diff --git a/events/imperia_british_republican_flag_events.txt b/events/imperia_british_republican_flag_events.txt
index 1199f774b..61af7f069 100644
--- a/events/imperia_british_republican_flag_events.txt
+++ b/events/imperia_british_republican_flag_events.txt
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ british_republican_flag_events.1 = {
 	icon = "gfx/interface/icons/event_icons/event_newspaper.dds"
     title = british_republican_flag_events.1.t
     desc = british_republican_flag_events.1.desc
-    flavor = british_republican_flag_events.1.f
 	duration = 3
     trigger = {
         root ?= c:GBR
diff --git a/localization/english/imperia_misc_l_english.yml b/localization/english/imperia_misc_l_english.yml
index ab9df7c6c..7c3cbe975 100644
--- a/localization/english/imperia_misc_l_english.yml
+++ b/localization/english/imperia_misc_l_english.yml
@@ -137,8 +137,7 @@
  # British Republican flags
  british_republican_flag_events.1.t: "The British Republican Flag"
- british_republican_flag_events.1.desc: "The British Republican Flag will be hoisted over the capital, marking the end of the monarchy and the beginning of a new era. The flag is a symbol of the new [ROOT.GetCountry.GetNameNoFlag], and the people are proud to see it flying high.\nIt's just...\n\nWhich one should we choose?"
- british_republican_flag_events.1.f: "To retract, to retreat, is, at this time, absolutely impossible..."
+ british_republican_flag_events.1.desc: "The British Republican Flag will be hoisted over the capital, marking the end of the monarchy and the beginning of a new era. The flag is a symbol of the new [ROOT.GetCountry.GetNameNoFlag], and the people are proud to see it flying high. It's just...\nWhich one should we choose?"
  british_republican_flag_events.1.a: "The Spartacus Jack"
  british_republican_flag_events.1.b: "The Chartist Tricolour"