diff --git a/components/frontend/src/__fixtures__/fixtures.js b/components/frontend/src/__fixtures__/fixtures.js
index df01fd9c9d..cd51a2e59d 100644
--- a/components/frontend/src/__fixtures__/fixtures.js
+++ b/components/frontend/src/__fixtures__/fixtures.js
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ export const dataModel = {
metrics: {
metric_type: { name: "Metric type", tags: [] },
+ sources: {
+ source_type: { name: "Source type", metrics: ["metric_type"], parameters: {} },
+ },
export const report = {
@@ -42,7 +45,7 @@ export const report = {
type: "metric_type",
tags: ["other tag"],
target: "1",
- sources: { source_uuid: { name: "Source" } },
+ sources: { source_uuid: { name: "Source", type: "source_type" } },
status: "target_not_met",
recent_measurements: [],
latest_measurement: { count: 1 },
@@ -54,7 +57,7 @@ export const report = {
tags: ["tag"],
target: "2",
issue_ids: ["ABC-42"],
- sources: { source_uuid2: { name: "Source 2" } },
+ sources: { source_uuid2: { name: "Source 2", type: "source_type" } },
status: "informative",
recent_measurements: [],
latest_measurement: { count: 2 },
diff --git a/components/frontend/src/measurement/MeasurementValue.jsx b/components/frontend/src/measurement/MeasurementValue.jsx
index 73348294db..90aafa2149 100644
--- a/components/frontend/src/measurement/MeasurementValue.jsx
+++ b/components/frontend/src/measurement/MeasurementValue.jsx
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import {
+ isSourceConfigurationComplete,
} from "../utils"
import { IgnoreIcon, LoadingIcon } from "../widgets/icons"
@@ -104,6 +105,7 @@ export function MeasurementValue({ metric, reportDate }) {
value = formatMetricValue(scale, value)
const unit = getMetricUnit(metric, dataModel)
const stale = isMeasurementStale(metric, reportDate)
+ const complete = isSourceConfigurationComplete(dataModel, metric)
const outdated = isMeasurementOutdated(metric)
const requested = isMeasurementRequested(metric)
const hasIgnoredEntities = sum(ignoredEntitiesCount(metric.latest_measurement)) > 0
@@ -115,6 +117,10 @@ export function MeasurementValue({ metric, reportDate }) {
This may indicate a problem with Quality-time itself. Please contact a system administrator.
+ The source configuration of this metric is not complete. Add at least one source and make sure
+ all mandatory parameters for all sources have been provided.
The source configuration of this metric was changed after the latest measurement.
@@ -143,7 +149,7 @@ export function MeasurementValue({ metric, reportDate }) {
- {measurementValueLabel(hasIgnoredEntities, stale, outdated || requested, value)}
+ {measurementValueLabel(hasIgnoredEntities, stale, complete && (outdated || requested), value)}
diff --git a/components/frontend/src/measurement/MeasurementValue.test.jsx b/components/frontend/src/measurement/MeasurementValue.test.jsx
index 9d8f62abd2..69e9fa1652 100644
--- a/components/frontend/src/measurement/MeasurementValue.test.jsx
+++ b/components/frontend/src/measurement/MeasurementValue.test.jsx
@@ -13,14 +13,21 @@ function renderMeasurementValue({
status = null,
type = "violations",
unit = null,
+ url = "https://example.org",
} = {}) {
return render(
it("renders an unkown value", async () => {
const { container } = renderMeasurementValue({ latest_measurement: { count: { value: null } } })
+ expect(screen.queryAllByTestId("LoopIcon").length).toBe(0)
await expectNoAccessibilityViolations(container)
it("renders a value that has not been measured yet", async () => {
const { container } = renderMeasurementValue()
+ expect(screen.queryAllByTestId("LoopIcon").length).toBe(0)
+ await expectNoAccessibilityViolations(container)
+it("renders a value that can not be measured yet", async () => {
+ const { container } = renderMeasurementValue({
+ latest_measurement: {
+ count: { value: 1 },
+ outdated: true,
+ start: new Date().toISOString(),
+ end: new Date().toISOString(),
+ },
+ url: "",
+ })
+ expect(screen.getAllByText(/1/).length).toBe(1)
+ expect(screen.queryAllByTestId("LoopIcon").length).toBe(0)
await expectNoAccessibilityViolations(container)
diff --git a/components/frontend/src/metric/MetricDetails.jsx b/components/frontend/src/metric/MetricDetails.jsx
index 978a2dc199..6048a1af97 100644
--- a/components/frontend/src/metric/MetricDetails.jsx
+++ b/components/frontend/src/metric/MetricDetails.jsx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import {
import { Logo } from "../source/Logo"
import { SourceEntities } from "../source/SourceEntities"
import { Sources } from "../source/Sources"
-import { getSourceName, isMeasurementRequested } from "../utils"
+import { getSourceName, isMeasurementRequested, isSourceConfigurationComplete } from "../utils"
import { ButtonRow } from "../widgets/ButtonRow"
import { ActionButton } from "../widgets/buttons/ActionButton"
import { DeleteButton } from "../widgets/buttons/DeleteButton"
@@ -37,16 +37,22 @@ import { MetricDebtParameters } from "./MetricDebtParameters"
import { TrendGraph } from "./TrendGraph"
function RequestMeasurementButton({ metric, metric_uuid, reload }) {
+ const dataModel = useContext(DataModel)
+ const configurationComplete = isSourceConfigurationComplete(dataModel, metric)
const measurementRequested = isMeasurementRequested(metric)
return (
onClick={() => set_metric_attribute(metric_uuid, "measurement_requested", new Date().toISOString(), reload)}
- popup={`Measure this metric as soon as possible`}
+ popup={
+ configurationComplete
+ ? "Measure this metric as soon as possible"
+ : "The source configuration of this metric is not complete. Add at least one source and make sure all mandatory parameters for all sources have been provided."
