This is the Kanium community/guild welcome cog. monitors the server for activity and logs them to a specific channel using the specific commands.
In order to use our cog you would need to install it onto your instance of RedBot.
- Instance of RedBot
- Downloader cog has to be loaded. to load:
[Prefix]load downloader
[PREFIX]repo add [RepoName] [ActiveBranch (EX: Master)]
[PREFIX]cog install [RepoName] trafficCog
[PREFIX]load trafficCog
[PREFIX]cog uninstall trafficCog
[PREFIX]repo update [RepoName]
[PREFIX]cog install [RepoName] trafficCog
[PREFIX]load trafficCog
- allows you to select a channel in your discord to dump logs to[PREFIX]stats
- prints the statistics that the cog has gathered.[PREFIX]resetstats
- allows for a hard reset of the stats[PREFIX]toggleLogs
- Toggles the logs functionality on or off