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Damyan Petev edited this page Feb 23, 2018 · 6 revisions

Introduced in Ignite UI CLI v1.2.0

ig config

The ig config command performs read and write operation on the Ignite UI CLI configuration settings.

Ignite UI CLI stores configuration in an ignite-ui-cli.json file matching the Config interface. Project structures created with Ignite UI CLI include such a file as local configuration. A per-user file can provide global defaults in case ig config is called with a --global flag . The global ignite-ui-cli.json file is stored under the current user home directory - usually /home/<user> for Unix and C:\Users\<user> for Windows.

The config command is split into sub-commands for each operation:

ig config <get|set|add> <property> [value]

The following properties are available globally:

Property Type Description
igPackageRegistry string The URL of the Infragistics Npm package registry
customTemplates string[] A list of paths to load additional templates from



ig config get <property>

--global (alias: -g) Specify if the global configuration value should be returned

Prints out the value for a given configuration property in the console. This value is effective - depending on global defaults and the current local project config (if not present in).


ig config set <property> <value>

--global (alias: -g) Specify if the global configuration value should be updated

Sets a the value for a given configuration property.


ig config add <property> <value>

--global (alias: -g) Specify if the global configuration value should be updated

Adds a value to a configuration list.