+ }
diff --git a/components/frontend/src/metric/MetricDetails.test.jsx b/components/frontend/src/metric/MetricDetails.test.jsx
index deeb6d684d..20f595e250 100644
--- a/components/frontend/src/metric/MetricDetails.test.jsx
+++ b/components/frontend/src/metric/MetricDetails.test.jsx
@@ -76,7 +76,11 @@ const dataModel = {
subjects: { subject_type: { metrics: ["violations"] } },
-async function renderMetricDetails(stopFilteringAndSorting, connection_error, failLoadingMeasurements) {
+async function renderMetricDetails({
+ stopFilteringAndSorting = null,
+ connection_error = null,
+ failLoadingMeasurements = false,
+} = {}) {
measurement_api.get_metric_measurements.mockImplementation(() => {
if (failLoadingMeasurements) {
return Promise.reject(new Error("failed to load measurements"))
@@ -152,7 +156,7 @@ it("removes the existing hashtag from the URL to share", async () => {
it("displays whether sources have errors", async () => {
- const { container } = await renderMetricDetails(null, "Connection error")
+ const { container } = await renderMetricDetails({ connection_error: "Connection error" })
await expectNoAccessibilityViolations(container)
@@ -165,7 +169,7 @@ it("displays whether sources have warnings", async () => {
it("moves the metric", async () => {
const mockCallback = vi.fn()
- await renderMetricDetails(mockCallback)
+ await renderMetricDetails({ stopFilteringAndSorting: mockCallback })
await act(async () => fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole("button", { name: /Move metric to the last row/ })))
@@ -189,9 +193,16 @@ it("measures the metric", async () => {
+it("does not measure the metric if the metric source configuration is not complete", async () => {
+ dataModel.sources["sonarqube"].parameters = { url: { mandatory: true, metrics: ["violations"] } }
+ await renderMetricDetails()
+ fireEvent.click(screen.getByText(/Measure metric/))
+ expect(fetch_server_api.fetch_server_api).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
it("fails to load measurements", async () => {
- const { container } = await renderMetricDetails(null, null, true)
+ const { container } = await renderMetricDetails({ failLoadingMeasurements: true })
expect(screen.queryAllByText(/Loading measurements failed/).length).toBe(1)
await expectNoAccessibilityViolations(container)
diff --git a/components/frontend/src/utils.jsx b/components/frontend/src/utils.jsx
index 9ea3aeb2dc..d6cd76592a 100644
--- a/components/frontend/src/utils.jsx
+++ b/components/frontend/src/utils.jsx
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { PERMISSIONS } from "./context/Permissions"
import { defaultDesiredResponseTimes } from "./defaults"
import { STATUSES_NOT_REQUIRING_ACTION } from "./metric/status"
import {
+ dataModelPropType,
@@ -104,12 +105,36 @@ export function isMeasurementOutdated(metric) {
if (metric.latest_measurement) {
return metric.latest_measurement.outdated ?? false
- return Object.keys(metric.sources ?? {}).length > 0 // If there are sources, measurement is needed
+ return false
isMeasurementOutdated.propTypes = {
metric: metricPropType,
+export function isSourceConfigurationComplete(dataModel, metric) {
+ // Return whether the metric can be measured, meaning that there is at least one source and all sources have
+ // all mandatory parameters configured
+ const sources = Object.values(metric.sources ?? {})
+ if (sources.length === 0) {
+ return false
+ }
+ return sources.every((source) => {
+ const parameters = dataModel.sources[source.type].parameters
+ return Object.entries(parameters).every(([parameterKey, parameter]) => {
+ if (parameter.mandatory && parameter.metrics.includes(metric.type) && !parameter.default_value) {
+ // If the parameter is mandatory, has no default value, and is applicable to the metric,
+ // check if it is configured:
+ return source?.parameters?.[parameterKey]
+ }
+ return true
+ })
+ })
+isSourceConfigurationComplete.propTypes = {
+ dataModel: dataModelPropType,
+ metric: metricPropType,
export function isMeasurementRequested(metric) {
if (metric.measurement_requested) {
