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Janith Disanayake edited this page May 26, 2024 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Arduino-Robot wiki!

Arduino Robot

Making Line Following & Object Avoiding Robot using Arduino


  • All Files of Robot
  • Testing Files Also included
  • myRobot code is made by our own hand
  • compounents are mentioned below
  • newlineFollower just included the Line Following code
  • myRobotX is the Final Code

Items we used

  1. Arduino Uno R3
  2. L298 Motor Driver
  3. Car chassis pack
  4. Battries
  5. Wheels
  6. Ultra Sonic Sensor
  7. Infared Sensors
  8. Servo Motor
  9. Bread Board
  10. Jumpers

Apps and Tools


How It follows the line

     A) Both IR LEDs are on the line. Robot car should move forward.

     B) The Right IR LED is on the line while the left deviates to the left. Robot car should turn to the right.

     C) The Left IR LED is on the line while the right deviates to the right. Robot car should turn to the left.

How It avoids obstacles

The basic principle behind the working of ultrasonic sensor is to note down the time
taken by sensor to transmit ultrasonic beams and receiving the ultrasonic beams after
hitting the surface. Then further the distance is calculated.

Schematics and circuit diagrams


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