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Connecting to admin console

Greg Fodor edited this page Mar 25, 2019 · 5 revisions


  • Make sure you have the 2FA token set up
  • Make sure your account has had the admin bit flipped. To do so, contact a team member with your account ID which can be found in the Javascript console when loading a Hubs room in the line that says with "Logged into account <ACCOUNT_ID>"
  • Clone out the Hubs Ops repo somewhere
  • Make sure you have a working copy of Hubs running locally (see the README)
  • Add "hubs.local" as a pointer to localhost (or your local VM running Hubs) in your hosts file. On Windows this is in C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts -- make sure https://hubs.local:8080 works.

Using admin console

To connect and use the admin console:

  • In the hubs-ops repo, run the bin/ script to open an SSL tunnel to PostgREST. You'll be prompted for a 2fa token.

  • Once tunneled, hit https://hubs.local:3000 in your browser and accept the certificate. (This is unverified TLS over a secure SSL tunnel, so it is reasonably safe to do so.) If you are paranoid, you'll want to make sure the SSL tunnel was opened successfully on port 3000 in the previous step, SSH will complain about a port already being is use if it failed to bind to the port. Once you've accepted the cert you should see a JSON blob responds describing the PostgREST service instance.

  • Once that works, simply hit in another tab when logged into your administrator account.

  • If you are ever gated on a login dialog, just fill anything in for username/password and submit. Your credentials from Hubs will be used regardless, and your secured connection to the server is over a private, 2fa-gated SSL tunnel -- the login dialog is just an unused UI flow.