if (metric.latest_measurement) {
diff --git a/components/frontend/src/utils.test.jsx b/components/frontend/src/utils.test.jsx
index 58d2af5132..680a87be59 100644
--- a/components/frontend/src/utils.test.jsx
+++ b/components/frontend/src/utils.test.jsx
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import {
+ isSourceConfigurationComplete,
@@ -509,14 +510,43 @@ it("returns whether a metric's measurement is outdated", () => {
// A metric without measurements with an empty collection of sources is not outdated:
expect(isMeasurementOutdated({ sources: {} })).toBe(false)
- // A metric without measurements but with a source is outdated:
- expect(isMeasurementOutdated({ sources: { source_uuid: {} } })).toBe(true)
+ // A metric without measurements but with a source is not outdated:
+ expect(isMeasurementOutdated({ sources: { source_uuid: {} } })).toBe(false)
// A metric with an up-to-date measurement is not outdated:
expect(isMeasurementOutdated({ latest_measurement: {} })).toBe(false)
// A metric with an outdated measurement is outdated:
expect(isMeasurementOutdated({ latest_measurement: { outdated: true } })).toBe(true)
+it("returns whether a metric can be measured", () => {
+ const dataModel = {
+ sources: { source_type: { parameters: { url: { mandatory: true, metrics: ["metric_type"] } } } },
+ }
+ const metric = { type: "metric_type" }
+ // A metric without sources is not measurable:
+ expect(isSourceConfigurationComplete(dataModel, metric)).toBe(false)
+ // A metric with a source without parameters is not measurable:
+ metric.sources = { source_uuid: { type: "source_type" } }
+ expect(isSourceConfigurationComplete(dataModel, metric)).toBe(false)
+ // A metric with a source with empty parameters is measurable:
+ metric.sources["source_uuid"].parameters = {}
+ expect(isSourceConfigurationComplete(dataModel, metric)).toBe(false)
+ // A metric with a source with mandatory parameters configured is measurable:
+ metric.sources["source_uuid"].parameters["url"] = "https://example.org"
+ expect(isSourceConfigurationComplete(dataModel, metric)).toBe(true)
+ // Non-mandatory parameters that are not configured don't make the metric unmeasurable:
+ dataModel.sources["source_type"].parameters["username"] = { mandatory: false, metrics: ["metric_type"] }
+ expect(isSourceConfigurationComplete(dataModel, metric)).toBe(true)
+ // Mandatory parameters for other metrics that are not configured don't make the metric unmeasurable:
+ metric.sources["source_uuid"].parameters["password"] = { mandatory: true, metrics: ["other_metric_type"] }
+ expect(isSourceConfigurationComplete(dataModel, metric)).toBe(true)
+ // A metric with a source with mandatory parameters that has a default value for a mandatory parameter is
+ // measurable:
+ dataModel.sources["source_type"].parameters["url"]["default_value"] = "https://example.org"
+ metric.sources["source_uuid"].parameters = {}
+ expect(isSourceConfigurationComplete(dataModel, metric)).toBe(true)
it("returns the reference documentation URL", () => {
const url = `${DOCUMENTATION_URL}/reference.html`
// Simple name
diff --git a/docs/src/changelog.md b/docs/src/changelog.md
index ba84ce9ca4..1fc960c1bc 100644
--- a/docs/src/changelog.md
+++ b/docs/src/changelog.md
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ If your currently installed *Quality-time* version is not the latest version, pl
### Fixed
+- When adding a new source to a metric, don't show the spinner until the source has been configured sufficiently to start collecting data. Fixes [#9994](https://github.com/ICTU/quality-time/issues/9994).
- Increase contrast for disabled items in the menu bar. Fixes [#10840](https://github.com/ICTU/quality-time/issues/10840).
- Links to documentation on Read the Docs for subjects, metrics, or sources with hyphens in their name wouldn't scroll to the right location. Fixes [#10843](https://github.com/ICTU/quality-time/issues/10843).
- Metric details were not shown in exports to PDF. Fixes [#10845](https://github.com/ICTU/quality-time/issues/10845).