We provide a virtual machine image for evaluating Vinter. It contains a binaries for Vinter as well as the kernels we tested in the paper.
Download the virtual machine image vinter.qcow2
from doi:10.5281/zenodo.6544868.
Start the virtual machine in a suitable hypervisor. Vinter can optionally run
its analysis in parallel, so make sure to provide plenty of memory (-m
) and
vCPUs (-smp
). As a rough guideline, provide 2 GB of memory per vCPU. For
example with QEMU/KVM:
qemu-kvm -m 16G -smp 8 -display none -serial mon:stdio -device e1000,netdev=net0 \
-netdev user,id=net0,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22 vinter.qcow2
Connect to the virtual machine via SSH. The password for the users vinter and
root is "vinter". Note that the SSH server does not allow direct login as root,
use su
instead. It is also possible to interact with the VM via the serial
console, but we strongly recommend SSH to avoid glitches.
ssh -p 2222 vinter@localhost
Inside the VM, you can find Vinter in /home/vinter/vinter
. To verify that
Vinter is set up correctly, we provide a script that runs Vinter (both Python
and Rust versions) with one test case on each kernel. This will take around
five minutes to complete.
cd ~/vinter
The script will put results into the directory results_getting-started
. View
a short summary of these results with the following commands:
vinter_python/report-results.py analyze \
vinter_python/report-results.py analyze \
You can see that Vinter reports a violation of single final state for the test on NOVA, but not on PMFS.
Note that the remainder of our artifact evaluation walkthrough focuses on the
original vinter_python
implementation that was used for the analysis in the
We organize our detailed walkthrough in multiple separate files for each major claim. We claim the following:
- Vinter can find new bugs in file systems and can help developers with finding
the root cause. In
, we provide instructions for reproducing Figures 4-6 as well as Section 5.3 of our paper. - Vinter can reproduce previously fixed bugs in NOVA. In
, we provide instructions for reproducing Section 6.1 of our paper. - Vinter's heuristic is effective at reducing the number of generated crash
images without missing semantic states. In
, we provide instructions for reproducing Section 6.2 of our paper. - Vinter is sufficiently fast for analyzing file systems. In
, we provide instructions for reproducing Figures 8 and 9 of our paper.