- Git
- CMake
- Ninja build system
- Add executable/app path to PATH environment variable.
- GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain
- Remove blank spaces from the installation folder e.g. **C:\Arm-GNU-Toolchain-arm-none-eabi\xx.y-relz.
- Update SYSTEM_CLOCK value for corrosponding compiler in tx_initialize_low_level.S.
- For ARMv8-M architecture (m22, m33, m55 and m85), based on the security mode, define TX_SINGLE_MODE_NON_SECURE or TX_SINGLE_MODE_SECURE in tx_user.in.
$ build.sh [clean | init | update | master | pull]
$ build.sh init
$ build.sh master
$ build.sh pull
$ build.sh update
$ build.sh clean
$ build.sh