var Turnips
protected $turnips;
* @param int $bells
public function setBells(int $bells): int
$this->bells += $bells;
return $this->bells;
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @return int
public function getBells(int $bells): int
if ($this->bells >= $bells) {
$this->bells -= $bells;
return $this->bells;
throw new InvalidArgumentException('背包裡頭沒有那麼多的鈴錢。');
* @param Turnips
public function setTurnips(Turnips $turnips): Turnips
$this->turnips = $turnips;
return $this->turnips;
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @return Turnips
public function getTurnips(int $count): Turnips
if ($this->turnips->getCount() >= $count) {
$newCount = $this->turnips->getCount() - $count;
return new Turnips($this->turnips->getPrice(), $count);
throw new InvalidArgumentException('背包裡頭沒有那麼多的大頭菜。');
* Interface DaisyMaeInterface.
interface DaisyMaeInterface
* @param int $price
* @param int $count
* @return Turnips
public function buy(int $price, int $count): Turnips;
* Class DaisyMae.
class DaisyMae implements DaisyMaeInterface
* @param int $price
* @param int $count
* @return Turnips
public function buy(int $price, int $count): Turnips
return new Turnips($price, $count);
再來我們需要建立 Nook 商店(Store),商店的功能也很簡單,就是把大頭菜賣給商店就可以了。
* Interface StoreInterface.
interface StoreInterface
* @param Turnips $turnips
* @param int $price
* @return int
public function sell(Turnips $turnips, int $price): int;
* Class Store.
class Store implements StoreInterface
* @param Turnips $turnips
* @param int $price
* @return int
public function sell(Turnips $turnips, int $price): int
return $turnips->getCount() * $price;
- 在背包裡放入鈴錢。
- 向曹賣購買大頭菜。
- 向 Nook 商店販賣大頭菜。
- 從背包裡取出鈴錢。
* Class Facade.
class Facade
* @var BagInterface
protected $bag;
* @var StoreInterface
protected $store;
* @var DaisyMaeInterface
protected $daisyMae;
* Facade constructor.
* @param BagInterface $bag
* @param StoreInterface $store
* @param DaisyMaeInterface $daisyMae
public function __construct(BagInterface $bag, StoreInterface $store, DaisyMaeInterface $daisyMae)
$this->bag = $bag;
$this->store = $store;
$this->daisyMae = $daisyMae;
* @param int $bells
public function takeupBells(int $bells): int
return $this->bag->setBells($bells);
* @param int $bells
* @return int
public function takeoutBells(int $bells): int
return $this->bag->getBells($bells);
* @param int $price
* @param int $count
* @return int
public function buyTurnips(int $price, int $count): int
$this->bag->getBells($price * $count);
$turnips = $this->daisyMae->buy($price, $count);
return $this->bag->setBells(0);
* @param int $price
* @return int
public function sellTurnips(int $price, int $count): int
$turnips = $this->bag->getTurnips($count);
$bells = $this->store->sell($turnips, $price);
return $this->bag->setBells($bells);
- 在背包裡塞入 10,000 鈴錢。
- 購買 40 顆單價 100 鈴錢的大頭菜。
- 以 400 鈴錢賣出 20 顆大頭菜。
- 從背包拿出 10,000 鈴錢。
- 再以 600 鈴錢賣出 20 顆大頭菜。
* Class FacadePatternTest.
class FacadePatternTest extends TestCase
* @test
public function test_buy_and_sell_turnips()
$bag = new Bag();
$store = new Store();
$daisyMae = new DaisyMae();
$facade = new Facade($bag, $store, $daisyMae);
// 在背包裡塞入 10,000 鈴錢
$this->assertEquals(10000, $facade->takeupBells(10000));
// 購買 40 顆單價 100 鈴錢的大頭菜
$this->assertEquals(6000 ,$facade->buyTurnips(100, 40));
// 以 400 鈴錢賣出 20 顆大頭菜
$this->assertEquals(14000 ,$facade->sellTurnips(400, 20));
// 從背包拿出 10,000 鈴錢
$this->assertEquals(4000 ,$facade->takeoutBells(10000));
// 再以 600 鈴錢賣出 20 顆大頭菜
$this->assertEquals(16000 ,$facade->sellTurnips(600, 20));
PHPUnit Pretty Result Printer 0.28.0 by Codedungeon and contributors.
==> Configuration: ~/php-design-pattern/vendor/codedungeon/phpunit-result-printer/src/phpunit-printer.yml
PHPUnit 9.2.6 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
==> AbstractFactoryTest ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
==> BuilderPatternTest ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
==> FactoryMethodTest ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
==> PoolPatternTest ✔ ✔
==> PrototypePatternTest ✔ ✔
==> SimpleFactoryTest ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
==> SingletonPatternTest ✔
==> StaticFactoryTest ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
==> AdapterPatternTest ✔ ✔
==> BridgePatternTest ✔ ✔ ✔
==> CompositePatternTest ✔ ✔ ✔
==> DataMapperTest ✔ ✔
==> DecoratorPatternTest ✔ ✔
==> DependencyInjectionTest ✔ ✔ ✔
==> FacadePatternTest ✔
Time: 00:00.028, Memory: 6.00 MB
OK (42 tests, 93 assertions)