This project is still a work in progress, but we encourage everyone to join, propose ideas and help in the development!
If you want to help develop this library, here are the steps to get started with:
- Fork the repository to your account, and then clone it your computer:
git clone
- Install dependencies:
cd ML5
npm install
- This project is developed using webpack. Webpack is a module bundler that allows to "bundle" different files into one file. This allows you to write files for specific things and then mix them all together into one single file that you can import in your page.
Under the /src
folder you will see that there are sub-folders for all ML5 methods. You can edit each file individually and then build
everything into one single library.
Before building
the library you can see if everything is working.
Run this command from the root of the project:
npm run start:dev
Will output something like this:
Project is running at http://localhost:8080/
webpack output is served from /dist/
Hash: 16b80528bf532975b279
Version: webpack 2.6.1
Time: 4905ms
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
ml5.js 1.55 MB 0 [emitted] [big] main
chunk {0} ml5.js (main) 1.5 MB [entry] [rendered]
[9] (webpack)/buildin/global.js 509 bytes {0} [built]
[191] ./src/index.js 403 bytes {0} [built]
[192] ./~/babel-polyfill/lib/index.js 833 bytes {0} [built]
[193] (webpack)-dev-server/client?http://localhost:8080 5.68 kB {0} [built]
[196] ./src/ImageNet/index.js 5.63 kB {0} [built]
[198] ./src/Lstm/index.js 7.7 kB {0} [built]
[200] ./src/NeuralNetwork/index.js 6.8 kB {0} [built]
[204] ./~/babel-polyfill/~/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js 24.4 kB {0} [built]
[404] ./~/core-js/shim.js 8.18 kB {0} [built]
[507] ./~/strip-ansi/index.js 161 bytes {0} [built]
[509] ./~/url/url.js 23.3 kB {0} [built]
[511] (webpack)-dev-server/client/overlay.js 3.73 kB {0} [built]
[512] (webpack)-dev-server/client/socket.js 897 bytes {0} [built]
[513] (webpack)/hot/emitter.js 77 bytes {0} [built]
[515] multi (webpack)-dev-server/client?http://localhost:8080 babel-polyfill ./src/index.js 52 bytes {0} [built]
+ 501 hidden modules
webpack: Compiled successfully.
This means the project is actively being 'build' when you change any of the files in the /src
folder. Any change you make to any file in the /src
folder will rebuild the ml5.js
and the ml5.min.js
- Develop!
Create a new folder called /experiments
in the project's root folder. Create an index.html
file and add the following:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../../dist/ml5.js"></script>
This is just a simple html
file that has a reference to the ml5
Now open the file /src/index.js
and modify the first lines:
'use strict';
console.log('ML5 loaded');
To something like this:
'use strict';
console.log('Hello Test Development!');
If you now go to http://localhost:8080/experiments/index.html
and open the console, you should see Hello Test Development!
. Now try changing any other file. Webpack will rebuild the library for you. So if you reload the index.html
page you should see your changes.
- Once you have test it, you can build the library. Just close the
and run
npm run build
That should output something very similar to the webpack-dev-server
but you'll notice that at the end is this line:
> [email protected] build:min /Users/cristobalvalenzuela/Desktop/sandbox/ml5
> uglifyjs dist/ml5.js -o dist/ml5.min.js
Which means the library was successfully build and minified.
- (OPTIONAL) Commit your changes. We are using commitizen to commit changes. Commitizen is a tool that allows you to specify commit in a more precise way. You can run it instead of your regular
git commit -m 'msg'
npm run commit
That will show you an interactive prompt to commit:
? Select the type of change that you're committing: (Use arrow keys)
❯ feat: A new feature
fix: A bug fix
docs: Documentation only changes
style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
perf: A code change that improves performance
test: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests
Just be sure to add files before running commitizen!
- Push your code and make a Pull Request!
This project uses Jest to run unit tests.
Jest is an open-source framework to run javascript tests.
If you are unfamiliar with running unit tests on Javascript, consider watching this tutorial.
We recommend having two open tabs in your terminal window: one monitoring your source code (as shown above) and another watching for unit tests.
To start the test environment, run:
npm run test:dev
This will watch for files changes and run tests when necessary.
If you just want to check if all tests are passing:
npm run test
The ML5 website is built with Docusaurus.
Docusaurus is an open-source library, built with React, to create and maintain documentation websites.
All the website content and documentation lives in the master branch but website is served from gh-pages
Almost all the content for the website can be found in markdown under the docs/
folder at the root level of the repository.
The naming convention we are using is the following:
- Examples are named:
examples-[name of example].md
- API Reference files are named:
- Glossary:
If you wish to help develop the website, first you'll need to install the necessary dependencies for Docusaurus.
From the root of the project run:
cd website
npm install
And then start the development server:
npm run start
This wil create a server that will reload whenever there are changes in the website source code.
To build the website run:
npm run build