diff --git a/netkan/netkan/spacedock_adder.py b/netkan/netkan/spacedock_adder.py
index 89235b0..1ac5942 100644
--- a/netkan/netkan/spacedock_adder.py
+++ b/netkan/netkan/spacedock_adder.py
@@ -89,20 +89,12 @@ def try_add(self) -> bool:
     def _pr_body(info: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
-            shared_authors = info.get('shared_authors', [])
-            # It's supposed to be a list of dicts, SpaceDock has a bug right now where it's a string
-            bad_author = (not isinstance(shared_authors, list)
-                          or any(not isinstance(auth, dict) for auth in shared_authors))
-            if bad_author:
-                logging.error('shared_authors should be list of dicts, is: %s', shared_authors)
             return SpaceDockAdder.PR_BODY_TEMPLATE.safe_substitute(defaultdict(
                 lambda: '',
                  'all_authors_md': ', '.join(SpaceDockAdder.USER_TEMPLATE.safe_substitute(
                                                                 defaultdict(lambda: '', a))
-                                             for a in ([info]
-                                                       if bad_author else
-                                                       [info, *info.get('shared_authors', [])]))}))
+                                             for a in info.get('all_authors', []))}))
         except Exception as exc:
             # Log the input on failure
             logging.error('Failed to generate pull request body from %s', info)
diff --git a/netkan/netkan/webhooks/spacedock_add.py b/netkan/netkan/webhooks/spacedock_add.py
index eb70e38..6727e95 100644
--- a/netkan/netkan/webhooks/spacedock_add.py
+++ b/netkan/netkan/webhooks/spacedock_add.py
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 from hashlib import md5
 import json
-from typing import Tuple, Dict, Any, TYPE_CHECKING
+from typing import Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING
 from flask import Blueprint, current_app, request
+from werkzeug.datastructures import ImmutableMultiDict
 from ..common import sqs_batch_entries
 from .config import current_config
@@ -43,8 +44,21 @@ def add_hook(game_id: str) -> Tuple[str, int]:
     return '', 204
-def batch_message(raw: Dict[str, Any], game_id: str) -> SendMessageBatchRequestEntryTypeDef:
-    body = json.dumps(raw)
+def batch_message(raw: 'ImmutableMultiDict[str, str]', game_id: str) -> SendMessageBatchRequestEntryTypeDef:
+    body = json.dumps({**raw,
+                       # Turn the separate user property lists into a list of user dicts so JSON can encode it
+                       # (the original properties will only have the first user)
+                       'all_authors': [{'username':            user_tuple[0],
+                                        'user_github':         user_tuple[1],
+                                        'user_forum_id':       user_tuple[2],
+                                        'user_forum_username': user_tuple[3],
+                                        'email':               user_tuple[4]}
+                                       for user_tuple
+                                       in zip(raw.getlist('username'),
+                                              raw.getlist('user_github'),
+                                              raw.getlist('user_forum_id'),
+                                              raw.getlist('user_forum_username'),
+                                              raw.getlist('email'))]})
     return {
         'Id':                     '1',
         'MessageBody':            body,